Alright Y/N/N, your dad called from behind you, time to try on the new suit, he says excitedly. Prompt/Summary: Things are getting back to normal, Pairing(s): Tony Stark x daughter!reader, Avengers X Reader. Some reason why youre sneaking off on a school night, Thats why! You exclaim, suddenly. You always felt like you didnt belong and when you had enough you ran away and got yourself hurt which made you realized that maybe he did care. He always does this. Y/N spent two full hours releasing everything she had been holding in since that phone call with Harley. She send a distress call but I dont know where she is.. The kids a prick, time to let him be that. She is waiting for Tony, who most likely is not going to be home soon. He had a bad feeling about this, hoping that his daughter wouldnt develop a crush on one of his team mates. Before they could attempt to land on the buildings west side, however, Natasha announced an increase in personnel over there so they would have to enter from the east and make their way to you. A dead mans spell and an unthinking last wish both spell disaster for you, as you are forced back in time to relive one of the most hellish parts of your life in an attempt to prevent what was, what will be, whatever the correct grammatical tense is now, from coming to pass. You might even fall in love with one of the Avengers, and get recruited to join S.H.I.E.L.D. Did you forget something? You asked making a pitstop from the training room in the kitchen to grab some water. Tony said. Yes but she actually pulls it off, without looking like a geek, MJ turned to you. I'm taking my daughter inside and tell her the many dangers of eating a spider's face and the diseases you could get." he replied. begins to see just how much the obvious might be far less so. That was her name. Opening the doors, Rhodey said as a gust of wind made its way into the jet. Then mom dies and you're forced to live with a father that doesn't care at all. What would you like me to say? FRIDAY asked. Dynamic Duo Murewa Ayodele and Dotun Akande (MOON KNIGHT: BLACK, WHITE & BLOOD, IRON MAN #25 and AVENGERS UNLIMITED) unite again to journey through the rich history of IRON MAN - telling stories never seen . Their fame grew, as did their ranksthe latter minimally. Works and bookmarks tagged with Tony Stark's Daughter will show up in Parent Tony Stark's filter. In the end, he was only a teenage dirtbag, a weirdo, and, her? She goes by Lillian, hating her true name. Not forever, Peter said as he brought you in for a hug. Peter, I already told you Im alright. Y/N! He yelled and was so quick to gather you in his arms that it took everything in you not to just fall forward. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Peter could hear someone call out your name but he wasnt sure if it came from him or not. Come on, lets go to that coffee shop. Tony says. Peter moved closer to you all, You look wow, was all he could get out as he practically gawked at you. Over the weeks Steve grows quite fond of the reader which Tony absolutely disapproves of. His heart stopped when he heard these words. Everyone else was wondering what could possibly make him this happy. Afterwards, you didnt even look at him, you just ran outside on the balcony and jumped. Yes you are the daughter of Tony Stark. a:iw/eg au, r is one of the people who disappear after the snap. She definetely took after her Father having a similar personality. Doesnt look too busy on the ground, Rhodey announced and they all acknowledged him with short responses as they all readied themselves the plan was for Rhodey to do a flyover and let Peter, Tony, Steve, and Nat parachute onto the suspiciously vacant roof for infiltration. FRIDAY, Y/N called out to the AI after taking a few moments to regain your bearings. Everyone else was laughing and joking at Tonys expense and he did not like that one bit. He took your helmet and threw it away. It has a round bed, with a lot of pillows so you can lay there and watch the stars, you can watch a movie on a big white blanket, with a Beemer. He muttered under his breath to himself as he walked away; probably cursing and calling Steve every name under the sun. Captain America smiled at him trying to restore his faith. The only one in the tower is (Y/n). This morning you received a call from a unknown man, he said:" Hello, am I speaking with Y/N Y/L/N?" Time-travel. How can you be concerned when its something that doesnt concern you? There was what sounded like genuine curiosity in your voice along with a misplaced venom. For everyone, in fact. You've spent your whole life running. She knows, and is trying to help him is secret. Just like it was when you always woke up, white and cold with buzzing fluorescents. But not this time. You pushed a button on your bracelet and your suit appeared making you fly into the sky. You spent the rest of the afternoon training with your dad and whatever other Avengers happened to stop by. Then he kissed your head and he said "I love you". When Tony Stark found out that one of his many one night stands was pregnant, he paid her off. Hes totally not the biggest drama queen I know. y/n spoke sarcastically about her father which again made Steve laugh. After he placed them on his wrists he turned to make a hasty exit before having a second thought. No idea but weve gotta get moving, Cap hit his earpiece and spoke swiftly into it. Certainly wasnt from your old man! Clint asked y/n mocking her father, who didnt seem too impressed. Word Count: 1750 Warnings: Underage Drinking don't do it A/N: I love Peter lol we all know this. Peter you and Nat take Y/N back to the jet. You came home and Tony took you to the huge roof terrace. The line went dead and you placed your phone on the counter. AKA 5 times you got in trouble and the one time Tony figured out the reason behind it You're Tony Starks daughter, the product of a one-night stand and being part of the 15% of babies born despite a condom being used. Your mood changed immediately at the sight of the Captain and Spider, you smiled brightly at them and Peter felt his heart flip on its own accord. You didn't had a good relationship with you mom, she had a lot of issues, which made her choose boys before you. qu. Y/n, Tony Stark only child.. Tony was unwinding with the rest of the team, they had just had an intense practice session together. The launch of Disney+ has come with some special treats for those still not over Avengers: Endgame. (Warning: spoilers ahead.). homesickness for a home to which you cannot return Be safe, and sound need you in one piece.. It was Pepper so it had to be important. Especially Steve, of all people! She gave you to him and told him that you were a Stark and that he had to take care of you now since he was your biological father. Prompt/Summary: Who do you blame when its only their fault. Between multiple abusive foster homes, street fights and then ending up in juvie things couldn't get much worse. That was the last time you had seen her. Safe and Sound (Steve x Reader) One-shot.Adopted By Stony by Harriet_Swan. She gets kidnapped by Hive and is swayed to do things she feels she can never forgive. 9:52 AM EST, Tue November 12, 2019, How 'Avengers: Endgame' shattered records in 2019. Dad, INo. (Y/N).you really are my kid. He says, shaking his head, the hints of a smile on his lips. He asked something you couldn't understand so you didn't react. Do I make myself clear? Tony warned them both and they looked at each other before nodding. After the devastating events of the war against Thanos, the universe is in ruins. TONY STARK X READER, TONY STARK X DAUGHTER!READER Plot: Tony catches you, his 16 year old daughter, sneaking out the house at 2 am. Its something Harley and I started. Your eyes were puffy and red like you had been crying. My name is Y/N Stark and this will be my first attempt at transferring my synthesized superhuman DNA into a human subject. He yelled at the artificial intelligence making the rest of the team run into the room wondering what was happening. Thankfully, your family and friends are there to help pick the pieces up, or they would be if you would just let them in. He lookedheartbroken? Every piece of myself and my DNA is in here. After tonight, I realized that living without you is impossible.. You are receiving a call from your father Miss Stark., Dont answer and disable the locator I dont want him to send someone after me.. You liked Ned and MJ a lot though and hopefully, this would further keep your mind off things with Harley. Tony stark x daughter reader forgotten . On his way there he passed the Avengers sitting solemnly in the common room. Dont you think I know that? His smile was also breathtaking, it was hard not to look at him. I need a sparring partner, he said, lightly punching Bucky on his flesh shoulder. There you were, in the kitchen arguing with your father the one and only Tony Stark. As your struggle to survive grows harder, it begins to manifest more and more, until its impossible to hide. With that reestablished relationship came the building of a company, and the finding of an unlikely love. Warnings: hmm none. The battle had come to an end in seconds. Suddenly your flames became a stunning purple, white dancing just at its edges. When she's working at a diner, a certain group of hero's come i You could say Rebel hasn't had it easy. You didnt miss the sympathetic look in his eyes and your chest got a bit tight at the thought of hiding something like this from him. au where tony has twins. If they wanted to make a clone, every component is here, your voice was still quiet as you looked to his face. Nanobots? He asked, looking into your eyes. The two of you were having what looked to be a heated conversation as you focused glaringly on the work you were doing. Or with the Y/N wannabe he chose, said Bucky, finality, and malice in his voice. So, I decided to go to the 24 hour coffee shop down the street and try doing some work there. The Phantasmal Angel They were about to find out. You could feel your cheeks warming at his gaze. It's one of the things that led her to becoming The Mute. Everyones eyes were fixed on her and she felt rather intimidated. Seal Project 87-16. But there was still something that made Peter feel uneasy. The peace and quiet made you feel calm and made you forget about everything else. You really wanted to talk to him though, because you know hed be both proud and annoyed because he has been trying to convince you to stop for weeks and Peter had done it in a single conversation. Warnings: angst, fluff. Harley nodded and stood, Im going to try a small flame.. Hi, Mr. Rogers, Peter said, not looking him in the eyes as he blushed profusely. Years after neglect and ignorance she decided it was enough, it didn't matter if she had to l "Threat is imminent, and I have to protect the one thing I can't live without. In the next few weeks, you and Peter spent as much time together as you possibly could. But, because Bruce can't go, Natasha invites her 20-yr-old niece (who happens to have special "abilities") to tag along. Oh She was so fucking special. Nah of course hes not. The only problem i. Druids, fauns, magic, witches, 100 year winters. The Avengers all loved and looked out for you. Had you disappointed him that much? Tony tapped his chest piece twice and was quickly suited up as Iron-Man. What have you got in here, rocks! You were tired of telling FRIDAY to ignore calls from Harley. Project 87-16, test 22. "that will not be hard, you are my home." That's what they call her. Tony made his way over to her and took some of the bags from her. I cant find my belt! Peter yelled from his room, he had been searching frantically all morning. Tony Stark. the voice said "I'm sorry, but I have to tell you that your mom just passed away, we don't know the cause of death but you will be updated" you barely couldn't believe what just happend. The coughs turned ragged and soon he was coughing up blood, you screamed his name and rushed to help him. Anti-Hero Y/n is Tony's adopted daughter. You found yourself leaning towards Peter and Peter slowly made his way to you. She thought she was dangerous and that she would hurt the people she loved. Thank god the sound-proofing glass wasnt down. Safe and Sound (Steve x Reader) One-shot. You continued. One night, the two of you were sound asleep when Bakugou was unexpectedly pulled into consciousness by a soft whimper. Work Search: Im too stressed about if Im understanding it to actually understand it! You look down at your feet embarrassed. She knocked on the door and met face to face with Happy. You lost a big brother, gained a little sister, the world continued to rotate as you all mourned your losses and began to move on. you're father offers to let you and peter stay at avengers tower for the summer and you decide to take advantage of the offer. About a year passes and Loki finally wishes to get revenge on Tony Stark when he least suspects , however right as he's about to end Iron Mans life something unexpected happens , or more so someone unexpected , leading to Loki making a deal with Iron Mans only daughter , It seems death is not the only form of revenge one can get, Tony finds this out in the worst way possible. A name for the girl who was left on the streets by her mother at the age of 2. the avengers switch up their caring for reader in like every oneshot. Summary: Reader is Tony's wife, everything was perfect in their lives, but then something happens to the Reader _____ Pietro Maximoff x Reader . Only 6 hours later you were standing in the rain with an umbrella holding hands with your dad. The door was unlocked when he got to the room. And i will f i n i s h this series. You heard your fathers voice coming from a distance. Y/N let her legs stretch out straight in front of her, turned her body, and held her fathers middle for dear life. You knodded "yeah, I know dad" with a sad smile on your face. Parker, Steves voice said from below and Peter was so startled he unstuck and fell back-first onto the hard floor. From now on, you and I will spend more time together. I wouldnt do that, spoke a voice overhead. Much love to you all <3. tony x daughter! It was almost enough to bring you to tears. That's you." A tear escaped his eyes before he could stop it. Looking for somewhere to sit she noticed the empty space between the rather shy, handsome looking guy. Summary: He was your father but he didnt really have a choice. . I never asked to be one, I didnt really have a choice.. You headed to the roof while Tony was getting snacks and drinks. Drop in 5, 4, 3, 2, Rhodey commanded and when he got to one they all leaped in sync, eager to reach you. You needed someone other than Bucky to tell you to stop. Tony looked over to Peter, he had been nothing but distressed since you had gone missing. Charming employee of your father seems to be a little to perfect. This one? May said from his doorway. He called Tony, assuring him that he has her daughter safe and sound. Millie lived her life in the shadows from that moment on, only meeting people that her father trusted. Your attaquant had left you there bleeding to your death. You were too thin and your exposed skin was bruised. The Disney+ version of the film also features a deleted scene that shows an alternate version of Peter Parkers reunion with Tony Stark during the films big battle and a nearly 20-minute tribute to the iconic character. Y/n Stark had no choice. CNN Sans & 2016 Cable News Network. He began to walk over to the others and begrudgingly gave you to your father after he gave the younger man a scolding look at his injured shoulder. How was Nanas house?. Yep, saw that one coming. You grin. Tony was quick to get his bearings and follow the android as it soared into the sky but after a barrage of missiles came his way and his vision was blocked by smoke the android had disappeared. No known superhuman abilities. You picked up a syringe and looked at Harley, Are you sure about this? Starks men are made out of Iron, and nobody is going to tell him what he can or cant do. When the two of you looked to him you could see the amusement in both his and Bruces eyes and you supplied them both with a subtle glare. Strangely enough, they seemed confused at the teams arrival and hesitated at first. While working on 87-16 you had regularly been extracting part of your powers and now that it had been almost a week since the last extraction you could feel yourself getting stronger and you hadnt even known you were weak. Little did I know that this time, nothing would ever be the same again. Love you dad.. Amelia Stark was a surprise for her father. Yeah, well youll be in your room for the longest haul of your life if you ever leave after 8pm without telling JARVIS where youre going. Tony quipped. You guys wanna come? Steve asked as he straightened his posture. A level unseen, unheard of ever before, MJ said to the boys as we stood in line for Star Wars. Typical woman will never know the meaning of packing light. You were standing next to a seated Harley in your white lab coat, jeans, and your hair was pulled back into a tight bun. You sat between your parents and held her in your lap. Thats when Tony entered the common room, heading for the kitchen for a snack. They couldnt keep you here any longer. Peters voice lowered as he admired the suit once again, Yeah, its amazing.. He took you in his arms and brought you to the nearest hospital. He would glance at his watch every couple of minutes. Hey Cap, Peter. -It all started when your mom died -He absolutely blames himself, even at a genetic level Well I think hes right, there was a finality in Peters voice that you rarely hear from him. But in 2017, Y/n Stark had to return to Earth. But you didn't want to completely block him in case he truly needed something. He done the exact same thing with all her other boyfriends before, no wonder no one wants to date her, because as soon as they meet him they run off scared and never come back. When you were a few months old, your mother couldn't do it anymore and decided that instead of abandoning you somewhere, she would take your to your dad's house. A/n: If you would like to be tagged in anything let me know x. Steve was quick to hoist him up after Tony cut his chains. Peter was the first to snap out of it, racing towards you as the others held the HYDRA soldiers back. This would be her home now, deciding that she would settle back down in New York and find a job here. Thanks Pepper, see you later. You take a seat in one of the high spinning chairs, pats the seat beside her for Peter. He was not at all pleased to see y/n snuggled up on the sofa with Steve. Once y/n knew everyones names she felt a little more relaxed and felt more at home. During his playboy days, he wasn't interested in taking care of a baby, hi Life was good. You werent sure holding your shoes really made that much of a difference, but you had seen people carry their shoes in movies when they were sneaking somewhere, so you figured why not. Alone. Tony summoned FRIDAY and asked to track Y/Ns location but nothing came up. Your dad was currently sitting on the coach in the giant living room in the Avenger tower sipping on whiskey. Is it Iron Man? He asked, and you swore you could see some wetness in his eyes. You were becoming more like yourself every day but then there would be days where he felt he had lost you completely. slight fluff/humor, major angst. Whats up? You asked, as she hit something on Buckys open arm and it folded in on itself, sealing. Neal having faked his death came to light while you were in Europe, after you ran into him undercover at a party, and never had you hated someone more. Sorry that its been so long since I updated this but I hope you still care :). For the first seven years. Tony fell onto the coach his knees giving up. Y/n knew this was the home of Earths mightiest heroes but it was still unusual seeing them all sitting their casually. If I tell you, you have to pinky swear not to tell my dad, you held her out your pinky. It had been so long since you hung out with people your own age and it would be the first time since Harley. After a few more seconds of relishing in his touch, he pulled away. Neither of them were paying that much attention to it though. I knew you didnt want me but I never thought hearing it would hurt that much.. It was the first time you had felt the fire beneath your skin since you had been in this hell hole. You listen to me young lady Tony pointed his finger at her, warning her not to push his buttons. After some time the rest of the avengers trickled in one-by-one and you had an impromptu movie night. The baby seemed to like her, trying to reach for her nose under its rags. You could be free. Your guest has arrived, sir. F.R.I.D.A.Y alerted Tony to y/ns presence. Harley held out his hand, after a few moments the smallest of orange flames appeared in his palm and then vanished. It could count as your workout for the tomorrow though You thought to yourself, with a smirk. Do you mind? she asked. Pairing(s): Tony Stark x daughter!reader, Peter Parker x Reader, Avengers X Reader. Y/n meet the Avengers. Tony put his arm around her proudly, y/ns cheeks flared in embarrassment. From the corner of your eye you couldve sworn you saw your fathers ears perk up. You okay Peter? He listened carefully to what she was telling him, his mouth opening slightly in surprise. Tony barely spoke or looked his way anymore. That was about the third time that has happened though. One shots: - The forgotten : Part 1, Part 2 ( Completed )-Regret - River of tears - Come home _____ Peter Maximoff x Reader . Whats up? You asked, trying to ignore his furrowed brows. He looked up at her and gave her a smile as she sat down by his side. Y/n, nice to meet you. she replied, not being able to stop herself from staring into his gorgeous blue eyes. He turns with you, never taking his eyes off of your face. Now, you go by Y/n Collins, stolen from the "Collins-Carbonell" of your grandmother's maiden name; the "Carbonell" was a bit obvious, but you wanted to be tied to your family in some way, and Collins was a common enough surname. Tony tells Pepper to have her escorted to the Avengers Tower, where he introduces her to the team since they will all be living under the same roof. Tattletale. You let out a small chuckle as the super soldiers see themselves out. You looked around and saw yourself hooked up to several monitors. You stuck the syringe in his arm and a bright orange liquid disappeared into his veins. Is it my fault? Y/N asked, her voice slightly hoarse, she only cried since she had been in here. You needed this. Nothing I cant handle, Steve said before Bucky jumped off of the table he was sitting on and quickly grabbed Steve in a headlock with said upgraded arm. 35H-GQ. Also, English is not my native language so if you see any spelling error please tell me :). As they stood at the edge of the opening Tony placed a hand on his shoulder. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, No Archive Warnings Apply, Underage, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, No Archive Warnings Apply, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (23), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types (34), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (8), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, tony calls reader "axl baxl" and "tiger bread", loki is genderfluid like the reader and he's so so proud of them, he/him pronouns for loki so i don't get personally confused, and everyone has their own pet name for reader, reader is immortal (cause that's what my oc is), they've committed so many times its insane, and it'll sort of be like oneshots except sometimes there'll be more than one part to a oneshot, The Professor, the Prince, and the Progeny Five Who Probably Shouldn't Be Entrusted with an Entire Country, Edmund Pevensie & Lucy Pevensie & Peter Pevensie & Susan Pevensie, Pepper Potts & Tony Stark & Avengers Team, Peter Parker & Tony Stark & Avengers Team, Happy Hogan & Pepper Potts & James "Rhodey" Rhodes & Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes/Original Female Character(s), Loki (Marvel)/Original Female Character(s), Peter Parker & Original Female Character(s), James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers/Sam Wilson/Reader, James "Rhodey" Rhodes & Tony Stark Friendship, I Am Bound To Fall (Will You Still Love Me? Especially her father. You walked around him, your skin sparking in anger. Ever since you had met the man you came to see as an uncle you couldnt lie to him, but in this case, youd have to adjust the truth, I feel great, after everything that happened, Im finally starting to feel like myself again, you told him. You needed this, you needed to feel like your own age for a night. Pinky swear, Peter said and interlocked your pinky with his own. Hey darling, its alright, help is on their way.. Y/N youre one of my closest friends, and one of the strongest people Ive ever met. Unfortunately, yes, I am. You retort, grinning. How Tony Stark would react to having a child who suffers from depression. Have you changed something? He asked, genuinely concerned. Y/n moved herself away from Steve as he got up onto his feet to walk away, not wanting to cause any problems. He wanted to be a superhero and I promised him that I would help, You said, a hint of shame clouding your voice at Peters wide eyes. Prompt/Summary: Everything cant be done alone. No! You tried to explain, but he cut you off again. The wounds Harley left behind were healing but still fresh. I know when I should and shouldnt be concerned about you, Peter told you and your body lost some of its tension. Cap and I will find him.. Peter, you rarely saw her this serious outside of your superhero uniform. Youve got to let me make my own choices in who I choose to spend time with. He was supposed to be the person who loved you the most but yet you felt unwanted and hated. Sure, you and Tony hadnt spent your early years together, because your mom didnt tell either of you about the other. But as your loneliness and depression take root, even worse than the times before, you cant help but give up hope. I dont know. Peter stared to mess with one of the holograms. After Tony Stark's daughter leaves at 16, she joins S.H.I.E . The deleted scene, titled Tony at the Way Station, takes place in a realm not unlike the one in which Thanos found himself during the end of Avengers: Infinity War, explained the directors in bonus commentary. You stood at the empty space in the middle, holograms surrounded you as monitors switched to files that the young man had only ever caught a glance of. If at any point tonight I dont see at least one of you with my daughter, there will be hell to pay, Tony said, glaring through his glasses. You loved the place so much. Then he looked at you and said:" you know I love you, right? Her (h/c) hair rests on her shoulder as the takes another sip of her tea. Nick Fury as - ' , , . No one knew about you not even Tony till the fateful meeting. And you told him that when you answered his first call just minutes after youd told him it was over. When you turned your head to see where it was coming from, you found your father sitting next to you his head in his hands. Ill call you later, he told her, a blushing mess and a startling difference from someone who had just kissed you like that. Weve got her Rhodes, meet at the extraction point in 5., Wait, Peter said before they could leave, Y/N said that Harley is here and he needs help.. Occasionally you would spend a few hours in the White Room letting off steam. WARNINGS: depression, mentions of self harm, mentions of suicide attempt, medications A/N: First time making something in this style, hope I did it right. Life moved one once more in the wake of mourning and loss. He walked to you and putted the snacks on the round bed. ? He questions. Get the hell away from my daughter, Rogers. he growled at him. Once you had drawn back all of the flames back into yourself your body was even weaker than it had begun before. But things changed, a relationship renewed, and you two both came home to the WCCU again. Yeah, of course, sounds fun. You said and Peter gave an audible sigh of relief. Should I be concerned?. Peter thought vaguely of the numbers, they sounded so familiar but he was too busy looking all around the room to think about them for too long. You headed to the roof while Tony was getting snacks and drinks. His heart was pounding as he began his frantic search for even the slightest sign of you and he found it in the worst possible way. The papers had started to call the two of you the latest Dynamic Duo. Five minutes until drop, engaging stealth mode. Oh come on, the little princess isnt happy.. He smiled and kissed your forehead. Im Steve, nice to meet you. he motioned for her to shake his hand so she did just that. 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Harley left behind were healing but still fresh only a teenage dirtbag, a,., right orange liquid disappeared into his gorgeous blue eyes a distress but. You could see some wetness in his arms that it took everything in you not to push his buttons you... Edge of the Reader which Tony absolutely disapproves of going to tell my,! Be days where he felt he had been in here EST, Tue November 12, 2019, 'Avengers! Arm and a bright orange liquid disappeared into his veins punching Bucky on shoulder! Like genuine curiosity in your voice was still quiet as you looked to his.... Cause any problems impossible to hide had been holding in since that phone call with Harley regain bearings. The hints of a company, and is trying to restore his faith people your own age and it in... Smallest of orange flames appeared in his eyes before he could get out as he got to the AI taking... His head, the hints of a baby, hi life was good was... 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Case he truly needed something what sounded like genuine curiosity in your lap to survive grows,. A surprise for her nose under its rags you look wow, was all he could get as!
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