Is that a megalodon? one person jokingly questioned in the comments of the video on TikTok, along with many others. 2014below is an excerpt from wikipedia that can be found here\"Megalodon: The Monster Shark Lives is a docufiction that originally aired on the Discovery Channel. But even this massive creature would have been dwarfed by the Megalodon, as calculations drawn from fossilised teeth have estimated it could grow anywhere between 14 and 20 metres long. New estimates show them going extinct about 2.6 million years ago. In company with the local Fisheries Inspector I questioned many of the men very closely and they all agreed as to the gigantic stature of the beast. ', The comments below have not been moderated, By
Either way, megalodon was one of the most powerful predators in the water. Not only are these kinds of photos rare, but there's also something that makes them stand out. The largest fish ever known, the Megalodon, reportedly weighed up to 143,000 pounds and attained a maximum length of 59 feet three times as long as the biggest great white sharks. They were all familiar with whales, which they had often seen passing at sea, but this was a vast shark. I guess its like digging for gold. Tens of thousands of TikTok users have commented on the video, comparing the gargantuan creature to the prehistoric megalodon, an extinct species of shark. These mysterious creatures are still alive! In summary, I think we can safely dismiss the 1918 account as having been what it undoubtedly was a hungry, albino Rhincodon typus, not a Megalodon spotted, doing what all sharks do being an opportunistic feeder. [1] Despite the disclaimers, some people actually believed they were watching a real documentary while others were offended that a docufiction show would be aired on a channel that previously was known for true science shows. First a quiet coastal community, and then the world, face the wrath of giant sea creatures in bestselling indie author Max Hawthornes heart-pounding novels: The KRONOS RISING series. So, was that an actual megalodon spotted off New England's coast in 2021? Whale Shark Size. ; Ignored Expert: Colin Drake is presented as this, he believes that the Megalodon still exists but is dismissed by most of his colleagues. Basking sharks are the second largest species of its kind and can grow up to 26 feet in length. UK. But they're gone for good. 'Holy f***,' Alex Albrecht, who filmed the video, can be heard exclaiming as the shark, believed to measure some 17 feet in length passed by. 90 feet? Is that a megalodon, one person jokingly questioned in the comments along with many others. But these were prosaic and rather stolid men, not given to fish stories nor even to talking about their catches. par | Mai 29, 2022 | use roku tv as second monitor wireless | is electrical decomposition of sodium chloride exothermic or endothermic | Mai 29, 2022 | use roku tv as second monitor wireless | is electrical decomposition of sodium chloride exothermic or endothermic The killer rays would have been the result of a star exploding (a supernova) 150 light years away from our planet, it's been reported. , updated 7 Real Megalodon Sightings Caught On Camera Mind Boggler 2.95M subscribers Subscribe 5.4K Share 984K views 4 years ago Megalodons are World's largest sharks ever! Some people have dismissed these as great white sightings, but the Megalodon could have swallowed a great . You'll believe in megalodons existence after this video cause you'll see real megalodon evidence. The beast tried to eat the rescue helicopter Number 2 - A megalodon attacked ship in Arabian Sea. Check it out at: Read KRONOS RISING on Kindle for FREE. First, a massive shark seen on video lurking around a tall ship off the coast of Massachusetts had social media in an uproar in late May 2021. 'It's a harmless basking shark, they only eat like crill and stuff,' one TikTok user wrote. A video shared to the social media platform TikTok on. willful sin after salvation megalodon sightings from helicopter. An enormous shark has been filmed circling a research vessel in the Atlantic in a video that has social media users comparing the huge creature to a megalodon. There are other cases where there's a discovery on the map, and regardless of how scientists try to explain it, it is far beyond them.This footage was captured somewhere in the Bahamas. I hope it makes people want to protect and conserve biodiversity in our oceans., Copyright 2023 NBCUniversal Media, LLC. The shark appears menacing as it swims slowly in a circle near the surface of the ocean, prompting screaming tourists to clamor near the boats edge to get a glimpse. Its one of three sharks that eat plankton, despite its size its completely harmless to humans!. This type of underwater feeding would certainly appear alarming, and the fishermen would have no idea that their destroyed cages ended up on the bottom, right under their boats. Sailed six weeks in the atlantic saw this big fking shark, he captioned a TikTok video on Tuesday. While people were amazed at the possibilities of this animal's existence, they later realized that the image was a rock. Does this sound like a macropredatory shark? Many social media users suggested that the enormous creature in the video was likely a basking shark or a whale shark. Was it 200 long, or even 100? Megalodons are known only from the teeth they left behind. Megalodon sighting cadfgfdg345345ught on Tape. According to modern science, the megalodon shark went extinct millions of years ago. As of yet, no one has seen a Megalodon, also known as a Megatooth shark, which reportedly went extinct around 2.58 million years ago, according to the Encyclopedia Britannica. I initially scoffed at this, but Phil told me, calmly (and a bit sternly) that he was dead serious. The shark was seen gliding by the ship, located around 100 miles off New England, as passengers screamed in awe. An accompanying screenshot of the fish finder shows the massive mark, which appeared to be in the shape of a giant shark complete with a dorsal fin. They claimed to have seen an animal of an unbelievable magnitude. Shark skeletons are made mostly of cartilage, but teeth and vertebrae of megalodon are widespread in the fossil record. Many people believe the story describes an encounter the author had with a shark. In 1959, Remy Van Lierde served as a Colonel in the Belgian Air Force at the Kamina airbase in Belgian occupied Congo. All of the passangers are not hurt but it was really dangerous situation. Thats 17 feet. I scratched my head, still not convinced, and made jokes about the shark perhaps thinking the Adios was a potential mate and trying to get romantic with it. Yup is definitely the Megalodon! Based on my research, the 1918 sighting was not only not a Megalodon, it wasnt a predatory shark at all. Glancing over the boat's railing, he spotted an enormous "yellow and green" shark with a "square head, immense pectoral fins and a few white spots." But that, Ill address on a future post. While the sea-dwelling megalodon is known as the . All they may have seen was a gigantic monster, with a head the size of the back of their boat, and an 8-foot fin sticking out of the water, as it devoured their gear. This evidence shows they lived in our oceans from about 20 million years ago to about 3 million years ago. The now-viral video has been viewed more than 37 million times [note: the video has explicit language] since Albrecht posted it Tuesday on TikTok. Im so grateful to be able to share such a wonderful creature with so many people, Albrecht said. With the Megalodon existing approximately 3.6 million years ago, there has been a long-believed conspiracy that in fact the monster never became extinct at all. Scientists believe the mighty megalodon - star of the Jason Statham film The Meg - might have been wiped out when Earth was hit by cosmic radiation 2.6 million years ago. This story has been shared 316,930 times. They initially mistook it for a Megalodon a prehistoric shark thats been extinct for three million years, and was the subject of the 2018 horror movie Meg based on the book of the same name. 'I'm so grateful to be able to share such a wonderful creature with so many people, I hope it makes people want to protect and conserve biodiversity in our oceans. The megalodon was a massive shark. These mysterious creatures are still alive! The prehistoric-sized shark was filmed swimming slowly alongside a ship full of research students as they all screamed and gawked in awe. The Port Stephens shark was purportedly a ghostly white in color. These giant sea monsters didn't go extinct! 1: Megalodon went extinct about 2.6 million years ago. Unusually young teethThis is yet another sighting that would do a good job convincing you that the Megalodon is somewhere in the depths of the sea. But when I measured a head 17 wide against a whale sharks LOA, it comes up pretty accurate. Its format is that of a documentary that includes accounts of \"professionals\" in various fields related to Megalodon. After analysis, they realized it was between 10,000-15,000 years old, contrary to beliefs that this animal went extinct over 1.5 million years ago. 40-million-year-old crocodile fossil could be snapped up for 15,000 at auction. This is about a 70-foot humpback whale that is one of the largest animals in the ocean. Alex Albrecht, a marine biodiversity student and musician, captured the sighting from the mast of the SSV Corwith Cramer just over 100 miles off the coast of the Woods Hole section of Falmouth. Despite these accounts, the majority of experts are adamant that theres no evidence that the giant predator still exists. A few years ago, the picture of a beached whale broke the internet. Encased in rock-hard enamel, teeth are more easily preserved . THERE have been reported sightings of the giant megalodon despite the creature having gone extinct millions of years ago. In retrospect, however, and having seen videos of whale sharks sucking small fish out of trawlers nets, it makes sense. sagame234 . While the shark itself has yet to be seen by human eyes, its colossal fossilized teeth are fairly common with a recent discovery coming in 2020, when a South Carolina woman found one that weighed a pound. Posted on May 29, 2022 by May 29, 2022 by This is insane what is that? wrote one user. 2020 THE SUN, US, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED | TERMS OF USE | PRIVACY | YOUR AD CHOICES | SITEMAP, The giant megalodon died out 2.6million years ago, Woman finds ancient tooth the size of a HAND that once belonged to 60ft 'Megalodon' shark. A gigantic shark that gave a boat full of tourists a scare has sparked theories that its a megalodon an extinct predator known for its enormous size. The ratings, however, were strong enough to justify re-airing of the show at later dates.Megalodon was an actual species of prehistoric shark, which lived approximately 28 to 1.5 million years ago, during the Cenozoic Era (late Oligocene to early Pleistocene).Megalodon: The Monster Shark Lives now ranks as the biggest Shark Week episode to date, with 4.8 million viewers, though the infamy it gained from this was mostly backlash at the network itself, though Brian Switek said that \"Megalodon: The Monster Shark Lives gave science communicators like me an easy target.\"\" You can see the silhouette of a giant fish. Each inch of tooth corresponds to about 10 feet of length: 20 feet for the 2-inch great white shark tooth and 60 feet for the 6-inch megalodon tooth. If this discovery is anything to go by, it means that this animal has lived far longer than scientists thought. I doubt it. On a recent shark research trip, we were all amused to see this shape appear on our fish finder for several minutes, researchers with the Atlantic Shark Institutewrote regarding the sinister shape detected in undisclosed waters. Megalodons could measure up from 40 to 60 feet in length and could weigh anywhere from 50 to 75 tonnes, according to National Geographic. Others contest that the species could have be more than 80 feet long. Meg had a huge Boop there. An old black and white photograph popular online purports to show a 64-Foot Megalodon Shark Swimming behind Nazi U-Boats. In 2018 several unexplained videos were posted online saying how the giant beast was thriving. Before signing off, Id be remiss if I didnt let readers know that my new novel, Kronos Rising: Kraken (volume 2) has been released. Obviously, if such a creature still existed it would be visible and well known. If they existed 10,000 years ago, the chances of roaming around the world's oceans are high. When the behemoth persisted, he became worried that it might damage his beloved boat, and he finally cranked up the diesels and abandoned their slick. Scientists believe the mighty megalodon- star of theJason Statham film The Meg- might have been wiped out when Earth was hit by cosmic radiation 2.6 million years ago. All rights reserved, an image that appeared to be a 50-foot-long "Meg" on sonar, the Rhode Island-based Atlantic Shark Institute, Sign up for our News Headlines newsletter, Giant Superpredator' Megalodon Sharks Once Roamed the Seas, Feasting on Huge Meals, The Megalodon: The Extinct Shark That Keeps Making a Comeback, Brian Walshe Dismembered, Discarded the Body of Wife Ana Walshe, Prosecutors Allege, Winter Weather Returns: Messy System On The Way Bringing Snow, Sleet and Heavy Rain, READ: Brian Walshe's Shocking Google Searches After His Wife Went Missing, Boston Man With Machine Gun in BMW Flees Traffic Stop, Later Found and Arrested: Police. File is the #1 place for all your heart warming st. A gigantic shark that gave a boat full of tourists a scare has sparked theories that it's a megalodon an extinct predator known for its enormous size. How are we confident that the animal is colossal? The largest fish ever known, the Megalodon, reportedly weighed up to 143,000 pounds and attained a maximum length of 59 feet three times as long as the biggest great white sharks. The researchers from the Rhode Island-based Atlantic Shark Institute estimated the shark they were seeing on their device to weigh about 40 tons. Traditionally, researchers have modeled Megalodon bodies on those of modern great white sharks. Thanks for contacting us. The enormous beings still lurk in the ocean and it's really scary..Because these sharks are abnormally large and actually no other shark is so huge even great whites or whale sharks Megalodon looks like great white but it's much more bigger and mightier Scientists have found some Megalodon jaws that are more than 30 ft wide!! In 1918, a group of lobster fishermen,fishing out of Port Stephens, AU, experienced a sighting of what is, conceivably, the largest shark ever recorded. Megalodons are World's largest sharks ever! Despite the species being extinct, there has been a number of "sightings". The fearsome creatures went extinct some 2.5million years ago. The enormous beings still lurk in the ocean . Based on the length of the image we estimated the Meg to be about 50 feet long, weighing in at 40 tons! the ecstatic researchers wrote. The answer is no, at least based on the evidence of each of the recent news stories, both of which went viral. His most spectacular story, however, was one where a whale shark, which he claimed was every bit of 90 feet in length, came up behind the Adios as they were sitting in a chum slick, and tried mouthing the stern. 10 Sightings of the Megalodon That May Prove It Exists\rIf you're new, Subscribe! Doubtful. The prehistoric-sized shark was filmed swimming slowly alongside a ship full of research students as they all screamed and gawked in awe. 10 Recent Sightings Of The Megalodon Caught on Camera Smart Pizza 138K subscribers Subscribe 23K Share 2.4M views 1 year ago Many people are still wondering if megalodons are really completely. This summer and last have each brought talk of legendary megalodon sharks apparently spotted in the ocean. An authentic video was captured in the Atlantic Ocean showing what one expert told Snopes was likely a female white shark not a megalodon. It may be premature to declare it as a megalodon, but the chances that this is the case are high.\u0026t=32s (2:49-3:35)7. Lived in our oceans., Copyright 2023 NBCUniversal media, LLC not a megalodon, it up... ; ll believe in megalodons existence after this video cause you & # x27 ll! In length was captured in the ocean NBCUniversal media, LLC the rescue Number! 1918 sighting was not only are these kinds of photos rare, but there 's also that... And vertebrae of megalodon are widespread in the ocean one expert told Snopes was likely a white... Were prosaic and rather stolid men, not given to fish stories even... Many others in retrospect, however, and having seen videos of whale sucking! The megalodon sightings from helicopter creature in the Atlantic ocean showing what one expert told Snopes was a. The species being extinct, there has been a Number of `` ''! This was a vast shark realized that the giant beast was thriving but these were prosaic and rather stolid,... 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