I downloaded the manual with no problems thank you for your time to fix this matter, Correct manual. They just pull out but probably like mine were a little stuck. This method should work for any h4 bulb that doesn't have the heat sink find on the bottom plug sideThe new H4 bulb should plug directly into the existing oem plug.Slide OEM ring up from the bottom, I had to cut the inner ring and widen it a little to make it large enough for the led to fit but it was close so some may fit without cutting notches in the inner ring, position the led and then glue in place (I used gorilla glue). I am nothing else but impressed!! Riva 125, Riva 180/200, Vino 125, BWs/Zuma 125, SMAX, Majesty, Morphous and TMAX. Then I found the problem I just turned and wiggled them with a pair of needle nose pliers until they came out.I originally used a long corn cob style but I felt it was too bright for night riding so I replaced them with a small flat style, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, Yamaha XC180 service manual ShortcutsChapter 1 - General information (page 7)Chapter 2 - Periodic Inspections and Adjustments (Page 39)Chapter 3 - Engine Overhaul (Page 73)Chapter 4 - Carburation (Page 187)Chapter 5 - Chassis (Page 205)Chapter 6 - Electrical (Page 251)Chapter 7 - Appendices (Page 325)-------------------------------Shortcuts:Periodic Maintenance chart page 42Engine oil & oil filter Page 47-48Tire Pressure Page 59Specific Tightening torques Page 334General torque setting (English) Page 339General XC180 specifications page 338General specifications Page 327Ignition timing specification Page 337General bolt/thread sizes Page 336General chassis specifications Page 335General carburetor settings & jet sizes Page 333Variator troubleshoot Page 151Carburetor/Auto-choke Troubleshoot Page 190Battery/Charging Troubleshoot Page 283Electrical diagram (uncolored) Page 255Variator removal Page 153Carburetor removal page 194. SOURCE: yamaha sr125 ignition problem "click" I am having exactly same problem. You will lose a couple mph off the top speed but the increased acceleration more than makes up for it. When working on The Riva 180/200 is a very comfortable ride and great for covering long distances. I asked about it and was told the shop owner was a friend of the scooters owner and he was tuning it up as a favor to him. if (! INTERNATIONAL ALWAYS WELCOME! href=mylink; I stumbled on a VERY clean looking 1983 Yamaha 180 Riva for sale in a mechanics shop, 1800 miles. cool the carb (probably to help prevent vapor lock). Disconnect the wiring connections to the solenoids //-->, Maintenance Information for the Yamaha Riva 180. } This is because the rotation of the shieve wears only one side. All of the model codes are then followed by a letter corresponding to the year (1983 = K, 1984 = L, 1985 = N). My ring has ground down a little and there is a shiny circle on the case but nothing deep (As seen in the picture below). Riva 180/200 muffler/rear wheel removal (use similar procedure for the other scooters), This process is not difficult. SH50 Razz re tighten screw. Thank you so much A+, All of our products are backed up by a money back guarantee if you are received wrong product from us! Followthis diagram to make sure you have the hoses hooked up properly. and once again, Christmas morning at 7am!!! You are here. them together. I'm still looking for a 12 amp battery with the correct configuration (length X more easily available from your local Honda dealer than from Yamaha. 75 is achievable in good conditions. The two 12mm bolts that hold the rear portion of the muffler in place can be stripped out if you're not With a little manipulation I asked about it and was told the shop owner was a friend of the scooters owner and he was tuning it up as a favor to him. starting difficulties or some sort. Measure and make a paper template . the carb, I find it way easier to remove the engine than to try and work on it in place. 3 chooses . The main else By sticking my finger into the carburetor intake while at idle (until I can feel the fuel entering carburetor) and applying throttle, I am able to get it to run normally. This Pull off H4 plug, push down and turn retaining ring, pull out oem bulbI used a propane torch to remove the mounting ring from the oem bulb. also retail for about $17 each (you need 4 of them). The stock replacement bulb (40W low beam, 45W high beam) can be hard to get. YAMAHA RIVA 180 CYLINDER HEAD GASKET NOS! Maybe this system worked ok when the scooter was new but Tinkering with a Riva 180 and a couple of old Puch SV's. While not uncommon at the time, at least a front disc brake is now the norm so these big Rivas dont offer excellent braking. petroleum oil (Castrol GTX, Honda motorcycle oil, Kendall). The weights Caltric compatible with Agm Battery Yamaha Riva 180 180Z Xc180 Xc180Z 1983 1984 1985. function popup(mylink, windowname) Outside of the USA & Canada, this scooter was normally sold as the Cygnus 180 / 200. The drain bolt torque is 31 ft-lbs or 43 Nm. It is clear, easy to use and printable I will definitely purchase from them again. Symptoms of a faulty electrical starter on the Yamaha Virago motorcycle include: I. Very useful and effective! Yamaha Riva 180 Xc180 Service Repair Pdf Manual 1983-1985 (MT033724) This manual presented for you in electronic format you can just print out the page you need then dispose of it when you have completed your task. Not easy to find. Riva 125, HondaElite 150). This will wear out your battery in a short amount of time. Excellent all the way around perfect excellent thanks. CUSTOMER SATISFACTION: In addition to an extra 20cc, the Riva 200 had an improved dual sided fork, and improved auto choke system and a few other tweaks like new aluminum rims. Cookie Notice So for example, a 1985 Deluxe Riva 180 would be model code XC180DN. window.focus)return true; runs about 65mph. Here, Im speaking mostly of the Riva 180, manufactured from 1983 - 1985. The sliders become thin and brittle over the years. 2) Is the nut still able to be bought or not ? window.open(href, windowname, 'width=640,height=480,resizable=yes'); apply too much torque upon reassembly. I put it on my office computer and then copied it to my field laptop. All of these parts The rollers fell out of place in the fr variator while you had the belt off. By restricting the air being introduced into the combustion chamber, I am essentially enriching the fuel/air mixture. It will also fly to the outside of the Re-attaching the air box to the carb was a bear and I finally had to fashion a very short rubber adapter, held in place by hose clamps, to get it to work. The purchase through Pay Pal was quick and easy ,I clicked on the download button and in seconds was scrolling through my new digital factory parts manual!!! what happened. Low battery - replace with a good quality battery with plenty of cold cranking amps (CCA) I wish I would of went to Trade-bit or somewhere else. personalities. You do not have access to scootdawg.proboards.com. working on the scooter trying to see if I can figure out whats wrong with it. by TallTim772 Tue Nov 04, 2014 12:17 pm, Post Again, a few minutes rest and off I went. The sliders are plastic bushings that fit in the outside of the variator (in the spider). function popup(mylink, windowname) } I've had this Riva for a few years now with no problems. Opting for the Z trim over the regular Riva 180 got you a two-tone paint job with pin-striping, color matched rims, a digital clock in the dash, a plush two step seat and the option to add a tinted windscreen. Opting for the Z version netted you the same upgrades as mentioned early for the Riva 180 Z. Yamaha Deluxe 2' Transom Tie Downs; Yamaha Inflatable Floating Cooler; It took like 3 seconds to heat up enough and I used my needle nose pliers to pull the ring off and a pair of channel locks to hold the hot bulbThe H4 led bulb I got had a removable base plate, but any h4 should work if you cut off the 3 tabs. re starting, battery and fizzz. It became available in a matter of seconds from the time it was ordered. THIS MANUAL COVERS: anneal it first. Remove 4 Phillips screws on variator ring, remove thin metal ring without bending. I've Set your volt/ohm meter to DC volts, and connect it across the two battery terminals. Downfall is they wear, and wear quickly if not properly greased. Might work and I ve done it to a honda goldwing clutch nut. There is a thermo switch Privacy Policy. Here is a. . Starter Turns . Maintenance Information for the Yamaha Riva 180. Now I got 4 or 5 companies I'm holding up from working. Acceleration with 5/6 is very fast and it is not great for just putting around or cruising. Great site, ordered the wrong one, bought the correct one. CW50 Zuma *PATCH v11 1/6] LoongArch: Simulate branch and PC* instructions 2023-01-14 9:27 [PATCH v11 0/6] Add kprobe and kretprobe support for LoongArch Tiezhu Yang @ 2023-01-14 9:27 ` Tiezhu Yang 2023-01-14 9:27 ` [PATCH v11 2/6] LoongArch: Add kprobe support Tiezhu Yang ` (4 subsequent siblings) 5 siblings, 0 replies; 10+ messages in thread . Recommends 20-40w oil for temps above 60 degrees and 10-30w for temps under 60 degrees. It mounted to the Mercury SportJet and extended it out. There phone number given for support doesn't have anyway answering just wants you to set up a mailbox. I hoping to get both running decently and enjoy cruising the neighborhood like it was 1984 once again. This jet is in the 90 degree The next morning 6am(Christmas morning before the kids found me) I excitedly opened my computer to continue reading my manual and it was gone! Remove 4 Phillips screws on variator ring, remove thin metal ring without bending. This bulb is rated at 50W low beam and 60W high beam. DOWNLOAD HERE. kg )**PRO TIP: The sliders should be installed with the "Dr Pulley" lettering on top. Do you have the title for it? located on the rear right hand side At start the belt should be near the center, by the shaft on the variator end, and out at the rim more or less at the rear end. use Dermal tool and file . a few times. XC125 Riva 125 Inspect rollers/sliders and replace if necessary. The Riva 180 has a decent sized glovebox but unfortunately there is no storage under the seat. return false; Way more information and pictures on that site. Because it's so tiny, it can clog easily. if (! Many owners of Yamaha Virago bikes, especially older models, have encountered this problem. I pulled the carb apart several times and cleaned it repeatedly. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. CV50 Riva if (typeof(mylink) == 'string') Top. I pulled over to be safe. Performance is very similar to the 5/6 roller mix, but WAY smoother and consistent with a better top speed.Use a mix of 5g & 6g for fast acceleration and much greater felt power. and now I want to see what other digital manuals they may offer for some of my other dinosaurs in my fleet of farm and excavating machines. Squeeze drive belt into rear clutch to gain slack, be sure to not pinch drive belt between pulleys when tightening. Remove variator ramp, do not lose ramp guide on towers. Even a thorough carb cleaning may not clean out this jet. For more information on the Riva 180/200, check outthisYahoo! Free shipping. it is this level of detail, along with illustrations, that guide the reader through each service, repairs, maintenance procedure. function popup_large(mylink, windowname) The 180 Riva is Freeway Legal. 1991 zuma, full polini build. Set the scooter on its side stand - the centerstand is in the way of the Good and quality service and quick response from a website stuff. Using this repair manual is an inexpensive way to keep your car working properly. One of the two Yamaha's is a parts-bike but it runs. If you really want, you can usualy re-use this O-ring if you Electrolytes are topped off. The Deluxe version was only sold in 1985. Neon's Paint got restored and I updated its accessories Just got my first scooter yesterday. One day it would not start, and it has been sitting in my garage for 4 mont. Very appreciated. When a Yamaha Grizzly won't start, the most common problem to look for is a faulty spark plug. No grease for sliders and they wear slowly. Very fast delivery and correspondence I will gladly take another order, My John Deere compact loader broke down on the job site. It's a little tall, but you should be able to get the seat to close if you remove the foam under the The site owner may have set restrictions that prevent you from accessing the site. Change the Unfortunately due to the nature of this item we are unable to offer refunds on this item. The standard version of the Riva 180 was sold all three years, but the Z version was sold only in 84 and 85. Not a good combination unless you want all power between 45-60 mph, great in that range but too slow up to 45 mph compared to the 5/6 sliders combo. Get it pretty hot. Yamaha Grizzly 700 Starting Problems Troubleshooting Test #1. is cold, the bystarter lets air flow into the starting jet. Key Specs - Riva 180: Engine: Air cooled, 2 valve . variator due to centrifugal force (the variator spins at engine speeds, which are rather fast). Four is better . I stumbled on a VERY clean looking 1983 Yamaha 180 Riva for sale in a mechanics shop, 1800 miles. Heat with a pin point torch tip and propane or better yet Mapp gas. I fear the home made spanner socket will damage the nut and make removal even harder. This book provides detailed service information, step-by-step repair instruction and maintenance specifications for the following Yamaha XC180 Riva scooters: 1985 Yamaha XC180ZN ZNC Riva. The Riva 180 was quite fast for its size with a top speed in excess of 70mph. Get the best deal for Scooter Parts for 1983 Yamaha Riva 180 from the largest online selection at eBay.com. variator. this describes common problems for the Riva 180 / 200. I stopped, killed the engine. The motor used in the XC180 / XC200 is a simple but rugged design. The bi-metal switch is a known problem with the rivas as well as a over complicated carburetor system they abandoned. it out. like 9 hoses going to the carb. The one that controls the petcock connects at the bottom of the petcock and should run to the intake manifold that sits between the carb and the engine. 1985 Yamaha Deluxe Riva 180. If you hear a clicking sound when the starter motor attempts to engage the flywheel, inspect the starter solenoid. else A few moments later I started it and took off, within minutes it began stalling again. Post. Aside from the usual setup (carb, coil, etc), the Riva 180 has two solenoids, carb for cleaning, and then to try and reinstall it properly. After problems with payment and then also problem with download the file I contated support and got a very quick response and a working download link, so many thanks for good support! My Yamaha Riva 125 (1988): Starting/Carb Issues & Questions. The metal spider wears on the aluminum hub and does a lot of damage over time! YOU DO NOT NEED TO OPEN A CASE OR LEAVE A . the battery can move. Something went wrong. Great off the line and extremely strong throughout the midrange and top end. Even if you don't know your engine model exactly, they can correct for you and find the correct manual for you! Disconnect the wiring connections to the solenoids This manual has detailed illustrations as well as step by step written instructions with the necessary diagrams or [] It will come off. Both the foot brake and the hand brake work well. I am having the same sort of problem with my 180 Starting jet In my experience, this tiny little part is one of the main causes of Riva 180 starting problems. I stumbled on a VERY clean looking 1983 Yamaha 180 Riva for sale in a mechanics shop, 1800 miles. and warm up the engine first. It's easy to adjust. this time for good!! The stock which is supposed to control whether the fan is on or not. For help, or to report any issues you're currently having, please visit the ProBoards Support Forum. right next to where the rear shock attaches. return false; Clogged starting air jet 2 (called SAJ 2 in the service manual). The The oil filter cover I've been running it with this spark plug wire for a couple months now and with problems at all.7-24-19 changed the spark plug wire again with a random spark plug wire due to the wire being too short and interfering with the front cover (cut boots off old wire, screwed in Riva coil boot & screwed in Riva plug boot) . Oh ya in Ontario Canada riding with no insurance licence plates and ownership goes something like this. OEM roller weight is 6 gram for all 8 rollers.Sliders: are more expensive and provide better overall performance over rollers. This pic is after about a year of riding with 17x12 roller/sliders and it does not seem to be getting any worse than the picture shown.A place I found in the US that has the DR Pulley sliders in 17x12 and weight options from 4g to 15ghttps://www.partsforscooters.com/169-254_Dr_Pulley_Roller_Weights---------------------------------------------------------------------------Tools required for roller/slider change (same for belt change):Phillips screwdriver (JIS 2) - side fairing, air box cover & variator cover10mm Socket - floor board12mm socket - foot peg5mm allen head (aka 5mm hex key) - clutch/variator coverFlat head screw drive - Variator tab30mm Socket (I strongly suggest using an impact gun) - variator nutPulley WrenchBrake cleaner - to clean variator belt surfaceapproximate time start to finish = 1 hourNarrative:Remove front and side covers. 2) Get the specs of the thermo RivaRiders Yahoo group of Riva 125, Riva 180 and Riva 200 owners. the exhaust port. While riding up a hill, the engine sputtered a few times. engine (green circle in the pic). //-->, Maintenance Information for the Yamaha Riva 180. Have put hundreds of miles on the Riva since then and have had no problems. All diagnostic and repair procedures and gives you access to the same information that Professional Technicians and Mechanics have. I only have stage one, beyond that, engine bogs down and gas sprays out the back of carb. Quite a few other large scooters from this era also dont have underseat storage (ie. In any event, these weights are really expensive new from Yamaha (dealer the carb, I find it way easier to remove the engine than to try and work on it in place. Yamaha continues to use this name today with a 125cc model. Bro this is awesome thank you for compiling this info. Your email address will not be published. return false; if (typeof(mylink) == 'string') 1983 Yamaha Riva XC180K 2007 Diamo Velocity 150 2008 Linhai/Yamaha Aeolus 300. You can heat em up and drop them in cable (either from the battery or Does your scooter quit when you're sitting a a stop light? are made of plastic with a brass center. The total cost is only about $10 ($5 filter and $5 for 1.4 quarts of synthetic oil) This leans out the mixture. Was: $30.75. Remove floor board rear floor bolt (on floor above kickstand). href=mylink.href; /*# sourceMappingURL=https://www.redditstatic.com/desktop2x/chunkCSS/TopicLinksContainer.3b33fc17a17cec1345d4_.css.map*/, Manual shows a dip stick on the very back of the scooter. All the light lenses a But the When they break, metal-to-metal contact occurs between the spider (the outside of the shieve - not shown in the pic) and the variator hub. become flat on one or more sides (they are supposed to be round). You just can't remove it and plug the hole.They need a choke to start when cold. The JacksScooterShop Great Info on the Riva 125 and all Japanese scooters. https://www.amazon.com/HIPA-494768-d=1560526252&s=lawn-garden&sr=1-1-spons&psc=1, https://www.walmart.com/ip/Sea-Foam-Motor-Treatment/16664932, https://www.amazon.com/Vee-Rubber-3-50-10-Tubeless-Winter/dp/B00J4ZCJ7O, (You must log in or sign up to reply here.). To use and printable I will gladly take another order, my John Deere compact broke! Dc volts, and wear quickly if not properly greased battery terminals of. Today with a better experience seconds from the largest online selection at eBay.com Im mostly... The foot brake and the hand brake work well gain slack, be sure to not pinch drive belt rear! Have anyway answering just wants you to Set up a hill, the bystarter lets air flow into starting! Nov 04, 2014 12:17 pm, Post again, a few years now with no insurance licence and! 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