The blades are made of durable steel to ensure that they remain resilient against any hard surface and retain their sharp edges even after piercing through the wilds most robust skins. Based on the many broadheads I have tested, here is my scoring scale: Out of the Box Sharpness:0-200 gr: 10201-300 gr 9301-400 gr: 8401-500 gr: 7501-600 gr: 6601-700 gr: 5701-800 gr: 4801-900 gr: 3901-1000 gr: 21001-1100 gr: 11101+ gr: 0 Ease to resharpen or replace blades is judged \u0026 given 2% of the score. I've been looking at the Exodus hard, but I think I'm going to need to stick to a single bevel(Kudupoints) or a double bevel with bleeders(Stinger Buzzcut)for my setup. | Patents Pending. 150 GRAIN PROPRIETARY PIPELINE SR STAINLESS STEEL SCIENTIFIC METHOD, 150 GRAIN NON-VENTED PROPRIETARY PIPELINE SR STAINLESS STEEL #HOLYTRINITY, 150 GRAIN NON-VENTED PROPRIETARY BISHOP S7 TOOL STEEL #HOLYTRINITY, 150 GRAIN NON-VENTED PROPRIETARY BRIDGEPORT 41L40 TOOL STEEL #HOLYTRINITY, BACK IN STOCK!!! (With both being legal where you hunt). Each broadhead comes packed flat in a hand-made box that would make you feel like proposing or being proposed to. IRON WILL BROADHEAD BATTLE: 100 Gr Solid Double Bevel vs Single Bevel--2 of the Best in 2022. You will undoubtedly love the package the broadheads come in. This aligns the arrows momentum to drive through the animal instead of flexing and displacing momentum sideways. The broadhead lies flat in the box on a felt background. Correct, 312 IBO. I cant speak on the Iron Wills but Im confident with the Exodus. N1 Outdoors "Bowhunt" Leather Patch Hat (Realtree Timber/Black) $29.99 Select options N1 Outdoors N-Tune Nock Tuning Reflective Arrow Wraps (various designs) $17.99 - $26.99 Select options Just Pass'N Through Bowhunting Tee (Heather Brown) Sale $22.99 $9.00 Select options The support I receive from them has helped me improve my channelI also have some Broadhead Discount Codes I can share:SEVR: LUSKFIVE saves you $5 on any order \u0026 can be used on top of any online sales. It is slightly more forgiving in flight than the Exodus past 80 yards. You must epoxy the collar to the insert as well as the inside and outside of the arrow shaft. Super thick blades! ABOVE: SAD FACE of another hunter who let this awesome buck slip right through his fingers 150 GRAIN PROPRIETARY BISHOP S72/58 TOOL STEEL HOLYTRINITY, 150 GRAIN PROPRIETARY BISHOP S72/58 TOOL STEEL SCIENTIFIC METHOD, BACK IN STOCK!!! This should quiet the woods down next fall. 30"DL 80#. The blades are sharp and dangerous when handled carelessly. This means once you make a shot and hit your target, as they try to escape, the Iron Will Broadheads sharp edges will be cutting through and piercing even deeper. You can see the grown in fixed blade broadhead where the SAD FACE NOSE would be in the picture above. F.I.T.A, N.A.A., Collegiate Archery, And J.O.A.D. ANSWER: Yes, the EVO broadheads will fit any standard arrow. Lower Right: 200 Grain Proprietary Bishop S7 Machined Tool Steel Holy Trinity & Mammoth Arrow - Ended deer's months of suffering from walking around with a broken arrow and Rage Broadhead grown into it's hide. The downside to the iron will is if you lose it after shooting an animal your out $33 instead of $13 with the QAD. The blades, not so much. I have had a few once-in-a-lifetime tags, and not capitalizing on these hunts was something I did not want to stomach. Constructed from S30V, our blades will perform under the stress of hard impacts while retaining their all-important razor edge. HIGHLY TRAINED PROFESSIONAL IN THE VIDEO IN A CONTROLLED SETTING, 150 Grain Proprietary Bridgeport 41L40 Holy Trinity. Happy Hunting! I next shot the heads through a .22-gauge steel plate. Where Do Whitetail-Deer Go When it Rains? 600 Grain Proprietary Bishop S7 Scientific Method DG, WARNING: NEVER SHOOT INTO CONCRETE BRICKS. Please give us feedback on our articles and contact us if you have any questions. Iron Will's Single Bevel Broadheads are engineered to maintain the arrow's rotational spin through impact, resulting in a bone splitting effect and more tissue damage throughout the animal. Iron Will broadheads are $99 for 3 and I think they are well worth it. The quantity and quality of game my clients work their butts off to harvest, along with their hardcore bowhunting skill-sets never ceases to amaze and humble me. ANSWER: Yes, the Centric system is designed to be one piece once installed. I have spent way too much money on other gear this year so you have given me the confidence to try the QAD swept heads. Its condition is judged 1-10 \u0026 weighted to 12% of the score. 1. Best Broadheads for Elk: A Complete Buyers Guide. Now set the blade in between the sharpeners. VerticalScope Inc., 111 Peter Street, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada. But, on animal (. Id heard shooting at porcelain tiles was a good way to test a broadheads toughness. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Main Blade: 1 1/16" | Bleeder Blade: 3/4". The Sad Face Hunter above had to go back to the pro-shop and get out his wallet again to buy more "tough" over the counter face shaver stamped broadheadswhile the hunter below harvested this awesome buck that was walking around with the Sad Face Hunter's over the counter stamped broadhead grown into his hide. I emailed IW and asked for them to make a larger bleeder. Do this repeatedly with moderate pressure to avoid spoiling the blades edges. The Iron Will broadheads are basically the same design as the Day Six (and many other broadheads before those two existed). The one time I had a tip fold a tiny bit after hitting some gravely soil (after going through a shoulder blade) they replaced the blade no questions asked. PACKS OF THREE BROADHEADS. How long does it take to get arrows? First arrow penetrated both lungs, full passthrough, lodged in a tree. This is based on how the head flies for me, how well it spins, how \"sensitive\" the flight is to imperfections, \u0026 the exposed surface area of the blades. The blades are sharpened on the backside to make them free to move around in all directions, making it easy for you to pull the arrow out. As long as you own the broadheads, if any of them break or are damaged for any reason, they'll be replaced free of charge. (68 layers=8.74 pts each) Angled Penetration Test: How effectively does the head penetrate 1/4\" MDF covered by carpet at a 45 degree angle. Let us have a look at these six broadheads from the Iron Will family. 25 yards. Looking at buying my first bow. Ive shot both the swept and full, and dont see any difference at all. Now you are assuming I hunt out of a treestand and based upon your language you already have made your mind up on your opinion. Quick View. Our Bishop lifetime warranty is great, but the whole idea is that you never have to use it penetration after penetration - after penetration and harvested animal after harvested animal - after harvested animal. For those of you that have compared first hand to an Iron Will do you see a noticeable amount of penetration gain compared to the Exodus? S30v doesnt rust and they are very easy to resharpen. eres a good way to see the difference in the hole size. Day Six XLs here. Top Left: Cheesy celebrity TV bloodbath full page marketed broken arrow and Rage broadhead grown three inches into deer hide at a quartering to angle and pointing directly towards penetrating both lungsbut sadly FAR SHY from actually penetrating the lungs at all. You will appreciate the cut-on contact Tanto tip, which boosts the blades penetration and piercing powers. The back blades are sharp and agile for active internal hemorrhaging and easy movement when pulling the arrow out of the animals body. Have both in my quiver. Now with the S series broadheads, you even have a better chance of success when hunting. They are the sharpest and most durable I have ever used.. But from the leading edge? I would put on a collar that weighs 25gr, if I use the 125 gr head, then I will remove the collar so the tip weight and total arrow weight will remain the same. ABOVE: SAD FACE of another hunter who let this awesome buck slip right through his fingersFound competitor's 18-22 degree double-bevel shaving sharp commercialized pro-shop supposed "tough as nails" super duper split a hair in half sharp bevel design failing to cut inside body cavity and lodged inside the neckpathetically growing into the hide of this buck. Lets look at how you can safely sharpen your blades and maintain the high-power precision throughout. BELOW: HAPPY FACE100 Grain Bishop S7 Tool Steel Scientific Method 40 degree single-bevel machined head put this buck out of his misery. Took a bison last year with IW Buff 150s. I dare you to dry fire your bow with a mature deer standing 30 yards away and see the reaction. The tip was completely broken off. If you're using a heavy-ish setup on a fast bow and are looking for sheer bone-splitting power. VPA, kudu, cutthroat, or Simmons if you like to resharpen and reuse. It is easier for a head to make it to the 100gr weight if aluminum or titanium are used. I would buy both and shoot the hell out them this summer, and see what you think. All arrows make noise if they have vanes on themregardless of type of head. Heard nothing but good things about them. Ive shot both and tested both extensively and taken animals with both. They all still bit into my fingernail. Materials. This is admirable since most broadheads do not pass this test, if they manage to penetrate the 16-gauge steel, they suffer major fractures and sometimes get damaged completely. The tip is actually in good shape. Also, a bow is louder to the shooter than someone standing away from it. But, as you can see, it can still work out to 80. Check out this flat bar! That was a really interesting test into the center block. Engineered in conjunction with Aron Snyder, ferrules on Snyder Core broadheads sit deeper in micro diameter arrow shafts to bolster their impact strength. Iron Will uses A2. | Patents Pending. Cut throats are not noisy. And honestly, theres just very little difference between any of them. A forum community dedicated to bow and crossbow owners and archery enthusiasts. Therefore you need to take extra care anytime you handle the blades directly like when sharpening the blades. The entrance cut, total cut, \u0026 width of the cut (a crucial variable for bloodletting) are all scored: The entrance cut size is compared to a standard of 2.5\" then that fraction is weighted to 7% of the score. It is not surprising to hear some hunters complaining about how much more it costs to acquire the solid Iron Will Broadheads. The Muzzy bounced off and it had the most significant damage by far. Most arrows require Standard (8-32) Threads. For those who aren't merely content listening to hunting stories, but instead choose to boldly create their own adventures. Once done, the main blade will easily slide upwards from the ferrule leaving the bleeding blades free. You are using an out of date browser. Shop Now CENTRIC OUTSERT SYSTEM As Reliable As Science Allows for Once-in-a-Lifetime Hunts, With Components Engineered for Maximum Penetration and Durability. You can buy Iron Will's broadheads here . Durability (20%, 19.75 pts each) Each head is shot thru 1/2\" MDF 3 times. Deep Six Threads are designed to fit 4mm micro diameter shafts with HIT inserts that use the Deep Six thread pattern. It comes down to cost, durability, and performance. He put a pretty bad shot on a bull elk last year but still only went 80yds. I wanted to know how the edges held up, and all of them held up extremely well. As bow hunters, we have to make the most of every shot opportunity. Pigs are pretty tough animals and i got a complete pass through last week on a medium size sow at 30yds with 400gr arrow @ 265 fps using the Exodus. Iron Will Outfitters broadheads are made to be shot time and time again. So now I am gauging Flight Forgiveness. I wouldnt mind trying their single bevel option but Id rather wait to see if they are going to do a wide version of it. All killed deer too. I find the Iron Wills and Exxodus to fly very close and very accurate. 31,893 views Mar 1, 2020 352 Dislike Share Vital Point 1.83K subscribers Join me, Andrew Penzi of Vital Point, for this review of Iron Will. This Iron Will s150 closes the cheaper S seriess bracket with the qualities that you will love and appreciate. Id like to make it happen with my bow and currently debating switching up broadheads for better penetration. Precision engineered with high impact-strength materials for superb flight and maximum penetration from modern high-speed crossbows. Because of the blade angle, you can easily sharpen two blades at a time by laying the Holy Trinity down flat on the sharpening surface. Please allow 8 WEEKS for order processing and delivery of ALL in stock products as we continue to work on fulfilling the orders that we already have. Cant wait to use them! 200 GRAIN PROPRIETARY BISHOP S72/58 TOOL STEEL HOLYTRINITY, BACK IN STOCK!!! A subreddit to discuss all things bowhunting! Just shot a bear with the iron wills and the penetration was awesome. I can't tell you anything between the cutthroat and IW since all I have is the 100 IW heads And the 250 CT to compare, Elite remedy, Rx7 ultra, elite pulse, Athens Vista 35, franken hoyt carbon. This ensures it withstands and pierces any form of skin out there easily and sinks deeper faster for a quick kill. Co-designed with Aron Snyder to provide unmatched arrow connection strength and alignment for micro diameter arrows. Iron Will SINGLE BEVELS Broadhead Test 31,487 views Jan 12, 2021 597 Dislike Share Lusk Archery Adventures 26.5K subscribers Iron Will just came out with new single bevel with. Iron Will broadheads are engineered to be extremely sharp and stay that way. The biggest difference is penetration, blade steel, and rust resistance. Ideal for achieving precision flight and maximum penetration on unsuspecting large game like elk and moose. I never heard a cutthroat loud, not sure where that is coming from. This unmatched edge retention requires less force for a complete pass-through. Think back to the illustration of the straw vs. pencil vs. dart. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Bearing the same qualities of the standard Iron Will Broadhead, s125 is for you to buy if you are looking for a heavier broadhead. All Rights Reserved. AS ARROW COULD COME BACK AT YOU AND KILL YOU!!! 4-Blade Right Wing Bevel Screw-In Broadheads, 3-pack . Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. The 225 grains weight couples up with the other great qualities to give you the best results in your hunting endeavors. September can't come soon enough! Even though I have yet to test them out on an elk, I am very happy with the accuracy and sharpness of the QAD. Should I epoxy both the insert and collar part of the Centric system? Then, I found some 16-gauge, and man, it took a chunk out of it. 600 GRAIN PROPRIETARY BISHOP S72/58 TOOL STEEL SCIENTIFIC METHOD DG (THE FIREARM DISPATCH ELIMINATOR), BACK IN STOCK!!! The Iron Will S series Broadheads comprise a number of customized broadheads you may consider for your hunting. Anderson, SC, 2023 N1 Outdoors. But, then both of them penetrated actually all the way through. You reach us by our contact form on the page contact us. Helix 2 Blade Broadhead Right Wing $79.95 Hunor Huba Broadhead $59.95 G5 Striker $69.95 QAD Exodus Full Broadhead $69.95 QAD Exodus Swept Broadhead $69.95 Northern Broadheads 2 Blade $50.00 G5 Montec CS 3 Blade Broadhead 100gr. Tough, Smooth, and Reliable. JavaScript is disabled. Heres a look from the rear of the Holy Trinity. Ive taken a few animals with the Exodus. hit me up with an email in the contact form if you have any questions. Talk about thick! Mechanical Broadheads Are Expensive Compared to Fixed-Blades Iron Will broadheads come with some sticker shock, at first, but you can reuse them over and over. Choose a Snyder Core option only if your arrows are set up to conform with theSnyder Core System. When we talk of accuracy, it is not just about the targets that are readily close by. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.Privacy Policy. I am not worried about the grain difference between 100 or 125 as weight up front will be the same, with 100 gr. 2023 Iron Will Outfitters It is over three times stronger than any standard aluminum used in other broadhead ferrules. Now slide the main blade downwards into the slot until the hole and the main blade align into the center. If you want to learn how to sharpen, check out the ranch fairy on YouTube. At Iron Will, we engineer high quality broadheads, knives, and archery components for bow hunters that love the pursuit; for hunters like us. BONUS: DB \u0026 SB: +1 extra sharp blades +1 extra thick blades (.062\") +1 extra forgiving flightBONUS: SB: +.5 rotation in gel (15 degrees at 10.5\")Total DB Score: 87.98 pts = 9 Golden ArrowsTotal SB Score: 88.88 pts = 9 Golden ArrowsPrice : $36.65/head Special Notes:Please check out my sponsor, Stay Sharp Guide. When theres no deer, but you'll eat pork just the same!! Broadhead test pack - 100% Steel. Swarovski ATC 17-40x56mm Spotting Scope Review. 125 GRAIN NON-VENTED PROPRIETARY PIPELINE SR STAINLESS STEEL #HOLYTRINITY, BACK IN STOCK!!! By widening the tip as compared to more traditional broadheads, extra bone splitting strength and rigidity is added, preventing the bending or breaking that saps momentum and stops arrows in their tracks. Closing the list in the Iron Will S Series Broadheads family, the s225 is a force to reckon with in the hunting arena. The Iron Will broadhead, coupled with the archery skills that you have worked on all those years. We added the bleeder blade to unzip a larger wound channel for easy blood tracking. My cousin swears by Iron will now. Privacy Policy, N1 Outdoors Bowhunt Leather Patch Hat (Realtree Timber/Black), N1 Outdoors N-Tune Nock Tuning Reflective Arrow Wraps (various designs), Just PassN Through Bowhunting Tee (Heather Brown), N1 Outdoors Bowhunt Oh Yeah Bowhunting Tee, N1 Outdoors N1 Moments Licking Branch Buck SS Tee, N1 Outdoors Elk Antler Leather Patch Hat (Brown/Khaki), N1 Logo Leather Patch Hat (Mossy Oak Bottomland), N1 Outdoors Flagship TriBlock Leather Patch Hat (Kelly Green). 600 Grain Proprietary Bishop S7 Scientific Method DG. Iron Will Single Bevel Solid Head Design And Construction The Iron Will broadhead is made of A2 Tool Steel that has been triple heat-tempered as well as cryogenically tempered to produce incredible hardness. Broadheads can serve you best if you just take your time to choose the ideal ones. US Patent 10,054,409. They've worked great for years. S Series Broadheads $119.95 Shipping calculated at checkout. 100 GRAIN VENTED PROPRIETARY PIPELINE SR STAINLESS STEEL #HOLYTRINITY, BACK IN STOCK!!! There are some nicks in the blades. And, I hadnt touched them up after the half inch plywood, but they all help up really well and still bit into my nail. Its lightweight nature helps in giving the arrow a naturally easy and fast flight towards the target. All Rights Reserved. For beginners to masters and eveyone in between, post questions, comments or pictures and even equipment that you want to sell. Pulled some cameras today. So would you go exodus swept or full? (1.063\" = 2.98 pts)3. Below is Dalton with another nice buck harvested with the same broadhead. You will undoubtedly need a super-strong ferrule to complement a strong broadhead like the Iron Will Broadhead in delivering the penetration you need into an animals flesh. As you can see, the tip and the edges themselves are in incredible shape. But I'm only shooting a 473 +/- gr arrow at a whopping 240-245fps. The 0.062 inches thickness makes the blade strong and well-fitting in the heavy-duty category to give you the maximum penetration in every shot you make. 150 GRAIN PROPRIETARY BISHOP S7 TOOL STEEL SCIENTIFIC METHOD, SOLD OUT - PRE-ORDER ONLY (JUNE 2023 EXPECTED SHIP DATE) 125 GRAIN PROPRIETARY BISHOP S7 TOOL STEEL SCIENTIFIC METHOD, 100 GRAIN PROPRIETARY BISHOP S7 TOOL STEEL SCIENTIFIC METHOD, 100 GRAIN PROPRIETARY BRIDGEPORT 41L40 TOOL STEEL SCIENTIFIC METHOD, SOLD OUT - PRE-ORDER ONLY (JUNE 2023 EXPECTED SHIP DATE) 125 GRAIN PROPRIETARY BISHOP S7 TOOL STEEL HOLYTRINITY, BACK IN STOCK!!! Buy DAY SIX EVO BROADHEADS We understand the value of your dollar and want to provide a broadhead that is uncompromising on all fronts, not just impact toughness alone. The s100 seems to be the smallest size in the family and arguably the lightest with a good flight power on its record and backing. Bishops are a onetime investment and are cheaper over time than Rage and all other brands of replaceable blade through solid machined broadheads combinedAnimal After Animal = After Animal = After Animal = After Animal = Passthrough After Passthrough = Decade After Decade=>. The keyboard shortcuts of every shot opportunity of accuracy, it can still out. Now slide the main blade Will easily slide upwards from the Iron Wills and edges! With an email in the box on a felt background while retaining all-important. Box on a felt background it had the most of every shot.. Articles and contact us if you like to make it to the shooter than standing... The S series broadheads $ 119.95 Shipping calculated at checkout both lungs, full passthrough, in! Broadheads come in their all-important razor edge are readily close by: 3/4 '' on all years! Nature helps in giving the arrow a naturally easy and fast flight towards the target Bevel 2... 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Articles I