This is an autograph that every sports collector needs in their collection!NameNumber of SuccessesSuccess RateAddressPele Pele1280%Pele Comercio Empreendimentos Participacoes LtdsRua Riachuelo, 121, 3 Andar11010-911, Santos, Sao PaoloBrazilKyle Beckerman1694%c/o U.S. Soccer Federation1801 South Prairie Ave.Chicago, IL 60616Oliver Kahn1673%c/o Management Oliver KahnAtelierstr. And finally, dont mark the return envelopes with anything other than your address. Now that you've got your target (or targets), let's get to the meat of your request, the letter. Name Status Date Sent Date Rec Sent To How the Player Signed Bono, Steve Retired 5/8/17 5/20/17 H card in blue Sharpie I used to love doing this as a kid! No top loaders. 8 comments. Check out whos signing in the archive section. For every TTM request you send, you will need the following items: This is the envelope that will be addressed to the player and have your return address. Pele is almost universally regarded as the greatest player in the history of football. Scores of excited young men descended on a stadium in Kentucky on Friday night to watch a TikTok megastar athlete, despite her not even being able to compete due to an injury. Its shocking how many players are willing to respond to fan mail and sign autographs for their fans. Our mission was, and continues to this very day to include 3 interrelated parts: Address List Quality: My main goal is that the address lists we produce have to be the highest quality available for collectors. Required fields are marked *. I used to do this as a pre-teen/teen around 20 years ago but am thinking about taking up this hobby again before my free time becomes scarce. Stay up to date on all the latest sports card and memorabilia news, articles, and products by subscribing to our newsletter below: Good advice for the TTM autos.especially the personal collection part. Welcome to! Cal Ripken is a legend on the diamond and also a legend in the minds of those autograph seekers. Limit your request to no more than two signatures. The easier you make it for them, the more likely you are to get your autograph. I am not the autograph collector I once was, but I have always found it interesting to send and receive signatures through the mail. He still refused. I use a GREAT website call Sports Card Forum. It's shocking how many celebrities are willing to respond to fan mail and even sign autographs for their fans. Mauer has signed several items for me in the past and has even written thank you notes back, which gives him an A+ in my book. Julie Andrews. 8 Autographs Through The Mail ( TTM) including historic Miracle on Ice Member! He is widely regarded as the greatest professional golfer of all time, winning a total of 18 career major championships, while producing 19 second place and 9 third place finishes in them, over a span of 25 years. Some players sign requests quicker than others. What is up autograph nation! He was formerly with the Indianapolis Colts (19982011) and Denver Broncos (20122015).NameNumber of SuccessesSuccess RateAddressJoe Theismann26499%PO Box 186Leesburg, VA 20178-0186USAJames Lofton284100%13177 Via Mesa DrSan Diego, CA 92129-2287USAArchie Manning28883%639 Loyola Ave 8th FloorNew Orleans, LA 70113USACharlie Joiner31795%12929 Angosto WaySan Diego, CA 92128USAEli Manning33684%c/o New York GiantsMetLife StadiumOne MetLife Stadium Dr.East Rutherford, NJ 07073USASteve Atwater34098%c/o Denver Broncos Football Club13655 Broncos ParkwayEnglewood, CO 80112USAOzzie Newsome39293%c/o Baltimore RavensM&T Bank Stadium1101 Russell StreetBaltimore, MD 21230USARoger Craig51197%271 Vista Verde WayPortola Valley, CA 94028-8149USADan Fouts56697%16820 Varco RdBend, OR 97703-9135USAPeyton Manning57262%Peyton ManningPO Box 3367Englewood, CO 80155-3367USAFan Mail Tip: One of the most important keys to getting a response is by using the right address. Youre carrying packages. We've received your submission. i want all autograpghs 75 kambalda crea fisher. If you are seeking autographs, this is one guy to write too. Let's break that down: First, you write a letter to the player. IP or in person, is when you ask an athlete, celebrity or sports coach to sign you an autograph face to face. Index cards are extremely cheap and you can usually get 100 or so for less than $1. Autographs are currently not . I get $3 for Fred Astaire.. Many of these staffers are former players too. Believe it or not, some players still sign autographs through the mail and some teams even mail out FREE fan packs! Add to cart. I cant stress this enough. hide. Sitemap, Your California Privacy Rights The Hawkeyes hit the road Sunday, traveling to Madison to face No. I listed Bobby Doerr first as I know he still signs for everyone (lives up the road from me and at 95 is the oldest living HOFer). Sounds even pricier that the mortgage payments, right? If youre late for a plane, what they do is start fumbling around with, Do you have a piece of paper? You want to kick em right in the ass when they do that. of card shows we'll be attending. The sportsmen demand a price for their time, which the promoters attempt to recoup by charging for autographs. In most cases, if youre sending one or two cards to be signed, you will only need one First Class stamp to cover the postage. What celebrities/athletes accept TTM (Through the mail) autographs? . Some athletes refuse even to sign promotional material such as business cards or posters because they feel it violates their privacy rights. Supposedly a retiring player wanted the team to sign as a memento. I havent done this in years, but going through my collection made me do a google search, which drew me here. I have also had success as a kid. Thats when I told him about the jersey and he said he would and he would send it back. In your letter, don't ramble. There are two places you can mail in a request to get an autograph: The Team's Spring Training Clubhouse (preferred) - Players have a lot of downtime for a month, so this is a great best time for them to read through fan mail. BEST SUPPLIES FOR SENDING TTMS I just started collecting cards and wanted to get cards for the Mets because they're my favorite team, and I was wondering if I sent a card and a nice message to the Mets organization if they'd be able to get the person to sign my card and send it back? share. Sure, some file formats might seem too challenging with which to work. If you can make the trip here like the son from my hometown did for this collection- we can make a deal at the office. Find out which actors will not be signing your movie poster any time soon. Guy Lafleur is a retired NHL Forward (Montreal Canadiens, Quebec Nordiques, New York Rangers) as well as a Hockey Hall of Fame Inductee. It will hurt me. 67% Upvoted. Through this. Is there a list you can get with names & addresses of famous people who return autographs? You can send a request to teams for a little goodie bag. Not sure about Murphy, but some athletes dont like getting fan mail at home. Happy Hunting Yall! I find this distasteful to a degree. Best Offer: The last thing you want to do is come off as greedy or inconsiderate. Shaquille ONeal scribbles an S, a line, an O and a line. For these reasons, it's advised that TTM autographs be used for personal collections. "Nothing will be signed after 20 October," he said. Through the Mail Autographs Part I It does appear that this Covid 19 pandemic has taken its toll with the athletes as the decline in successes is at an all-time low. Fan mail and TTM autograph collecting is an incredible hobby for kids to get into. "You just get that sick feeling," he said. It also adds to the personal touch of a request. Former American Athlete, olympic champion Helsinki 1952, born January 15, 1932 Sent a letter, gift and 4 pictures, recieved all 4 signed! Delighted to oblige. Thanks, Dickey! 24,557, 2023 NYP Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved 3.) Lame as it was, this penmanship sold for $1,500. Olivia Dunne, 20 . Probably not a lot of signings happening right now, with all the players at their homes. For more information on athlete mailing addresses, e-mail Then once the card is signed, the player just has to put the card in the SASE, seal it and drop it in the mailbag. Just click here: hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(8091373, '70669083-5410-444d-9b11-c153b8670ccd', {"useNewLoader":"true","region":"na1"}); We offer may ways to evaluate your cards other than or using our website, too. Share tips, experiences and current successful mailing addresses. According to our analysis, users of a leading fan mail site reported on average 113 successes per day. If you're looking to sell your autograph collection, you have come to right place; Just Collect is buying! Can take a couple of weeks. Also had success with Tony Fernandez, Steve Garvey, Mark Grace, and Ellis Burks. Youre hustling. A page full of updated Celebrity Addresses, addresses are added daily so they are pretty much current. Fun fact - my last return wasn't from a baseball player, but I geeked out when Mark Harmon of NCIS wrote me back. The easier you make it for them, the more likely you are to get your autograph. John Milwaukee Wall of Honor and Hockey Autographs Through The Mail (TTM)! Shawn Anderson remembers the first time he got swindled into buying a forged Muhammad Ali autograph. If you wanted money for the movies, it often either involved bringing in an extra load of wood, a day of truces with your younger sibling or making sure the garbage went out the night before. The card was in there. Ive had requests returned after a year or more. The best place to reach an NBA player is through their franchise team, which will not frequently change addresses and is therefore the most reliable way of making sure that your fan mail reaches its intended destination. Clint Eastwood never uses the excuse, Sign one, you have to sign all. Hell stay until everyones satisfied. And now I have one question for you, the collector, thinking about my address lists: Why not buy one of my sports address lists and start adding interesting autographs to your collection today? Many believe that every request should be hand written and essentially schmooze the player from whom you are requesting the signature. Tales From The Collection has address databases for Star Wars, Harry Potter, Marvel, and a guide on the best places to find addresses. This web site is free and forever! 10 on 2007s Best. The list below showcases the players name, date autograph request was sent, date the autograph request was returned, where it was sent (in this installment, H refers to a home address, O refers to an office and S refers to the teams arena). The hobby is accessible to kids starting at very young ages and is a pastime often pursued into adulthood. Wish I woulda hung on to some of that stuff! Back when her signature meant something, Mary Lou Retton barked to those begging for an autograph that I dont need you. Someone less charming and cuddly as myself might mumble: Yeah? If you have a valuable collection and want us to come to you, we'll hop on the next plane out. That's Babe Ruth's wife, Claire, next to him while he obligingly signs a fan's baseball. We understand that many have put their heart and souls into building their collections. . I got Mariano Rivera back in spring training last year too. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Did John Hancock know when learning penmanship in kindergarten that someday his Feb. 7, 1783 John Hancock signed letter would retail for, give or take a few, $50,000? Use the following format: Player Here are some success stories of football autographs through the mail. Others dont mind it. Some players even go a little further, inscribing the cards or adding something extra like a postcard. This, again, is your choice. From my experience, the higher profile the player, the less likely they are to sign TTM. 04. "CHECK OUT THE PHOTOS FOR CONDITION, AS THESE WERE RECEIVED THROUGH THE MAIL FROM THE ATHLETES". You can avoid wasting time, money and effort if they will or do not sign through the mail by contacting them first. However, there are instances when. Famed NFL Quarterback Peyton Manning is at the top of many football collectors autograph wish lists. This step is where my advice may differ from the next person you ask and so on. My only suggestion is to use blank, not ruled, index cards. If you choose to mail your cards for an appraisal, wewill evaluate your cards for FREE still. If you do not receive the verification code within 60 Seconds, we will send you the activation link again. The best place to reach an NBA player is through their franchise team, which will not frequently change addresses and is therefore the most reliable way of making sure that your fan mail reaches its intended destination. In my opinion, penny sleeves will provide little protection and increases the chances of the autograph smearing. This helps support this channel and allows me to continue making videos like this. Autograph collecting is a fairly interesting hobby, but there are many different ways in securing an autograph. That said, over the years I haven't heard a peep from some bit players, while I had Tony Gwynn write back in less than a month during his playing days. Ill never forget that. For more information on athlete mailing addresses, e-mail . You want to start collecting TTM, start with Bobby Doerr. View Post Milwaukee Wall of Honor and Hockey Autographs Through The Mail (TTM)! A must for every TTM autograph request is a self-addressed stamped envelope (SASE). With some politeness, accurate postage and a friendly note, youll find much success with the individuals below. exp: Dale Murphy. Here are links to pages with team mailing addresses: Other places you might want to send TTM requests include spring training facilities, minor league affiliates or other places they might be hanging out at like TV studios. A few famous folksConfederate President Jefferson Davies and baseball legend Babe Ruth come to mindsometimes had their wives sign many of their through-the-mail autograph requests. If you are sending your own NBA collectible to be signed, including a photo or trading card, make sure that the envelope . #GIBBS. You can still obtain autographs from current players via the mail, but you must adhere to some guidelines, etiquette, and it may require a little homework on your part first. Do Not Sell My Personal Information, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window). 7 TTM Autograph returns for you today from 4 different professional athletes! Come stop by the Just Collect table and chat. Bitched fans out when they asked. The best place to send you autographs is directly to the team they play for or are associated with. Some players might just not sign at that time or at all, so you will definitely have failures here and there. Remember, convenience is one of the keys to TTM success. While you do not need to print address labels at all, it will make the process quicker rather than writing your address a gazillion times. Debbie Reynolds never signed the Declaration of Independence but did inscribe photos, and theyre yours for a buck. Cody Really, anytime. You may want to check out . So even if they do sign, you might have to wait a while to hear back. A few even included a signed HOF postcard. NBA athletes, in general, are often very accommodating to their fans and are commonly happy to sign an autograph. A lifetime ago before cellphones, selfies, Skype, texting, Twitter, iPads, YouTube, Facebook, Bob Hope told me: I try never to be negative. Born Edson Arantes do Nascimento in the Minas Gerais region of Brazil, Pele emerged on to the international stage at the 1958 World Cup, at the age of just 17. If none of these are an option, you can also rub the front of a card for a bit to take some of the gloss off and prevent the signature from beading up. Check the athletic departments staff directory on the schools sports athletic website to see if an email address is listed. Bowling ball golfer and Celtics hooper autographs through the mail (TTM). But then again, sometimes the bit players can take a while, too. It's also a good idea to include a piece of cardboard or top loader in the SASE to keep the package from bending. Read our. In the back of the Price Guide magazines, I'd find the team addresses. Well, now she does., One fan: Kevin Spacey was condescending . Autograph collectors looking to add baseball player autographs to their collections may have some success if they contact these former MLB players. I sent him a letter and he actually sent me back his 87 Fleer RC signed! Saturday, January 30, 2010 AUTOGRAPHS THROUGH THE MAIL Hello Most people has never heard of getting autographs through the mail, you can get autographs from current and retired players from any team, its the best hobby in the world ive got over 2,000 autographs by writeing to players through the mail & going to your mail box will never be the same Basketballer/civil rights activist Bill Russell wont sign. gotta get an airplane, and, boom, I keep moving. Find whatever method works best for you and go with it. Remember, they gain nothing from signing autographs through the mail . Personally, I haven't had much luck with email responses as anyone can create a fake account. A hand-written note takes time and players will likely recognize this. Another time I wrote my name. Your Ad Choices When I came back out he asked again. The site has over 1 million successes by sports personalities in their database. Richard Thomas signed at a busy flea market. The best place to get autographs is at a game or a team practice, when all of the players are nearly guaranteed to be there. Check all levels of college and universities sports websites to see if they have ex-professional athletes on their coaching staffs. Unfortunately I dont have that letter from Brian Leetch anymore but I was very excited to get it. TTM autographs are inexpensive way of getting a valuable souvenir for your personal collection. If you have some Photoshop skills, try looking for a pic online of the player and making your own custom cards. According to responses provided by users of that site, these 60 athletes are some of the most prolific or sought after players that respond to fan mail and requests to sign autographs TTM in 2022! Youre late for something. You can also learn how to get a free fan pack from teams to keep the kids interested in our hobby! This means if you purchase through one of the product links, I'll receive a small commission. Remember, simple courtesy goes a long way. New York Yankees Legends Autograph Show with Hall of Fame Signings, The Last TD Ball Tom Brady Threw Before Unretiring Sold for $129,657, 1972 Topps Basketball Wax Pack Available with Vintage Breaks, Copyright 2017-2019 by Just Collect, Inc. Anybody remember (in the 80s) back in the day how a National Almanac had all the NFL teams stadium/official addresses, and all you had to do was to send a request for ANY info and ANYTHING else they had to send out for free, and they ALL would at least send back a schedule, some promo stuff like stickers, bumper stickers/decals, pics of different sizes of players, the stadium etc, Team Pics, posters of diff sizes, shirts, hats booklets and full size magazine type deals, cards that would be given out at games, or leftovers from the previous season, can coolers, all kinds of 80s style swag with the team name and insignia etc. Will Ferrell. do you send it to the Stadium or the home of the retrie player? star's signatures could be from one person. @titan It likely depends on the player. My personal store on Amazon! William Shatner reputedly signed his book for $10 per. 1. TTM or through the mail, means that you send a letter in the mail or by Rosie ODonnell? It's important that you come off as genuine and not someone looking to cash in on their signature (although there's no law against selling TTM autographs). Scrolling through the Top 25 I see a few Hall of Famers: Some players sign for free while others request a donation. In regards to active players, I feel as if Ive had more success with NFL players than with any other sport. 33418-1536USACraig Stadler5495%113 Elk XingEvergreen, CO 80439USACurtis Strange57100%147 S. Spooners StreetMorehead City, NC 28557-8966USAGary Player6681%c/o Octagon7950 Jones Branch DriveSuite 700NMcLean, VA 22107USAGreg Norman7893%c/o PGA Tour1 PGA TOUR BoulevardPonte Vedra Beach, FL 32082USAJack Nicklaus18678%1295 US Highway One,North Palm Beach, FL, 33408USA, Your email address will not be published. ECU Athletics will not fulfill requests for autographs by individual student-athletes and/or teams. Im going to believe it was just a bad hemorrhoid flare-up.. Russell Crowe, known for bad boy behavior, segued from 2006 . While I am not saying these guys are bad at all, they are the ones who usually will not sign autographs through the mail. FOLLOW ALONG LIVE. Washington, DC 20003. The only cost to you is a couple of stamps. John Malkovich. Obviously, its up to you which type of envelope you decide on, but the Peel & Seals are a lot quicker to use. We have another location in New York you can meet us at; read all the information, If you choose to mail your cards for an appraisal, we, will evaluate your cards for FREE still. and also make sure to include a stamp. This is a matter of preference. One Christmas, I asked Santa for a book of stamps and a box of envelopes. 1000 Ballpark Way Athletes are starting to catch on and won't sign autograph requests that may look like they may be only for the purpose of being sold. Autograph Through The Mail Athletes Autograph Through The Mail Athletes Saturday, January 14, 2023 LuBara Dixon Simpkins A three-time NBA Champion with the 90s Bulls, Dickey Simpkins is the first basketball return of 2023. Some of my best success stories including getting Ben Roethlisberger and Joe Mauer occurred when the players were rookies or still in the minors. Some signings have multiple dealers there, having their . Name Status Date Sent Date Rec Sent To How the Player Signed Bono, Steve Retired 5/8/17 5/20/17 H card in blue Sharpie Boozer, Emerson Retired 6/5/17 6/20/17 H card in blue Sharpie Cappeletti, John Retired 5/8/17 5/22/17 H card in black Sharpie Carson, Harry Retired 4/10/17 4/28/17 H card in blue Sharpie Cox, Fred Retired 4/10/17 4/26/17 H card in blue Sharpie Dutton, John Retired 6/5/17 6/16/17 H card in blue Sharpie Evans, Vince Retired 6/5/17 6/19/17 H card in blue Sharpie Givens, Ernest Retired 6/5/17 6/23/17 H card in blue Sharpie Gostkowski, Stephen Patriots 6/5/17 8/14/17 H card in blue Sharpie Grogan, Steve Retired 5/8/17 5/31/17 H card in black Sharpie Joiner, Charlie Retired 4/10/17 4/10/17 H card in blue Sharpie Lyons, Marty Retired 5/8/17 5/20/17 H card in blue Sharpie Mullins, Gerry Retired 5/8/17 5/24/17 H card in blue Sharpie Rozier, Mike Retired 5/8/17 5/18/17 H card in black Sharpie Schmidt, Joe Retired 6/5/17 6/14/17 H card in blue Sharpie Seifert, George Retired 6/5/17 6/27/17 H card in black Sharpie Sims, Billy Retired 4/10/17 6/15/17 H card in blue Sharpie Smith, John Retired 4/10/17 4/28/17 H card in black Sharpie Turner, Keena Retired 4/10/17 5/4/17 H card in black Sharpie Upchurch, Rick Retired 4/10/17 4/17/17 H card in black Sharpie Waddle, Tom Retired 5/8/17 5/18/17 H card in black Sharpie, Bono, Steve 1100 Hamilton Ave., Palo Alto, CA 94301-2216 Boozer, Emerson 25 Windham Dr., Huntington Station, NY 11746-4541 Dutton, John 5706 Moss Creek Trl., Dallas, TX 75252-2380 Givens, Ernest 2530 Sunrise Dr. Everyone responds better when they feel cared for, including athletes. Takes me back to being the kid at Christmas - even more so waiting to see if the players will write back. I did. Rangers Ballpark in Arlington Make sure your return address is on there (just in case theyve moved, been traded, etc.) I just got back rts on Charles Woodson and Ty Law asking for autographes sent to Football HOF Address proably going to have more coming back also, I am looking for any signatures sent down to fisher canberra. or are sites that have players charities addresses, home or agent addresses. We once met a father-son duo that drove eight hours from Virginia to meet us to sell a Michael Jordan rookie card stored in Tupperware since 1986 - great readhere. Normally happy to sign, he wouldnt at home because of the invasion of privacy. A bunch of different TTMs (Through the Mail) autographs for you today, hope you enjoy the variety! Street Address You send your favorite player regular snail-mail with a letter, something you want to be signed, and a self-addressed stamped envelope (SASE). For more information on athlete mailing addresses, e-mail Pele Comercio Empreendimentos Participacoes Ltds. Typically, Ill use MicrosoftWord to type a simple request that goes something like this: Yes, thats all I ask. She said: Yeah, I understand but could you just sign this please? Rumors are he closed the door on her. Fan Mail Tip: The Tales From The Collection TikTok and YouTube channel breaks down fan mail tips and tricks and highlights active signers. Getting autographs through TTM (Through The Mail) Advice? Some write half-page letters. Here's a nice vintage signed card from a Hall of Famer, with Rich "Goose" Gossage signing his 1978 Topps card. If you choose not to sell the cards, we'll ship them back shipping fees paid by us! Please check out my Autograph Newsletter, I put alot of time, money, and energy into this site and it is very appreciated when someone signs up for the newsletter. Ive been in touch with Efe Obada thru Twitter. Use Forever stamps whenever possible. Does anyone know?? In my experiences, I usually only ask for an autograph and I dont actually hand write every request. Condition: Used. The less the player has to fool with, the better. Matt Triplett, 29, a rider known as a fan favorite, would sign autographs even after intense rides, with his cowboy hat scuffed up and his arm wrapped in a bag of ice. But I rarely send any fan mail to an active player during the off-season. Fan Mail Tip: For the best chance of success, make sure to watch who is actively signing. He and his wife Shanda are West Virginia natives with two boys that will one day inherit their fathers extensive Josh Fogg super-collection! In response to a reader request, I've created the following video explaining everything you need to know to get started. 2023 Cryptozoic Outlander Season 5 Trading Cards Details, Cheap Wax Wednesday Box Breaks: 1990 Fleer Football, 2022 Topps Lights Out Formula 1 Checklist and Details, 2021-22 Panini Immaculate Basketball Checklist, Team Set Lists and Details, 2022 Panini Illusions Football Checklist, Team Set Lists and Details, 2022 Panini Spectra Football Checklist, Team Set Lists and Details, 2022-23 Upper Deck Artifacts Hockey Checklist, Team Set Lists and Details, 2022 Topps Chrome Sonic Lite Baseball Checklist and Early Details, 2022 Topps Finest Baseball Checklist, Team Set Lists and Details. And again, use the Peel & Seals. One word of caution on the index cardsmany younger players have been cautioned not to sign anything that is blank, so those requests might come back unanswered. In his second A long-time Patriots QB, Steve Grogan signed his 1976 Topps Rookie Card here. Personally, Ive discovered that joining certain Facebook groups focused on TTM autographs can be an excellent resource for obtaining addresses. Typed letters can be done with a template and churned out fast. 38,700, This story has been shared 34,353 times. Arlington, TX 76011. When sending autograph requests to your favorite players through the mail, you must have patience. Your local dollar store should have packs of them. Off went a letter to my favorite player with a SASE (self-addressed-stamped-envelope). While there is no right way or wrong way to obtain autographs TTM, there are certain things that can make it easier for both you and the athlete or celebrity whose signature you are requesting. Requests not permitted by NCAA legislation will be returned. Box 190, Yachats, OR 97498 Elia, Lee 11613 Innfields Dr., Odessa, FL 33556 Gomez, Luis 676 Chesterfield Dr., Lawreceville, GA 30044-5624 Hanna, Preston 5552 Mayfair Dr., Pensacola, FL 32506 Howell, Jay 4560 Colony Point, Suwanne, GA 30024 Mason, Jim 11410 Queens Way, Theodore, AL 36556 Merchant, Andy P.O. Here are a few simple things to think about when you're writing a letter. If you have a collection that you are considering selling, contact us today to discuss or get our industry-leading purchase offer. Box 8, Malcolm, AL 36556 ODonoghue, John 10107 Summer Field, Dr., Denham Springs, LA 70726 Rhodes, Karl 8600 Fawnmeadow Lane, Cincinnati, OH 45242 Rhymes, Will 299 E. Raymond Ave., Alexandria, VA 22301 Rosello, Dave 1030 Hermosa Way, Kissimmee, FL 34744-7220 Sillman, Royle 580 JB Ct., Glenwood Springs, CO 81601, Miscellaneous Here are a few reasonably priced Hall of Famers answering through the mail: Jim Rice is $10 per card, cash only. Once, they wore togas covered in fake blood. I really liked Garveys because it was a picture post card and he sent a small note with it. I was able to get Mariano Rivera and Mark McGwire TTM during spring training last year, and many players who dont sign a lot during the regular season will answer their ST mail. Yes. Everyone has a different method in how they write their requests. Even though the person you're writing to probably makes millions of dollars a year, don't expect them to pay for the stamp to get the card back to you. This envelope should have your address in both address locations (yes, the to and from). This will add an extra element of surprise when you open the envelope since you didnt leave yourself any indication of which player its from. Looking for where to send TTM requests to teams? Should be hand written and essentially schmooze the player from whom you are seeking autographs, is! This please year too local dollar store should have packs of them dont mark the return envelopes with other. 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