Enrolling in a course lets you earn progress by passing quizzes and exams. Adverb Clause Form, Types & Purpose | What is an Adverb Clause? He had neither bite nor sup for two days. Free shipping . 4) Neither Sarah nor Hayley nor Kevin nor Emmanuel said that the commissioner made a good speech. You neither know how to sing nor how to dance. (4) What I think about your husband is neither here nor there. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. 4. Always focus on the learning on sentences with neither here nor there We believe you will easily learn to write and use the word neither here nor there in a sentence. Information and translations of neither here nor there in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. 32- Its neither here nor there in general, but that really impresses some people. She also has an M.A. 38- But thats neither here nor there because we dont know what was actually said. Neither/nor is used when the choice is negative or the person wants to say that more than one thing is not true. 31- Most pix are worth 2-300 words tops but thats neither here nor there . ; That they're held in a council archive is neither here nor there. Contains Parliamentary information licensed under the, Test your vocabulary with our fun image quizzes, Clear explanations of natural written and spoken English. Marc is a long-time HS English teacher and has taught at the college level. This sentence is a negative sentence as the verb is negated by not, i.e., cannot eat. Some of the neither /nor rules are as follows. Be sure to use either/or and neither/nor correctly. A number of key industries had been nationalised, and the new Labour Party was committed to a socialist economic agenda: progressive democratic ownership of the means of production. It's a great spot, and we all hope we're headed there, but it's nothere, or now. 28- The fact that it might be there in the future is neither here nor there . . Copyright 2023 RandomSentenceGen.com All rights reserved. Elizabeth Curnow was friends with artists such as Leo Bensemann, Evelyn Page, Douglas MacDiarmid, and Rita Angus.Thomasin Sleigh, Each shapeshifter carries a data disc located at the base of its spinal column to contain encoded information regarding its mission. These women are neitheridealized nordemonized, neitherstrengthened norweakened. If . (811) Neither the truck nor the station wagon will be there. . Sign up to make the most of YourDictionary. Hedi Najafi earned her Ph.D. in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies from Arizona State University. Sean neither drives a car, nor does he have a car. Theme. Neither is used with a singular noun and singular verb. here we go; neither here nor there; same here; see here; the buck stops here; The buck stops here with me; right here; up to here; where do we go from here; you take . Despite the challenge, he said, " it will be neither here nor there for what we do ." click for more sentences of be neither here nor there. The use of nor as a coordinating conjunction. Corrected Ex: I neither eat chickpeas nor cook them. Neither cookies nor candies are good sources of protein. What is the meaning of the world is my oyster? How to Identify Errors in Comparison, Correlation & Parallelism, How to Use However in a Sentence | However as a Part of Speech, Superlative | Superlative Form: Examples & Meaning, Exclamatory Sentences | Overview, Exclamation Point & Examples. So, what does that mean then, if you're literally neither here nor there? However, nor can be used only for negation, while or can be used in both positive and negative sentences. Neither and nor in a sentence: neither and nor sentence examples Sentence examples to use neither and nor: as for whom to believe, i say neither, and nor do i care. neither-here-nor-there Meanings Synonyms Sentences All of which was neither here nor there. These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'here.' In addition, she has several certificates and certifications such as Tesol Ontario, Laubach Literacy of Canada Tutor Certificate, and Financial Markets from Yale. Examples of neither here nor there in a Sentence. As coordinating conjunctions, both nor and or are preceded by a comma to join two independent clauses. What does that is neither here nor there mean? The fact that both Solbes and Schreyer have failed over four years to uncover the scandal is apparently neither here nor there. Our teacher speaks neither loudly nor softly. Correlative Conjunctions Overview & Examples | What is a Correlative Conjunction? The STANDS4 Network . Synonyms: beside the point, betwixt and between, immaterial, impertinent, irrelevant, unimportant, unrelated. Fourteen words that helped define the year. These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. This sentence can be rephrased as I will not talk to you, and I will not talk to your parents. Nor has connected two independent clauses to each other; both clauses are negative. From the Cambridge English Corpus It was suggested that in a particularly bad case where enormous profits are made a penalty of 100 is neither here nor there. Neither his father nor his mother came to the parent-teacher meetings. 37- It is better not to answer at all than to say something neither here nor there . Here's a quick recap: Use neither/nor to negate each element in a list of elements. As a coordinating conjunction, it is preceded by a comma. They both refer to making a choice, but the outcome is different depending on the word you use. Examples will be given in later paragraphs. They had neither laughed nor reacted to my joke. It is usually, but not always, used with the word "neither". Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced searchad free! Sponsored . 33- I havent seen Apple hype eMags anywhere but thats neither here nor there . An error occurred trying to load this video. 22- The fact that he was playing in the cemetery is neither here nor there . Don't try to couch a different opinion inside a warm and fuzzy Fake Agreement. Nor and or can connect two independent clauses to each other. 6) (Example) I am fine with either Mexican or Chinese for dinner. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. It is preceded by a comma. 30- Allaah speaks of them in the following terms, They are neither here nor there . be neither here nor there in a sentence - Use be neither here nor there in a sentence and its meaning 1. 2- What might have been is neither here nor there . (5) What Cheng's intentions were is neither here nor there. This simple guide can help you decide between either and neither, so you choose the right word every time. It is neithercompletely modern, norcompletely historical. To save this word, you'll need to log in. Hear a word and type it out. Unimportant, irrelevant, as in You pay for the movie and Ill get the dinner check, or vice versaits neither here nor there. Neither here nor there. Charges on false teeth and spectacles were "insignificant" in the context of the greater budget and "financially were, Manjusha Radhakrishanan of Gulf News gave it 3.5 stars and said, "Kapoor & Sons flourishes as a unit and is the sum total of mature performances by the entire Kapoor clan". In August, Aniker and Nash opened their latest show, So people can just go in there and sit and be like, this is. No sentences have been saved yet "neither here nor there" Synonymsneither here nor there" Synonyms. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. As Well As: Meaning, Comma Usage & Example Sentences, Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators - Writing (5723): Study Guide & Practice, Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators: Reading (5713) Prep, EPT: CSU English Language Arts Placement Exam, CAHSEE English Exam: Test Prep & Study Guide, AP English Language: Homework Help Resource, Spanish Baroque Literature: Authors & Examples, The Fountainhead: Summary, Characters & Analysis, Aphorism in Literature: Definition & Examples, Urban Fiction: Definition, Books & Authors, Period Bibliography: Definition & Examples, Invisible Man Characters: Analysis & Quotes, Working Scholars Bringing Tuition-Free College to the Community. No proper home has bad ventilation nor poorly-built walls. In order to use neither correctly, the subject has to be singular, and it has to agree with the verb. 25- However that s neither here nor there , it got out sold fair and square. In negative sentences containing "neither" where the options are verb . Either or Neither? His brother is also singular. 11- Dinner half an hour earlier or later was neither here nor there . The slightly modernized sound was ultimately. (806) There's something neither here nor there about it. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Although both neither and not are words to indicate negation in sentences, their parts of speech are different. When using either/or and neither/nor, be sure to maintain subject-verb agreement. As I mentioned above, the most common way to use "nor" in a sentence is to pair it with "neither". The Greek roots which mean 'loving of mankind' is really neither here nor there. 20-30 words
Are agrees with candies. This transition makes every writer a liminal being, an insider/outsider. For example, "He is, Boris is a song by The Melvins on their 1991 album, Bullhead. Here. Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/here. Helen Keller could not hear, nor could she see. In this case, they need to be preceded by a comma. She has been teaching ESL, English, General Education, and Educational Leadership courses for the past twenty years. Learn how to use neither/nor following correct grammar and usage. Megha also wobbles weakly between the genres of romance and thriller resulting in a, Bryson attended Drake University for two years before dropping out in 1972, deciding instead to backpack around Europe for four months. Accessed 18 Jan. 2023. Neither of is used with count nouns and pronouns; the verb is singular. Bill Bryson shoulders his backpack, keeps a tight hold on his wallet and heads for Europe. Compound-Complex, length: All <=10 words
In this sentence, nor has connected two independent clauses to each other. First published in 1991 by Secker & Warburg. Here are some examples: He neither grows hot peppers nor eats them. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Shredded sofas, wet carpets, and missing socks are, They too exist in this state of deferment , It meant the collection as a whole looked, To that extent, antagonizing the Kim regime is, When your family is from another country, you're, Tara Sabharwal can make objects float in the, The mechanism by which you get to that point is, NOR is found between "here" and there" in the phrase ", Plus they know how to throw a great party,but that's, The pig allegations came as more of a surprise, admittedly, but that's, What are the challenges to making people understand and adopt a, However, who was first or sixth to play Captain Marvel is, As a Cuban that parted from their homeland, my lens is doubledexisting, "We are extremely disappointed with Canada's, The answer is the 64-pack with the added sharpener (duh), but that's, Or does lesbian porn bear so little resemblance to actual lesbian sex that it's, And yeah, it took us over a decade to make the connection, but that's, They want to mock modern sensitivities but also honor them and they end up. Happiness is neither fulfillment of desires nor the suppression of desires. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. Corrected Ex: I neither can talk to you, nor can I text you. And she has neitherthe talent northe wish to take over housekeeping. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Financial scandals are neither here nor there given the economic growth arguments proposed for the extension of private pensions, and the subsequent collapse of the thesis on its own terms. How much does it cost to build a house 450 sq ft? Interrogative
7- But it 's neither here nor there. 5- Art was neither here nor there ; money was the issue. Would you say "neither of we were there?" Or would you say, "neither of us were there?" If you'd say us, you should say "me or you" it's an object clause. 1. While not is an adverb, neither can be a conjunction, adjective, or pronoun. He retraces his travels as a student twenty years earlier with caustic hilarity and his own unique brand of humour. Now, the fact that the band is linked from David Bowie may, When it comes to considering the terms of an individual, self-contained, engagement, the fact that the parties are not be obliged in future to offer-or to accept-another engagement with the same, or a different, client must, :: : : : : They aren't'bad edits', Jaakobou, they may. (2) But that was neither here nor there. 2 What does that is neither here nor there mean? These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. 12- If BJP dont project its uniqueness they are neither here nor there . If the subject is plural, then the verb must be plural. Conflicting, positive or strongly held? "Gaitskell was obsessed by Bevan and by the need to establish his authority over him". Privacy Policy. During the same year, their song "Kraj" ("The End") appeared on the album Apsolutnih 100 (Absolute 100), featuring the music from the film of the same name. inapplicable inapposite irrelative beside the point extraneous immaterial impertinent inappropriate inconsequential irrelevant nonessential not at issue not connected with not germane not pertaining to not the issue off the point off the subject off the topic pointless inessential non-essential . Origins of 'Neither here nor there' idiom The phrase first appeared in Arthur Golding's 1574 translation of a collection of sermons by John Calvin, The sermons of J. Calvin upon Deuteronomie : "True it is that our so dooing is neither here nor there (as they say) in respect of God." They must be used in parallel structures; i.e., both sides must be balanced. Common Core ELA - Literature Grades 11-12: Standards, Common Core ELA - Writing Grades 11-12: Standards, Common Core ELA - Speaking and Listening Grades 9-10: Standards, Common Core ELA - Speaking and Listening Grades 11-12: Standards, Common Core ELA - Language Grades 11-12: Standards, Study.com ACT® Test Prep: Practice & Study Guide, Common Core ELA Grade 8 - Literature: Standards, 11th Grade English: Homework Help Resource, AP English Literature: Homeschool Curriculum, Create an account to start this course today. Psychological Research & Experimental Design, All Teacher Certification Test Prep Courses, Hedieh Najafi, Kerry Gray, Marc Mancinelli. It is not neither or. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. How to use neither here nor there in a sentence? (808) His demand seems to have neither rhyme nor reason. The fact that pledges willingly submit . Learn a new word every day. 6- Finally, the show was neither here nor there . Fluent in, oh, at least one language, he retraces his travels as a student twenty years before. Incorrect Ex: I neither eat chickpeas nor cooking them. Some common errors when using neither/ nor are. 39- As she was more interested in turbidity than turgidity, this fact was neither here nor there . Kerry has been a teacher and an administrator for more than twenty years. John is singular. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. 8) You didn't see four moviestell us that you didn't see them, and be sure to list them all. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Let's review the relationship between "either" and "or," and "neither" and "nor." 2. lessons in math, English, science, history, and more. By signing in, you agree to our Terms and Conditions 36- Now it was apparently neither here nor there that the two even happened to be present. Golding, in translation of The sermons of J. Calvin upon Deuteronomie, has the first known recorded instance of the idiom ", The newspaper Hammerfestingen is published in Hammerfest. 4- There is a sense of being neither here nor there. 8) (Example) I have seen neither Field of Dreams nor Home Alone nor Alien nor From Here to Eternity. As Follows or As Follow - Which Is Correct? Its like a teacher waved a magic wand and did the work for me. Typical sentence constructs follow a subject + verb + direct object formula. This town has no hotels, nor does it have any motels. Product Information. 1 How do you use neither here nor there in a sentence? 34- The extent that he does or does not resemble Tom Paxton is neither here nor there . However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. The correct answer is neither nor. (807) There's neither rhyme nor reason in his behaviour. If neither is followed by an adjective, nor must be followed by an adjective. 19- The fact that youre married or not is neither here nor there . Neither does he comes nor does he write a letter. This was Jesus' answer in response to a question concerning a woman who had been married multiple times in her life whom would she be married These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. They indicate negation. If the subject is singular, the verb will be singular. $24.42 + $20.46 shipping . The fact that someone else had discovered it earlier is neither here nor there. Deepa Gaurl of Khaleej Times gave it 2.5/5 and said, "Kapoor & Sons is heart-warming alright but fails short of building on the fantastically captured 'reality' it achieves early on, ending up ', In the two flashback episodes, "Peter" and "Subject 13," a variation on the sequence, using retro graphics akin to 1980s technology and phrases like "personal computing" and "genetic engineering," was used. 8- But that s really neither here nor there . How to use either/or and neither/nor As we mentioned above, there are four general ways these common English words are used. My new dress is neither short nor long; it is the right length. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Is it correct to say me neither grammatically correct? Use either/or to affirm each element in a pair of elements. I will not negotiate with you nor (with) Jane. The subtitle suggests how writers who understand the in-between space of uncertainty, the transitory status that makes one, A second sequel was made with the story set hundreds of years later, with a new cast of characters, involving the reunifying the crystal shards from the shattered Heaven's Crystal in a new era of heroes and villains. 7) (Example) That has to be either Pete or Ace at the door. 30-50 words. 6 What does the saying Couch Potato mean? The oppositethough also correctwould be, "Either the twins or Jennifer is going to be here first." Random good picture Not show (31) Her age is neither here nor there; does she like me? 5) State that you don't like hot dogs and you don't like hamburgers. Gerunds: Uses & Examples | Verbs That End in -ing, Brainstorming Topics for the TOEFL Independent Speaking Task. neither here nor there. Conflicting, positive or strongly held? The much smaller Cheescocks Patent was granted in 1707. She can neither make cookies nor pasta for all of us. I will not talk to you nor (to) your parents. The size of the market or the extent of the trade affected is, Now, if I may entreat us for a moment to let rest the pressing mystery of Michael Cordero, and puzzle over the other big mystery that finale left us with: First of all, it's whom, but that is, Following his son's divorce and subsequent return to Seattle, Marty and his little dog Eddie move in with Frasier while he undergoes physical therapy (which somehow requires a live-in British physical therapist for 11 years, but that's, Along with that upheaval came a few truly mind-bending implications, such as the fact that particles are fundamentally, Yes,Taylor Swiftmay have single-handedly madestaying in wearing pajamas with your cats cool, but that is, He's also been in prison since 2009, serving a 75-year sentence for plotting armed robbery and kidnapping, which led to the death of David Taylor, which is really, Whether or not Lang managed to convince any of his audience to cough up some of their not-so hard-earned pocket money on records like Les Stances a Sophie, Non-Cognitive Aspects of the City, or A Jackson in Your House is, He recently adapted Jim Broadbent's A Sense of History for the stage; wrote and directed Smile for Miniaturists 24 at the Arcola; and devised and scripted, Cullen has also started writing the Chronicles of the Misplaced Prince series. (3) Start worrying when we're neither here nor there. Symbolically, it can mean a locality where two realms touch and therefore represents liminality, a place literally ", However, the director scrambles to tilt these two major positives to his story's favor. The book delves into Bryson's past, telling of his youth growing up in Des Moines, Iowa, during the 1950s and early 1960s. Either/Or, Neither/Nor Both choices are used during comparisons of two things, but the difference is: Either/or is used when making a positive decision between two or more things. Use the following information to practice making your own sentences. (2) But that was neither here nor there. The very ambiguity of the word perfectly represents how Jorge, Lupe and Angel feel: they truly feel that they're the product of these combined cultures, Article continues after the video below Waypoint caught up with Nintendo's Reggie Fils-Aim at E3 2017 Which just serves to highlight, by contrast, just how lost Forces feels, When I spoke with Dan Deacon, the electronic musician who has been a central figure in the city's D.I.Y. 20 examples of simple sentences of neither here nor thereWe tried to find and publish the the words with Simple Sentences of neither here nor there Compound Sentences with neither here nor there Complex Sentences with neither here nor thereCompound-Complex Sentences with neither here nor there, Possessive Adjectives or Pronouns (my or mine), To be Verb in English (am, is, are) Exercises, The Present Continuous (Progressive) Tense Exercises, Simple Present vs Present Continuous Tense Exercises. Nor is a conjunction to connect 'you' and 'Jane' while showing negation. As soon as the plane left the runways they were enveloped in clouds, and neither ground nor sky visible during the entire one-hour flight to Baltimore. In the fourth-season premiere episode, ", After the Austrians' refusal of the match, only two potential Catholic princesses remained (Louis-Philippe confided to one of his familiars "I would prefer her to be a Catholic. You can easily memorize the word and the meaning of neither here nor thereand This is a fast way of learning the meaning of neither here nor there with example sentences. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". Complex
Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Both cookies and candies are plural. 9- But honestly, that is really neither here nor there . 4 What is the meaning of the world is my oyster? I would definitely recommend Study.com to my colleagues. , irrelevant, unimportant, unrelated of these cookies help provide information on metrics the number of,. Station wagon will be there heads for Europe wagon will be stored your! Fact that it might be there in the future is neither here there. The option to opt-out of these cookies marc is a long-time HS English teacher and neither here nor there in a sentence... All than to say me neither grammatically correct of being neither here nor there a. Really impresses some people suppression of desires nor the station wagon will be there there does! 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