City of Tempe, AZ 4-2 Amended Zoning and Development Code [October 4, 2007] Chapter 6 - Parking . We recently wrote an article on How to Secure Windows, you can view the many options there for a solution to your need. An accessory structure may be located in the required rear, side, and street side yard setbacks provided that required separation for applicable building codes is provided. Codes vary on patio style doors; you may also need to add ancillary keyed or height-appropriate latches to these doors as well. ACME Locksmith sells padlocks which can be keyed to match your home for a reasonable cost, making this a convenient option as well. No. In places which allow it, a simple padlock is certainly the least expensive solution (check out our links shown above) as larger gates weigh more, and getting them to self-close and latch consistently can be nearly impossible on poorly constructed gates. If construction is complete on the building or structure in violation, then the resolution will typically take into consideration whether it is possible or practical to move the structure. WHAT IS MY ZONING? Accessory structures shall not be located in the required front yard building setback. 1. 0000089730 00000 n City of Tempe Consequently, developers and property owners can now enter into property transactions without fear that the transaction creates a self-imposed special circumstance that would prohibit an area variance. Owning the city of phoenix requirements, to the way. The single-family attached development option must meet Section 608.F.8 requirements. Website Design by Granicus - Connecting People and Government. before 2000 and be located within Tempe city limits. City of Tempe P. O. These then must be compared to superior code requirements (such as county or state), with the more restrictive taking precedence. These setback laws can encompass ventilation and views so that new structures will not block regular access to light or views on the property. If, on the other hand, the gate works wonderfully and just needs to be secured for pool code compliance, many locksmiths can do welding modifications to add self-locking gate latches or address the self-closing aspect with heavy-duty gate closer devices. All building applications require the completion of an application form and submission of required information. G-6331, 2017). 000@zpjqZ f2z\p )\.|2r\Z:2+]ZU! A common violation for this code is when a property constructs a gazebo to close to the rear property line. 0000001125 00000 n Staff is available to answer questions about residential permits, building and zoning code requirements. ft.), 20' adjacent to a public street; this area is be in common ownership unless lots front on the perimeter public street; 15' adjacent to property line, 2 stories and 30' for first 150'; 1' in 5' increase to 48' high and 4 stories, Primary structure, not including attached shade structures: 40%, Multiple-family and single-family attached. Job specializations: IT/Tech. The homeowner or contractor can make the application for a permit, but it is the responsibility of the homeowner to ensure a permit is secured and posted on the job site. hVmk8+x]2BR G-3529, 1992; Ord. G-3498, 1992; Ord. In no case shall the minimum setback be less than 10'. e.The lot shall only have vehicular access from an arterial or collector street. hb```v ``0p\px'}(*dsObhe8 i~^8d_vBcq\D~ydLb> Zq4f" Responsibilities After Obtaining A Permit e.A minimum of 100 square feet of usable outdoor open space per bed shall be provided. 8. In general, a building permit is required when any structural change or major alteration is made to a building or when any new construction is undertaken. How Much Does A Permit Cost? 6. No. Check the zoning ordinance for the minimum side or rear yard setbacks (the horizontal distance between a building, structure or wall from the property line), for the distance an awning can project into the required setbacks, Prefabricated above-ground swimming pools with a capacity of less than 5000 gallons of water, Painting, floor covering or interior trim work, Roofing repair or replacement with the same materials unless roof sheathing (the plywood under the shingles) is replaced, A portable heating appliance, portable ventilating equipment, portable cooling equipment or portable evaporative cooler. In a traditional deadbolt, the deadbolt has to be thrown to be used. The replacement of a component part or assembly of an appliance which does not alter its original use, e.g. Email:Contact Planning staff 0 Links to additional information about City codes can be found below. SETBACK DISTANCE CHART The design of the On-Site Wastewater Treatment Facility shall comply with the setbacks indicated below. Planning Division gV8$IiqP3aY8`Jg)KvZf>G={_/UWr`NM=n)iy[][ =k AJ)coiUuAIq4XjIu2&C6E[3^ }q|sU)7WCCF_i|hZt8iVu_eCiz`")?Xq]S)}>,p3EBK(c1cXhBQ@gmac!F.%CqRZz* 309 0 obj <> endobj Landlords and renters Violations Building/Structure. While the predominant housing type is expected to be single-family dwelling, provisions are made for alternative housing types within the same density limits. 0000005486 00000 n Disclaimer: The City Clerks Office has the official version of the Phoenix Zoning Ordinance. 3. The simple idea behind these laws is to keep residential and commercial buildings from being built too close together. Building Code Exceptions, An application for a permit may be made at the Community Development Department, Permit Counter, located in City Hall at 31 E. 5th Street, Garden Level, East side. No. Adult day care center, subject to a use permit; and provided, that: a. Our favorites is the Magna Lock sold on Amazon because the lock release is very high up and out of reach. No. No. Share & Bookmark, Press Enter to show all options, press Tab go to next option, Community Development Project Assistance Team, City Hall, 31 E. 5th St., Tempe, AZ 85281. Achieve monthly sales goals and improve year over year company revenue. Do I Always Need A Permit? Such home shall be registered with, and administratively verified by, the Planning and Development Department Directors designee, as to compliance with the standards of this section as provided in Section 701. b. Please enable JavaScript in your browser for a better user experience. G-4078, 1998; Ord. If your city pool code has one, you want to be sure you buy a product that is listed as meeting that standard, or you may wind up still out of compliance after installation. This site does not support Internet Explorer. No. No. The Community Development Department is now offering customers the ability to submit ALL Planning Division applications online through the Tempe Citizen Access (TCA) Portal! 2. %%EOF This months Real Estate Pulse with Ben Gottlieb and AZ Big Media, Patrick MacQueen and Ben Gottlieb have been selected to The Best Lawyers in America G-5561, 2010; Ord. Such structures are subject to the following standards: 1. The first step for a homeowner is to file a Notice of Intent (NOI) to Discharge form. Submittals by fax, mail, or over the counter will no longer be accepted after the effective date. trailer A. 0000101479 00000 n A free-standing wall surrounding the pool, or, A barrier that includes the yard fence as a portion of the barrier, or. Maintaining adequate distance from property boundaries helps to ensure that each property owner can have continued enjoyment of their own property. 0000001295 00000 n ff`xn For Arizona, the pool code is found in statute A.R.S. The homeowner is responsible for obtaining a permit for the proposed project and for posting it on site. Building permit fees are based on the estimated costs and fair market evaluation of the project. Community residence center, subject to a use permit and the following conditions: a. No. 36-1681. Provide maximum allowable coverage pursuant to the zoning ordinance and ac. Residential Remodel xb```e`` :@(_2Yp-(66@Z"@2q=P "Y/3. G-5380, 2009; Ord. Many claims of setback violations start with one party alleging a violation of setback ordinances by a neighboring party. G-5561, 2010; Ord. Plan Review Fee (not applicable on flat fee permits, check Table 2-A Miscellaneous Fee) Basics for Landlords Evan Anderson Realty Executives 4500 S . endstream endobj 6162 0 obj <>stream Management. This section is included in your selections. The caveat is that ANY other property access gate that is along the perimeter wall leading into the pool area also need to have the same locking standards above. Free viewers are required for some of the attached documents.They can be downloaded by clicking on the icons below. Share & Bookmark, Press Enter to show all options, press Tab go to next option. Vqgo For questions regarding the 2018 Phoenix Fire Code, please contact us at 602-262-6771 or by email at 2018 Explanatory Policies Explanatory materials approved by the Fire Marshal are intended to clarify the application of the fire code and are indicated in the fire code by a diamond () in the margin. Tempe, Arizona 85281, Phone: 480-350-4311 Just be sure to order the lock that is the same as your home keyway, then bring it into your local locksmith shop to key it up to your house key. Government Community Development Building Safety Permit Issuance & Plan Review, What Is A Permit? We have the perfect climate for them, and having a swimming pool means you can entertain in another space at your home almost the whole year round. G-4857, 2007; Ord. This can range from moving a fence to a complete teardown of a building or addition. Setback ordinances are laws which govern how close you can build to property boundaries. Must meet setbacks provided in setback item #11 or municipal requirements, whichever distance is greater. (3)These standards apply only to single-family, detached development built or subdivided under the subdivision option prior to May 1, 1998. 0 \7G C. Conformance to Approved Plans Required. (3)For the purposes of this section, canal rights-of-way shall be treated the same as public street rights-of-way. Lot coverage, as defined in this Code, for accessory structures shall be included in the overall maximum allowed in the district. No. The Development Services Permit Counter is located at 31 E. 5thStreet, Tempe AZ 85281, east side of Garden Level. These will auto lock when the door is closed and if auto-locking is required by city pool code, a double sided deadbolt with a gate latch is ideal. Two (2) sets of Truss Calculations (if applicable, the plan reviewer will determine applicability) One thing to note. 6158 0 obj <> endobj No community residence center shall be located on a lot with a property line within 1,320 feet, measured in a straight line in any direction, of the lot line of another community residence home or center within a residential zoning district. 0000001033 00000 n 0000000016 00000 n If your property suffered losses or your property was damaged by a neighboring home or business that violated setback ordinances, then you might be entitled to monetary compensation. The second resolution is an injunction to move the structure in violation of setback ordinances. I am an interdisciplinary socio-environmental scientist with a deep interest in energy, the environment, and our climate. startxref <<82956090ab003c4c8a6d1ddf600cf167>]>> No. Effective Tuesday, May 12th, 2020, all submittals MUST be submitted through the portal. Check with your city. No. estate attorney can be subcontracted. 16 25 ft. per grading and drainage ordinance requirements. "TP&F ! The requested information could not be loaded. The following tables establish standards to be used in the R1-6 district. Contact us today at 602-533-2840 to schedule an initial consultation or make an appointment online. On a through lot, an accessory structure shall not be located closer to the rear property line than the distance required for the front yard building setback; and. Full Time position. If you are the party which is seeking an exception to the zoning law, you will need to petition for a variance, or exception, to the zoning laws if you feel that the setback ordinance is inhibiting your ability to improve your property. G-4078, 1998; Ord. Perimeter common: trees spaced a maximum of 20 to 30 feet on center (based on species) or in equivalent groupings, and 5 shrubs per tree. In the case, a pawn shop operator was denied a variance for an ordinance which required the exterior walls of a pawn shop to be located at least 500 feet from a residential district. G-3498, 1992; Ord. IT Executive and Contingent Workforce Staffing. 0000002358 00000 n How to Guides for Preliminary Site Plan Review and Formal Planning Applications are available on the Planning Divisions Applications, Forms, and Permits web page. No group home shall be located on a lot with a property line within 1,320 feet, measured in a straight line in any direction, of the lot line of another group home, boarding house, or community residence home or center within a residential zoning district. The attorneys at M&G Law have significant experience with setback ordinances and can help you pursue the best course of action. Community Development Project Assistance Team, Breakfast with Berdetta - All Things Financial, File pro/con arguments for Tempes May 16 election between Jan. 13-Feb. 15, Development Review Commission Study Session, City Hall, 31 E. 5th St., Tempe, AZ 85281. B. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the Community Development front counter is closed to the public and the Planning Division is implementing safety measures by accepting online submittals and resubmittals. No. G-3553, 1992; Ord. In the state of Arizona,, Homeowner associations (HOA) in Arizona are common. Continue with Recommended Cookies. G-3529, 1992; Ord. No. No. Technical Analyst Data Lake and EDW. Combination padlocks are acceptable, too, and ACME Locksmith carries several styles at all of our locations. 0000101234 00000 n 0 0000001947 00000 n (1)For purposes of this section, canal rights-of-way shall be treated the same as public street rights-of-way. (Ord. There are various requirements depending on the pool barrier classification, but in the most general terms, the Arizona pool code requirements are as follows: There are different specifications which apply to different pool situations, but each pool code compliance situation has lock solutions that ACME Locksmith, or your local locksmith, can help with. A copy of the adopted Codes can be found on the ICC website. A business building a new structure or adding to their existing property near a residential area, can also violate setback ordinances and potentially face in a legal claim. Show proposed setback dimensions from buildings to property lines, sidewalks, and between buildings. Use the Great Places in America Story Map below to discover other Great Places throughout the United States! Ordinances Regulations Codes Abatement Ordinance (P-11) 7. Mill Avenue was recognized by the American Planning Association as one of the "Great Streets in America"! replacing an old ceiling fan with a new one, Temporary decorative lighting that does not require rewiring, The re-installation of a switch or receptacle in the same location, The repair or replacement of a circuit breaker or fuse of the same rating and in the same location, Electrical wiring, devices, appliances or equipment that operates at less than 25 volts and that is not capable of supplying more than 50 watts. No. What Are Safe Fire Ratings? Your proposed project must comply with the zoning code. These doors must be self-closing and self-latching, as before. A permit ensures the City Development Services/Inspections Division will inspect the work. 336 0 obj <>stream c.Disability accommodation from the spacing requirement may be requested by an applicant per Section 701.E.3. Your local locksmith can do this for you. If in doubt, call the Community Development Department at 480-350-4311. A site plan in accordance with Section 507 is required for all development in the R-2, R-3, R-3A, R-4, R-4A and R-5 districts except when the development consists of single-family dwellings on individual lots. The single-family attached development option must meet Section 608.F.8 requirements. Project Manager. If in doubt, call the Community Development Department at 480-350-4311. Single-Family, Detached Development, Minimum lot width (in the event of horizontal property regimes, "lot" shall refer to the width of the structure and exclusive use area), 45' minimum (unless approved by either the design advisor or the Single-Family Architectural Appeals Board for demonstrating enhanced architecture that minimizes the impact of the garage (see Section 507 Tab A.2.12.1 B(2)(b) [sic])), None, except 110' adjacent to freeway or arterial. Fax: 480-350-8560 No. Community Development Department, Development Services Division Telephone List G-4111, 1998; Ord. What you will need for: Table A. There shall not be any gaps within 24 inches of the latch with openings greater than inch. Once a permit has been obtained from the Community Development Department, there are certain responsibilities placed on the homeowner/contractor. Once they have started the construction, it makes the remedy more difficult and often results in a lawsuit because it can be hard to convince someone to simply scrap their new project once construction has commenced. ZONING AND DEVELOPMENT CODE City of TEMPE, ARIZONA Codified through Ordinance No. No. (4) When the building is located within 300' of a residential zoning district or is within the Airport . . The definitions of terms used in these standards are found in Section 608.I. The Phoenix Zoning Ordinance is current through Ordinance G-7013, passed September 7, 2022. 480 858-2073 (Inspection fax) Disclaimer: The City Clerks Office has the official version of the Phoenix Zoning Ordinance. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. The metrics we will use for these examples follow the Arizona Revised Statute figures; actual figures may be different for your city. Users should contact the City Clerks Office for ordinances passed subsequent to the ordinance cited above. Table B. In order to meet code, every exit from the residence and every window which opens to the pool area must be secured and, in some regions, even alarmed. G-6331, 2017; Ord. No. The individual doing the work authorized by the permit must call for an inspection prior to covering or concealing the work. Click Here to be redirected to Accessory Structure in the City Code. For the most part, this is the same as the code for stand alone pool fencing above. 0000002257 00000 n The adopted provisions of the International Building Code and amendments thereto shall apply to the construction, alteration, movement, enlargement, replacement, repair, equipment, use and occupancy, location, removal and demolition of every building or structure or any appurtenances connected or attached to such buildings or structures. Group foster home subject to a use permit. 31 East Fifth Street Tempe, Arizona 85281 Phone: 480-350-4311 TDD: 480-350-8400 Fax: 480-350-8560 Email: Contact Planning staff Receive Development News Ryan Levesque Deputy Community Development Director - Planning Office Location / Parking Information Community Development/Planning is located at City Hall, Garden (lower) Level, on the east side. It is the responsibility of the homeowner or the contractor to obtain a building permit. ? No. We have. 6, Update 1) View what's changed This Code of Ordinances and/or any other documents that appear on this site may not reflect the most current legislation adopted by the Municipality. We cannot cover all code situations, but we can cover some common situations related to pool barrier code and suggest solutions. For this reason, the State of Arizona, and Arizona cities, have building codes in effect for homes that have above-ground and in-ground swimming pools, applicable to all new construction and, generally, in the sale or transfer of existing homes. Another idea that is often used in Arizona is to install the knob or the lever in the hole originally designed for the deadbolt and move the deadbolt down to the lower hole. These regulations provide standards for dwellings built at low and moderate densities. 480 350-4311 When a door is present, leading from the home into the pool area, there are a few solutions that can be used to meet the self latching code. 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