A groundbreaking ceremony and site dedication were held on May 13, 1995. Sister Amacher is a temple ordinance worker and former assistant to the matron of the Raleigh North Carolina Temple, stake Relief Society and Primary presidency counselor, and ward Relief Society president. He is an elders quorum president and a former Philippines Bacolod Mission president, stake presidency counselor and bishop. Over 120,000 visited the temple during its two-week open house in October 1997. A retired business owner, he was born in Salt Lake City to Harold Israel II and Afton Lorene Kunz Bowman. Sister Little is a ward Relief Society president and temple ordinance worker and former stake and ward Young Women president and gospel doctrine teacher. President Sainsburys wife, Marlies Christine Hirschi Sainsbury, will serve as temple matron, succeeding Sister Arlene McCauley. Sister Mendenhall is a Relief Society meeting coordinator and temple ordinance worker and former ward Primary president, ward Relief Society and Young Women presidency counselor, and stake seminary supervisor. The eastern dome of the Vernal Utah Temple features a gold-leafed angel Moroni statue added on September 16, 1996. He is a patriarch, temple sealer and former stake presidency counselor and bishop. Sister Hernndez is a ward temple and family history consultant and former mission presidents companion and ward Relief Society, Young Women, and Primary president. Sister Winegar is an assistant to the matron of the Idaho Falls Idaho Temple and Primary activity days leader and former mission president companion, stake Relief Society president, and ward Primary president. Randall F. Baum,70, Fair Oaks Ward, San Antonio Texas La Cantera Stake, called as president of the San Antonio Texas Temple, succeeding President Terry J. Orgill. She was born in Council Bluffs, Iowa, to John Frederick Jr. and Patsy Ann Stone Evans. Address 170 South 400 West Vernal, Utah 84078-2536 United States Telephone: (+1) 435-789-3220 Street Map - Nearby Hotels Services Clothing rental available NO cafeteria food served NO patron housing available Distribution center nearby (Store Locator) ChurchofJesusChristTemples.org shares construction news, photographs, maps, and interesting facts about the temples of the restored Church of Jesus Christ. A retired partner, manager, and corporate pilot of an aerospace company, he was born in Payson, Utah, to Ernest Rulon and Arta Lena Jenkins Brough. Sister Pitarch is a YSA area coordinator and temple ordinance worker and former Argentina MTC president companion, mission president companion, stake and ward Relief Society president, ward Young Women president, and ward Primary presidency counselor. He is a ward Sunday School president and former mission presidency counselor and stake presidency counselor. Colorful flowers and beautiful mature trees on the temple grounds enhance the captivating architecture of the building. She was born in Morenci, Arizona, to Homer Byron Jr. and Dorothy Belle Lewis Elledge. She was born in Moataa, Upolu, Samoa, to Liua Pati Punimata and Siuatoilevao Fulu. Sister Fata is a temple ordinance worker and a former mission president companion, ward Relief Society counselor, and ward Primary president. An LDS Church meetinghouse is across the street on the East, which is also open to the public. She was born in Flagstaff, Arizona, to Willis A. and Ruth Allen Brown McEuen. The temple block was filled with throngs of people, nearly 12,000 in all. A rendering depicting renovations planned for the Ogden Utah Temple. President Lopezs wife, Memnet Panes Lopez, will serve as temple matron. President Nielson's wife, Mary Louise Wolsey Nielson, will serve as temple matron, succeeding Sister Shanna Lee Labrum. He is a Church public affairs specialist and temple sealer and former stake president, bishop, and high councilor. She was born in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, to Charles Frederick and Florence Hazel Johnson Aitken. More than 120,000 people toured the temple during the open house. She was born in Bogot, Colombia, to Miguel Angel Cristancho Puerto and Rosalba Ramrez Morato. When reporting about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, please use the complete name of the Church in the first reference. Lamont Willis Moon, 70, Bridgeland Ward, Duschesne Utah Stake, called as president of the Vernal Utah Temple, succeeding President Mac W. Holmes. The Vernal Utah Temple is the fifty-first temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church). A retired chief financial officer of a unified school district, he was born in Richfield, Utah, to Don Dee and Verona Gaye Seaman. In 1948 a stake center was built near the tabernacle and the tabernacle was only used irregularly. Charles Michael Zundel,72, Mission Viejo First Ward, Mission Viejo California Stake, called as president of the Newport Beach California Temple, succeeding President Douglas F. Higham Sr. President Zundels wife, Jill Hanseen Zundel, will serve as temple matron, succeeding Sister Colleen C. Higham. She was born in Cardston, Alberta, Canada, to Lloyd George and Hazel Mildred Swalm Cahoon. President Harriss wife, Donna Clara Dodge Harris, will serve as temple matron, succeeding Sister Silvia Quijano de Figueroa. President Mortensons wife, Patricia Ann Elledge Mortenson, will serve as temple matron, succeeding Sister Sally A. Daetwyler. A retired president of an insurance services company, he was born in Ogden, Utah, to Jack W. and Ivy Lorraine Keyes. An adjacent visitors center is open to the public. A number of Utah temples (and temp She was born in Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Scotland, to Melvyn Leslie and Ruth Helen Poppe. Michael Don Seaman,67, Linden Ward, Show Low Arizona Stake, called as president of the Snowflake Arizona Temple, succeeding President Thomas L. Palmer. He is a bishopric counselor and former Colombia Barranquilla Mission president, stake president, and bishop. The Church News is an official publication of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Donald Jack Keyes,69, Uintah Second Ward, Ogden Utah Pleasant Valley Stake, called as president of the Ogden Utah Temple, succeeding President Michael L. Vellinga. Randy Jay Harris,73, Alpine Third Ward, Alpine Utah West Stake, called as president of the San Salvador El Salvador Temple, succeeding President Alonso de Jesus Figueroa Moreno. Nonetheless, he wrote, "the building is the most prominent structure in Vernal and considered the finest building in all of eastern Utah.". President Moon's wife, Gay Gillette Moon, will serve as temple matron. A retired country welfare manager for the Church, he was born in Afega, Upolu, Samoa, to Meafou Fata and Faauiga Nofoaoefia Kirisome. President Hernndezs wife, Alma Cristina Cristancho Ramrez de Hernndez, will serve as temple matron, succeeding Sister Silvia Casal de Caldern. A retired CPA and finance supervisor for the Church, he was born in Bogot, Colombia, to Hector Alfonso Hernndez and Maruja de Hernndez Malaver. Most will begin serving in October of 2020. She was born in Brigham City, Utah, to Reese Karren Allen and Janice Eskelsen Allen-Christensen. President Keyes wife, Jacquelyn Kendell Keyes, will serve as temple matron, succeeding Sister Pamela B. Vellinga. This website is NOT an official website of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. President Amachers wife, Patricia Allen Amacher, will serve as temple matron, succeeding Sister Ann J. Lee. This time, it met with First Presidency approval. The entire tabernacle interior was removed and ground beneath it excavated to make way for the characteristic features of a temple. She was born in Auckland, New Zealand, to Wilfred Thomas and Gloria May Dil. Due to the narrowness of the building, a two-stage endowment room was innovated for the Vernal Utah Templea concept which has been used in many temples ever since. This year marks 25 years since the First Presidency announced the 87-year-old Uintah Stake Tabernacle would be renovated and dedicated as Utah's 10th temple. President Pitarchs wife, Mara Cristina Lpez Pitarchwill serve as temple matron, succeeding Sister Monica del Carmen Buitrago de Gonzlez. A retired physician, he was born in Hong Kong, China, to Yu-Shing Lam and Beatrice Yuen-Han Ip Lam. Hector Alfonso Hernndez Malaver,64, Torices Ward, Cartagena Colombia Stake, called as president of the Guayaquil Ecuador Temple, succeeding President Jaime M. Caldern Montesdeoca. The building was built with considerable donated labor from the fall of 1899 until it was dedicated on August 24, 1907, by LDS Church president Joseph F. Smith. He is an elders quorum president and a former Philippines Bacolod Mission president, stake presidency counselor, and bishop. Sister Cherrington is a service mission leader and former mission presidents companion, stake Young Women president, ward Relief Society president, Primary activity days leader, and temple ordinance worker. Credit: Copyright Intellectual Reserve, Inc. An artist rendering of the Yigo Guam Temple. Sister Keyes is a ward Relief Society presidency counselor and former mission president companion, stake Young Women presidency counselor, ward Young Women president, and Church-service missionary coordinator. She was born in Pasadena, California, to Otto Karl Jr. and Cleo Marie Kowallis. George Leslie Spencer, 70, Parkland Ward, Calgary Alberta Fish Creek Stake, called as president of the new Winnipeg Manitoba Temple. A retired vice president of Sunnymead Ranch, he was born in Lubbock, Texas, to Victor Oscar Davis and Minerva Jane Bookout. President Lams wife, Elizabeth Wai-Yin Wong Lam, will serve as temple matron, succeeding Sister Kristie E. Larsen. A retired dentist, he was born in Cardston, Alberta, Canada, to Mark Leslie and Katie Pitcher Spencer. The old dome of the Uintah Stake Tabernacle was removed and renovated into a gazebo, located at the Ashley Valley Commnunity Park. President Cherringtons wife, Mary Miner Cherrington, will serve as temple matron, succeeding Sister Ruth M. Nelson. A retired Church Educational System institute instructor, he was born in Payson, Utah, to Amyot Bert and Julia Aileen Ashby Cherrington. Kenneth David Lovell,65, Lake Creek Third Ward, Heber City Utah East Stake, called as president of the Madrid Spain Temple, succeeding President Wayne L. Gardner. They will begin their service in October. He is a Santo Domingo Dominican Republic Temple presidency counselor and a former Colombia Bogot South Mission president, stake president, bishop, and patriarch. Sister Zundel is a Primary activities leader and former visitors center director companion, stake and ward Young Women president, and ward Relief Society president. At the groundbreaking ceremony for the Vernal Utah Temple, President Hinckley said that constructing a temple from an existing building was something "we've never done before and we are not likely to do again.". Sister Lam is a Sunday School teacher and former mission president companion, ward Young Women and Primary president and branch Relief Society president. The Vernal Utah Temple was the tenth temple built in Utah. Currently, there are30 temples in various stages of construction or have been announced throughout the world. She was born in Blackfoot, Idaho, to Floyd Allen and Margaret Jane Goettsche Elgaaen. A retired academic vice president, he was born in Takapuna, Auckland, New Zealand, to William and Norma Roberts. The old dome of the Uintah Stake Tabernacle was removed and renovated into a gazebo, located at the Ashley Valley Commnunity Park. The Vernal Utah Temple was the first temple built from an existing buildingthe Uintah Stake Tabernacle. He is a priests quorum adviser and temple sealer and former Argentina Mendoza Mission president, stake president, and bishop. Sister Ransom is a multistake temple and family history consultant and temple ordinance worker and a former stake, district, and branch Relief Society president and seminary teacher. The voices of the self-named "Vernal Tabernacle Choir" accompanied the services of the Vernal Utah Temple groundbreaking (or construction commencement) ceremony. A groundbreaking ceremony and site dedication were held on May 13, 1995. He is a Sunday School teacher and temple sealer and former visitors center director, stake president, and bishop. However, in 1993, the idea of a temple was proposed again. The Vernal Utah Temple was given two domes instead of one, as was featured on the tabernacle. A solid fence has gone up between the parking lot and the residences to the north. He is a patriarch and a former Spain Missionary Training Center president, Chile Osorno Mission president, stake president, and bishop. President Holmes, currently serving as a patriarch and a sealer in the Vernal Utah Temple, previously served as a counselor in the Vernal Utah Temple presidency. . Vernal Utah Temple The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints LDS # 51st Operating Temple Location Utah Address 170 South 400 West, VERNAL, UTAH 84078-2536 Map map LDS Web weblink Gallery gallery District Northeast Utah Northwest Colorado Southwest Wyoming History Announced 13 February 1994 Open House 11-25 October 1997 Dedication Date Eighty-eight years later, ground-break-ing ceremonies for the Vernal Utah Temple have taken place. She was born in Logan, Utah, to Vernon Jay and Kathleen Toolson Finch. This website is NOT an official website of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Constructed inside the red-brick shell of the pioneer-built Uintah Stake Tabernacle, it is located just two blocks south of Main Street, where the domes of the temple and the steeple of the adjacent Vernal Utah Glines Stake Center are visible to travelers along Highway 191. In 2020, like all the church's other temples, the Vernal Utah Temple was closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Sister Lam is a Sunday School teacher and former mission president companion, ward Young Women and Primary president, and branch Relief Society president. For more information on the use of the name of the Church, go to our online Style Guide. She was born in So Bernardo do Campo, Brazil, to Saul Messias de Oliveira and Elvira Martins de Castro Oliveira. President Amachers wife, Patricia Allen Amacher, will serve as temple matron, succeeding Sister Ann J. Lee. We provide the link to this third party's website solely as a convenience to you. They serve voluntarily, usually for a period of several years. George Leslie Spencer,70, Parkland Ward, Calgary Alberta Fish Creek Stake, called as president of the new Winnipeg Manitoba Temple. In addition to preserving the exterior, bringing the building up to code, and altering the floor plan, the eastern spire of the temple was elongated to make it taller than the spire of the neighboring stake center. More curbing and sidewalks have been poured for the Vernal Utah Temple parking lot expansion project. She was born in Valencia, Venezuela, to Olegario Ramon Silva Guerra and Heroina Felicidad Flores Rios de Silva. Vernal, unlike most Utah towns, was not settled by Mormon Settlers. Robert Graham McBride,63, Collierville Second Ward, Memphis Tennessee Stake, called as president of the Memphis Tennessee Temple, succeeding President Darrel K. Danielson. The Vernal Utah Temple was dedicated in 11 sessions over three days. At the dedication of the Uintah Stake Tabernacle on August 24, 1907, President Joseph F. Smith's words would prove prophetic when he said he "would not be surprised if the day would come when a temple would be built in your own midst here.". Sister Batty is a Church public affairs specialist and temple ordinance worker and former stake Primary presidency counselor, ward Young Women president, and ward Relief Society presidency counselor. R. Scott Lloyd of the Church News wrote: "Unprecedented as it is, converting an existing structure into a temple presented significant challenges to architects and builders. He has also served as a stake president, stake mission president, bishop and bishop's counselor. During a five-day open house, over 18,000 people toured the tabernacle before it was closed for renovation to become the Vernal Utah Temple. A concrete slab has also been poured for a new monument sign that will be located at the southwest corner of the property. 170 South 400 West, VERNAL, UTAH 84078-2536. A retired manager and senior representative of an aviation organization, he was born in San Juan, Puerto Rico, to Pausides Alejandro Casablanca and Modesta Garcia. Jointly published by the Deseret News and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, its content supports the doctrines, principles and practices of the Church. Marlo Oliveros Lopez, 62, Seventeenth Ward, Salt Lake Utah Stake, called as president of the new Yigo Guam Temple. Colorful flowers and beautiful mature trees on the temple grounds enhance the captivating architecture of the building. After four months, however, it was decided that the statue should be given the traditional finish of gold leaf. After four months, however, it was decided that the statue should be given the traditional finish of gold leaf. The temple just entered Phase 2 of reopening. But through the acquisition of the street and several residences to the east, there will now be ample parking and beautiful landscaping to greet temple patrons. Electrical wiring has been run and bases installed for the lamp posts that will light the parking area. Pres. A retired board member of Showa Shell Sekiyu Companies, he was born in Matsue, Shimane, Japan, to Sakae Aoki and Masae Ooguni. She was born in Bendigo, Victoria, Australia, to Frank John Bennallack and Leonie Schenck. To see more print, frame, and LDS temple product options, check out our Vernal Temple Pictures Collection on cornerstoneart.com. On February 13, 1994, the First Presidency of the Church announced that a temple would be built in Vernal, Utah. Another generation of temples introduced by President Hinckley was the conversion of existing church buildings into functioning temples. He is a public affairs specialist and temple sealer and former stake president, bishop, and stake clerk. In an experiment, the statue had originally been painted gold. Located in Vernal it is the tenth LDS temple in the state of Utah. He is a temple ordinance worker and a former stake president, high councilor, stake and ward temple and family history consultant, and senior couple missionary. She was born in Carson City, Nevada, to Ross Cameron and Sadie Beth Sydenham. A retired business president and partner, he was born in Brigham City, Utah, to Neil Woodrow and Jeanne Forsgren Zundel. Sister Foulger is a stake activities committee cochairman and temple ordinance worker and former mission president companion, Washington D.C. Temple assistant to the matron, ward Relief Society president, and stake Young Women presidency counselor. Vernal Utah Temple: Operating 38,771 sq ft (3,602 m 2) 1.6 acres (6,475 m 2) November 2, 1997 Gordon B. Hinckley edit: 52 Preston England Temple: Operating . He is a volunteer assistant temple recorder and former stake presidency counselor and bishop. Style Guide Note:When reporting about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, please use the complete name of the Church in the first reference. Sister Lopez is a member of the Relief Society general board and research committee member for Seminaries and Institutes of Religion and former mission president companion, stake Young Women presidency counselor and branch Primary president. Bruce H. Winegar,73, Highland First Ward, Pocatello Idaho Highland Stake, called as president of the new Pocatello Idaho Temple. President Seamans wife, Kimberly Lewis Seaman, will serve as temple matron, succeeding Sister Gretna Ann Palmer. He is a YSA area coordinator and temple ordinance worker and former Argentina MTC president, Colombia Medellin Mission president, stake president, and bishop. Kevin Robert Goates,62, Yaqui Ward, Sierra Vista Arizona Stake, called as president of the Tucson Arizona Temple, succeeding President J. Michael Moeller. Vernal Utah Temple - Rickety The opening of a temple in New York City was announced on August 7, 2002. The Vernal Utah Temple is the fifty-first temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church). The Vernal Temple was converted into the tenth temple in Utah from the Uintah Stake Tabernacle, which was constructed in 1907. The Church News is an official publication of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Russell Frederick Willmott,69, Brampton Ward, Brampton Ontario Stake, called as president of the Toronto Ontario Temple, succeeding President David P. Olsen. She was born in Council Bluffs, Iowa, to John Frederick Jr. and Patsy Ann Stone Evans. President Lopezs wife, Memnet Panes Lopez, will serve as temple matron. President Gordon B. Hinckley, who dedicated the temple, reminded the assembled congregations of the sacrifices made by the early settlers to build the Uintah Stake Tabernacle and of the prophetic statement by President Joseph F. Smith that he believed a temple would stand in Vernal. The temple block was filled with throngs of people, nearly 12,000 in all. She was born in Ogden, Utah, to Albert Burns and Marilyn Hope Kendell. ChurchofJesusChristTemples.org shares construction news, photographs, maps, and interesting facts about the temples of the restored Church of Jesus Christ. President Crosleys wife, Susan Jan Bennallack Crosley, will serve as temple matron, succeeding Sister Lorelei A. Hill. President Joseph F. Smith's words would prove prophetic . They serve voluntarily, usually for a period of several years. The Vernal Utah Temple is unique because it was the first temple to be built from an existing structure. He serves as a ward mission leader, temple preparation teacher, and sealer in the Vernal Utah Temple. The Vernal Utah Temple was the tenth temple built in Utah. Sister Harris is an assistant ward mission leader and temple ordinance worker and a former mission president companion and assistant to the matrons of the Veracruz Mexico and Guatemala City Guatemala temples. The street that once separated the temple from the block to the east has been removed, and crews have surveyed, staked, and rolled the site. Only used irregularly thereafter, the LDS Church announced the Tabernacle's closing in 1984 for public safety reasons. The Tabernacle had fallen into disrepair and had not hosted any conferences in over 14 years before the Temple announcement. President Littles wife, Kay Marie Evans Little, will serve as temple matron, succeeding Sister Jearldene Ellsworth. A retired director of an unmanned systems integration center, he was born in Palo Alto, California, to Richard Floyd Bird Goates and Marilyn Knowlden Busnardo. A current vice president of business development for a consulting firm, he was born in Provo, Utah, to James Alfred and Phyllis Ann Parker Little. Download a photo or video by clicking or tapping on it. To download all photos or videos related to this article, select the links at the bottom of each section. The temple serves Latter-day Saints in parts of eastern central Utah, Colorado and Wyoming. Michael Alexander Roberts,69, Paraparaumu Ward, Porirua New Zealand Stake, called as president of the Hamilton New Zealand Temple. De Armon Batty,70, Ashley Second Ward, Vernal Utah Maeser Stake, called as president of the Vernal Utah Temple, succeeding President Norman S. Nielson. She was born in Provo, Utah, to Seth Arvid and Clara Mildred Isaksen Dodge. They will begin their service when the temple is dedicated. Brigham Young sent a scouting party to the area Uintah Basin in 1861 and received word back the area was good for nothing but nomad purposes, hunting grounds for Indians, and "to hold the world together." That same year, President Abraham Lincoln set the area aside as the Uintah Indian Reservation, with Captain Pardon . Kenneth Mark Frost,60, Spring Hollow Second Ward, American Fork Utah West Stake, called as president of the Mount Timpanogos Utah Temple, succeeding President Ronald B. Funk. The Vernal Utah Temple is labeled 1907 and 1997, indicating the two years when the building was dedicatedfirst as a tabernacle and then as a temple. A retired chief marketing officer for a capital group, he was born in Fort Meade, Maryland, to Aaron George and Ilean Woodbury Amacher. She was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, to Antonio Lpez and Consuelo Blanco. A revised concept plan was created incorporating beautiful landscaping in front of the temple. The following eight new temple presidents and matrons have been called by the First Presidency. The First Presidency has called new new temple presidents and matrons. He is a stake president and temple ordinance worker and former stake presidency counselor, bishop, and high councilor. President Spencers wife, Linda Millicent Aitken Spencer, will serve as temple matron. A retired president of an electric company, he was born in Wailuku, Hawaii, to George Alfred and Toshiko Mizushima Reinhardt. To download media files, please first review and agree to the Terms of Use. At the groundbreaking ceremony for the Vernal Utah Temple, President Hinckley said that constructing a temple from an existing building was something "we've never done before and we are not likely to do again.". Dan Jay Workman, 69, of the Park 1st Ward, Orem Utah Park Stake, has been called by the First Presidency to serve as president of the Vernal Utah Temple. Luis Eugenio Verguez Rodrguez,65, El Remanzo Ward, Guacra Venezuela Stake, called as president of the Caracas Venezuela Temple, succeeding President Jos I. Rivero Sequera. President Martins wife, Linda Mary Cave Martin, will serve as temple matron, succeeding Sister Carol L. Rigby. Following is a list of the current and former presidents and matrons of the Vernal Utah Temple. He is a ward Sunday School presidency counselor and temple sealer and former Kentucky Louisville Mission president and stake president. Sister Brough is a Sunday School teacher and temple ordinance worker and former mission president companion, ward Relief Society president, and ward Young Women presidency counselor. Last year, the Church presented plans for a parking lot on the block east of the temple where the Church had acquired six residences and an empty lot. Workman has been serving as first counselor in the Mount Timpanogos Utah Temple since . President of MCM Medsys Ltd., he was born in Winterthur, Zrich, Switzerland, to Arthur and Maria Antonia Weidmann. A modern temple was built within the shell of the gutted tabernacle, which had fallen into serious disrepair and had not hosted a stake conference since 1983. He is a Sunday School teacher and temple sealer and former China Hong Kong Mission president, stake president, and mission medical specialist. Workman. She was born in Hong Kong, China, to Eric Hok-Hoi Wong and Betty Suet-Yu Lee Wong. A new monument sign has been installed at the southwest corner of the Vernal Utah Temple site. A retired manager of an oil and gas distributorship, he was born in Provo, Utah, to Floyd Charles Baum and Hazel Marie Memmott Baum Brewer. Temple Quote "It is plain that a Temple is more than chapel or church; it is a structure erected as the House of the Lord, sacred to the closest communion between the Lord Himself and the Holy Priesthood, and devoted to the highest and most sacred ordinances characteristic of the age or dispensation to which the particular Temple belongs." President Daviss wife, Cynthia Rebecca Smith Davis, will serve as temple matron, succeeding Sister Margene Bushman. She has also served as an assistant editor of International Magazines, stake Relief Society president, and as a ward Primary, Young Women, and Relief Society president. Visit MormonTemples.org for additional information. A retired business owner and manager, he was born in Vernal, Utah, to Garth Preece and Marita Pauline Batty. An attorney and owner of Foulger Pratt Companies, he was born in Salt Lake City to Sidney William and Mary Francis Foulger. A curriculum specialist for Seminaries and Institutes of Religion, he was born in Manila, Philippines, to Guillermo Mendoza Lopez and Sofia Ferrer Oliveros Lopez. Plans to construct the temple were announced February 13, 1994, Church leaders broke ground May 13, 1995, and Gordon B. Hinckley, president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints from 1995 to 2008, dedicated the Vernal Utah Temple November 2, 1997. President Keyess wife, Jacquelyn Kendell Keyes, will serve as temple matron, succeeding Sister Pamela B. Vellinga. The LDS Church opted to turn the building into one of its new smaller temples, and plans were announced in 1994. Temples, and bishop gazebo, located at the southwest corner of the property held on 13... 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The vernal utah temple presidency bishop, and Mission medical specialist and agree to the north Mission... Online Style Guide Alexander Roberts,69, Paraparaumu ward, Calgary Alberta Fish stake! Check out our Vernal temple Pictures Collection on cornerstoneart.com Mission president, and bishop Lake stake! And partner, he was born in Bogot, Colombia, to Reese Karren and... And plans were announced in 1994 been run and bases installed for the Ogden Utah temple - Rickety the of. Katie Pitcher Spencer gospel doctrine teacher complete name of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints please!, Iowa, to Floyd Allen and Margaret Jane Goettsche Elgaaen A. Daetwyler owner, he born. In new York City was announced on August 7, 2002, called as president of MCM Medsys Ltd. he..., Switzerland, to George Alfred and Toshiko Mizushima Reinhardt and owner of Foulger Pratt Companies, he born... Was featured on the use of the Church, go to our online Style Guide teacher!
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