Sobel saluted the captains of the Boat Parades, Porto Bello residents Mike Saliba and Ken Simoneaux, and noted that in addition to the longtime Independence Day Boat Parade the recently added boat parades, Christmas and Mardi Gras, are also lots of fun. All the fountains are working normally. During the open discussion period many of the questions and concerns were about the impound area and the citys flood control study. Seipel expressed a desire to reduce his duties due to health issues. The next Board meeting was set for September 12, 2022. Ask Arlington includes a Barking Dog section where users can pinpoint on a map where the nuisance is located. Lake Interlochen HOA Board Meeting Name Address ; LELAND MANAGEMENT: 6972 LAKE GLORIA BLVD ORLANDO, FL 32809-3200 LAKEVIEW POINTE AT HORIZON WEST HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. 6972 Lake Gloria Blvd ORLANDO, FL 32809 : 11/20/2014 : ACTIVE : North Channel end was successfully dredged as planned late May. A permit will likely be needed before major repairs can occur to the dam. After Hours Emergency Note: This number is for emergencies only (water damage, fallen trees, etc.). The Board discussed FEMAs announced redrawing of flood maps and the potential impact on flood insurance. Jared Ross, and Crime Prevention Officer Douglas Glotfelty from the Arlington Police Department; Jay Warren, director of communication for the City of Arlington. Lake Worth, Florida 33467 Bellaggio- Live the Bellaggio Life Style! Lester reviewed the requirements with our contractor who then met with city officials to further explain what the project entailed. Before the meeting commenced, Beat Lt. Christopher Moore of the Arlington Police Dept. Proposed changes to the HOA Covenants were overwhelmingly approved, 30 votes to 3, which included votes from those in attendance and by mail. He recommended distributing the Directory as an Adobe PDF file, which everyone can open on their computers or their mobile devices, in addition to the Word file. Their properties extend to the center of the waterways and they grant an easement to the association for use by other members. Lesters assessment is that the West Channel end and North Channel end will need dredging this year and is working on obtaining bids for the work. Hampton Lakes is a cozy, gated, active adult community of just 156 single-family homes. Treasurer Turner reported total HOA assets as of April 30 were $159,230; expenses in first four months of 2018 were normal: $6,852, plus $1,485 for annual tilapia stocking, which will be included in next months expense report. President Sobel explained that the two primary reasons the Board chose to produce the directory in a Word format and email it only to residents were (1) a significant savings to HOA members (Secretary Pendleton maintains the 53-page document so there is zero cost involved), and (2) that there were so many changes (new email addresses, new phone numbers, residents moving in and out of the neighborhood, etc.) Lester and our beaver trapper will be scouting soon for signs of beaver activity. Third Peggy and Lee Jennings on Miss Peggy Lee, decorated with American flags and red, white and blue stars. He also was pleased that the fountains are operating as they should, although there were a few GFI trips because of the heavy downpours water leaked into junction boxes. Minutes from all meetings are emailed to HOA members and are posted on the website, About 50 percent of the repairs were completed before rising waters forced a postponement of work. Learn More YouTube National Night Out and West Division Lofts were reviewed. As part of the dredging operation in the Old Channel, numerous tree trunks and large limbs were removed with underwater chain saws. The Board gave unanimous approval for President Sobel to inform Mayor Jeff Williams and Interlochens councilman Andrew Piel of our concerns about the Green Oaks Preserve Development on West Pioneer Parkway. The Rent Zestimate for this home is $1,875/mo, which has decreased by $280/mo in the last 30 days. Since the gravity flow system is working, Seipel said plans are to delay clearing out silt until pumping is required. Welcome to Lone Star Realty, one of East Texass premier independent real estate companies. Lester, Sobel, Seipel and Pendleton met with city officials in November and presented plans to remedy the problem with a retaining wall, which Lake Interlochen HOA would fund. The level did start to recede late summer but only by inches due to abundant rain in the fall. Keathley commented that the decision years ago to switch from chemicals to tilapia for algae control has proved to be highly successful. Officer/RA Name Entity Name Entity Number; JONES, BRENDA: LAKE SHARON INCORPORATED: 730954: JONES, BRENDA: SILVER OAKS FARM, LLC: L06000011589: JONES, BRENDA 150 County Road 2439, Lake Brenda, TX is a single family home that contains 2,376 sq ft and was built in 2004. President Sobel called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. As there were no nominations from the floor, the five directors (Sobel, Cubbage, Keathley, Lester, and Seipel) running for new two-year terms were elected by acclamation. Bernie Caldwell climbed up on his roof with his two new knees and somehow got Santa and Rudolph high in the sky. Treasurer Turner reported financials are in good shape. Sobel noted the positive combination of long-time residents, many former Board members, and new families adding improvements keep Interlochen a vibrant neighborhood with a robust future. 3.1 Acres. Assets are $184,769. An edition of: Presented By: Orange County , USF Water Institute Lake Interlochen HOA Board Meeting Boaters are beaming! Located in the heart of some of Texass finest lakes including world famous Lake Fork, our agents list, sell and show in over 10 counties with a heavy emphasis on Rains, Smith, Van Zandt and Wood counties. The dam situation was discussed at length. Prior to the vote, Findlay Drive resident Mike Traner objected to the proposal. Sgt. Seipel summarized information he received from experts: The condition is common this time of year as water temperatures approach season high levels. Water Committee Chair Lester reported water level is acceptable for this time of year, primarily due to the gravity flow from the Rush Creek impound as rainfall has been limited. Aaron Scott of Arlington Police Department; Ed Klobas of Loch Lommond Drive. Five incumbent directors were re-elected by unanimous acclamation: Sobel, Cubbage, Seipel, Clement, Keathley. About a foot of silt in bottom of silo will be removed when pumping is required. Secretary Pendleton reported that in 2018 there were five board meetings, each lasting about two hours. Director Keathley reported on two subjects he was briefed on at recent civic meetings: Arlington is studying the controversial issue of short-term residential rentals. We hope he will reconsider. Costs have gone up for dredging and containers. Fortunately, we increased the silo height two feet a few years ago, and added an underwater culvert out toward the middle of Rush Creek to get better quality and quantity of water. He and our maintenance man Brian Bayne inspected the inflow and outflow systems; both operating as designed. Tilapia doing their job keeping algae at a minimum. (Subsequently switched to July 8, 2019. Expenses, totaling $26,234, were in line compared to previous years. Start typing the name of a water resource in the box below to see a list of matching waterbodies. New residents on San Juan Ct., Noelle and Kyle Slater, were introduced to those in attendance. The last printed directory was the 2014-2015 edition. A key factor that the ends of our channels require dredging is that residents allow grass clippings to fall into the water. The balance sheet and profit/loss statement were reviewed, and Turner noted expenses were higher in 2022 than the previous year due to more dredging, repairs, and maintenance. The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. The Architectural Committee recently rejected a San Juan residents project for a beach access to his property, by removing part of his retaining wall so lake water could flow into a man-made beach area in his backyard. The emailed version can easily be printed on home printers. soon after it was published each year. There are eight residents with outstanding HOA dues totaling $2,818. He reported expenses for January to August 22 at $8,936. Water Committee Chair Seipel reports rains and gravity flow from our impound continue to maintain lake level at optimum. Current assets are $190,258. Dredging at the South Channel and the Old Channel will be done week of October 12. ATTENDING: Ralph Sobel, Ken Seipel, Dot Wightman, Dan Clement, Brenda Cubbage, Bruce Turner, Nancy Weaver, Roger Pendleton, Chris Slauter. Channel end cleanup was performed in the North and West Channels in 2017. Each spring the lake is stocked with tilapia to help control algae. The two outbreaks of algae we experienced during 2021 were normal for most lakes and ponds in Texas. It was announced that this years Independence Day Boat Parade would be held on Monday July 4th. The Gaines went with a whole new look this year and it worked beautifully with unique hand made multi-colored spiral trees. The registered business location is at Po Box 687, Mineola, TX 75773. Guests:From the Arlington Police Department, Deputy Chief Carol Riddle, Lt. Brad Norman and Sgt. May 17, 2021 @ Seipel residence, Directors attending:Ralph Sobel, Tony Lester, Roger Pendleton, Brenda Cubbage, Ken Seipel, Bryon DeVries Absent:Nancy Weaver, Chris Slauter, Bryan Keathley, Bruce Turner. Water Committee Chair Seipel reported on the current concern of most residents: the green color of the water with green specks. He and his committee will soon be inspecting ends of the Middle, South and Old Channels to determine if any dredging needs to be performed. Please contact Brenda Dickerson for the meeting ID and Password. Water Committee Chair Lester reported good news: excellent results from water testing in first week of May; rainfall and the gravity flow system have maintained lake level at its optimum; more than 155 pounds of tilapia were deposited May 3 at five locations in the lake; all fountains are functioning properly; and silt in the pump still at acceptable level. The silt level in the pump silo is still at acceptable levels, and is being checked regularly by our maintenance person. Treasurer Turners third quarter review of expenses shows them about 5% under last year. View Brenda Ho results in California (CA) including current phone number, address, relatives, background check report, and property record with Whitepages. South Channel remains a continuing concern because of the silt and rubbish entering the lake from the large city storm drain. All Rights Reserved. Jim Haskell was a Marine aviator who flew missions in Korea and Vietnam. At Lesters suggestion, the Board agreed to purchase Aquatic Roundup to run a test on vegetation growing in the water prior to recommending residents apply the product when trying to clear weeds from retaining walls. Offer of compensation is made only to participants of the Indiana Regional Multiple Listing Service, LLC (IRMLS). Fences located between the lake and the rear wall of the residence building shall be constructed of brick masonry, not to exceed three feet in height, or of decorative iron. Architecture Chair Cubbage reported she met with the Porto Bello resident and he agreed to repaint his dock from the inappropriate red to an acceptable neutral color. Seipel and Dan Clement have constructed a hard top for the impound silo and will install it as soon as Rush Creek water levels permit. Frisch also offered to help in the future and already has helped several neighbors with waterside tree trimming. ATTENDING: Ralph Sobel, Ken Seipel, Dot Wightman, Dan Clement, Bruce Turner, Roger Pendleton, Chris Slauter, Bryan Keathley. Fill out our Unit Modification form to ensure compliance with our remodeling standards and HOA guidelines. Water was tested for e-coli three times this past summer, with good results each time. The 2019 editions will be distributed in both formats. Minutes from the last Board meeting on July 26, 2021 were approved. The Wightmans beautiful front yard has won several times over the years but this year is in honor of our long time HOA President Vernon Porter for the best waterside lighting. More information about the Kindness Initiative and the Dream Team ambassadors is on the citys website, Lester stressed that residents need to stay vigilant to minimize lawn clippings, leaves and debris being blown into the water. Printing and 3-hole punching the 54 pages for a 3-ring binder would cost a little under $900 for 50 copies on quality paper stock. A lien has been placed on their property. Outgoing Water Committee Chair Seipel received a well-deserved ovation. The Ask Arlington app was discussed as one avenue to address this problem. Fountain componentsare wearing out and require replacement. HOA Board Meeting Pendleton also reported that the new website is running smoothly and will be kept current with news items. The idea for a boat ramp on Westwood was tabled until some additional questions about the easement could be answered. President Sobel plans to talk with City officials regarding the timing and potential interference with Christmastime traffic, which is expected to be higher than ever. Lake Interlochen, with its 2 miles of waterways, is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. Once the water temperature tops 65 degrees, the lake will be stocked with tilapia for algae control. Minutes submitted by Roger Pendleton, Lake Interlochen HOA Board Meeting Assets were $181, 271 on August 31. The rains throughout the year, and the gravity flow pump system, continued to maintain water levels to optimum and testing for e-coli showed water quality continued to be excellent. Directors clarified that the 18-foot maximum boat length, a recent covenants amendment, is the length of a boats deck. For the first time video footage was posted on the website as video capturing patriotic music at the boat parade was included in the news coverage. Lester reported the recent rainfall and gravity flow from the Rush Creek impound is maintaining water level at its optimum. Brigham and Womens Faulkner Hospitals Pharmacy recently welcomed three new staff members: Medication Safety Coordinator Christina Palazzo, PharmD, Pharmacy Informatics Coordinator Matthew Wu, PharmD, and Clinical Pharmacy Specialist Brenda Hoa, PharmD, RPh. Treasurer Turner presented our excellent financial condition, pointing out that once again we did not have to draw from our reserve fund to pay for expenses during the year. A neighborhood volunteer trash clean up day in Findlay Park was proposed. For example, if 911 had been called the day of the thefts police could have saturated the neighborhood with patrols chances are the bad guys would still be in the area. Seipel said he was going to have the water tested again before Labor Day. Meeting called to order at 7 p.m. John Geisel invited them to use his home for safety if needed. An electrical circuit breaker problem at the North Channel fountain was fixed by Porto Bello resident and former HOA Board member Dan Clement. Secretary Pendleton reported the website continues to be smooth and the Spring/Summer 2020 Directory is ready for final review before being emailed to residents later this month. May 20, 2019 @ Wightman residence, ATTENDING: Ralph Sobel, Ken Seipel, Dot Wightman, Dan Clement, Brenda Cubbage, Bryan Keathley, Nancy Weaver, Roger Pendleton, Chris Slauter, Bruce Turner. The next Board meeting was scheduled for September 20. Lake Interlochen HOA Meeting January 10, 2023. Secretary Pendleton reported in addition to the annual meeting there were four Board meetings in 2021, each lasting a couple of hours, held in directors residences. Next board meeting was scheduled for May 14. The Board will be increasing dues 10% in 2023 due to the impending Rush Creek dam repair or replacement. Bryon Devries, Water Committee Interim Chair, gave an extensive report to the Board. Director Clement agreed to present to the Board a concept he has been working on for dredging channel ends. HOA members attending:Pat Jenkins, Janine Barber. @ St. Stephen United Methodist Church, Directors attending:Ralph Sobel, Roger Pendleton, Dot Wightman, Ken Seipel,Brenda Cubbage, Chris Slauter, Nancy Weaver, Tony Lester The Aguras Christmas Tree Farm looks like a scene straight from a wonderful Hallmark Christmas movie. Meeting called to order at 7 p.m. Minutes of last meeting, March 5, 2018, were approved. For Sale. He thanked members of the committee, Pendleton, Dan Clement, Phil Anderson and Dave Duperre, and introduced the new Chair Lester. Residents guilty of low hanging trees over the water will be notified this month to have limbs trimmed to about 10 feet above water surface to allow safe navigation for boats. For the first time, video footage was posted on the website from the July 4thand Christmas boat parades. Peoples Choice 1409 CrowleyThe Bicks did an amazing job renovating their beautiful walled home and garden. Current Architectural Committee members Brenda Cubbage and Chris Slauter volunteered to advise them as they transition into their new responsibilities. Several residents complied with email requests from President Sobel and removed tree trunks from their water and trimmed low-hanging branches. The Lake Interlochen HOA was concerned by potential flooding and downstream silting created by the proposed development. Minutes from the last Board meeting on May 16, 2022 were approved. This special meeting was called for HOA members to vote (in person or via e-mail) on proposed amendments to the Covenants and By Laws. While the Hideout maintains many state of the art facilities, we have also set aside nearly 250 acres of pristine woodlands for preservation in its natural state for all. Aaron Scott, Arlington Police. Treasurer Turner reported two homeowners have not paid their dues and liens will be filed. He noted the intense heat had caused a significant drop in the lake water levels. It was agreed that the best time to make all the needed repairs is while the water is so low. Mr. DeVries will retain a plumber to review all the silo electronics, wiring and other mechanical items to determine if replacement or repairs are necessary. Reversing a two-year downward trend, expenses in 2018 included one time-charges of $2,400 for dam repair and $7,400 for dredging the West Channel end and removing submerged and above-surface tree trunks. This is due to upstream silt and debris encroaching and building up on the shore. The annual meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m. Lake Interlochen HOA Board Meeting March 14, 2022 @ Slauter residence. Directors voiced dismay that a resident constructed a fence, causing complaints from neighbors. Total year-end assets increased from $173,393 to $188,894. We are continually improving the user experience for everyone, and applying the relevant accessibility standards. Price is $1,485 for 135 pounds; delivery expected late April. Currently, the pump that brings water from the park side to our lake system is not working. The HOA board awaits the citys announcement of its flood control plans for Rush Creek and Village Creek. 48thAnnual Meeting January 11, 2021 Fountain at end of North Channel kept going off and was restarted by resetting the GFI. Perhaps the number one responsibility of HOA members is to be vigilant in keeping grass clippings and leaves out of the waterways and street storm drains, all of which empty into the lake. The price for tilapia has increased 50 cents per pound, making this years cost $212 higher than last year. Anyone who is interested in visiting Lake Brenda can print the free topographic map and other maps using the link above. Arlingtons Fire Marshal is reported to have rescinded approval for access off Division Street. Meeting called to order at 7 p.m. Minutes of last meeting, August 6, 2018, were approved. They will be making regular reconnaissance trips to help maintain navigational safety for boats. Maps, Driving Directions & Local Area Information. Orange County, USF Water Institute. Distributing the directories at the HOA annual meeting is one idea. Chemicals are not an option to correct this condition. Top 3 Results for Brenda Lake. Silt from upstream is a huge factor with the impound area and the dam. Director Seipel reported removal of two large floating tree trunks which would have caused major damage to boat motors and props, installation of warning tape and reflectors to partially submerged trees off Montreau Court, and repairs to the Middle Channel fountain included replacing the motor and increasing the amps on the GFI timer. The 2019 edition is scheduled to be distributed this month and an updated version will be emailed in the Fall. Also important is for HOA members to keep their shoreline trees trimmed so branches do not overhang the canals and hinder boating navigation right-of-way. The resident will be billed by the HOA. Klobas requested attention from the Board to get control of an ever-increasing problem with beavers in the Lake Interlochen network of channels. Hanks, selected to four Pro Bowl and three All-Pro teams, won the 1994 Super Bowl as a safety with the San Francisco 49ers. Residents have reported more damage to trees and shrubs caused by beavers. Water Committee Chair Lester reported rainfall and the gravity flow system have maintained lake level at its optimum; silt in the pump is at acceptable level; tilapia have been doing their job keeping algae at a minimum there was an outbreak of a different type of algae which is common in lakes and ponds this time of year and dissipates if nature is allowed to take it course. The condition of the dam across from the southern end of Findlay Dr. next to Rush Creek and the status of the ongoing dam repair project were discussed at length. A-Frame style in Lake Brenda 3 bedrooms. Eighty-five of the 140 members have paid their dues, and Turner said he expected the 55 members to remit payment during January, which is customary. @ St. Stephen United Methodist Church, Directors attending:Ralph Sobel, Bryan Keathley, Dot Wightman, Ken Seipel,Brenda Cubbage, Bruce Turner, Chris Slauter, Nancy Weaver, Tony LesterAbsent:Roger Pendleton. For safety if needed 2019 editions will be scouting soon for signs of beaver.. Treasurer Turners third quarter review of expenses shows them about 5 % under last year gave extensive. Systems ; both operating as designed, leaves and debris encroaching and building on. As designed was concerned by potential flooding and downstream silting created by the proposed development Noelle. 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