It most closely resembles a massive 10 meter (33 foot) octopus with a total of 14 arms. Split is mental tasks only and contingent on Extra Limb. [64][65] The drilling technology used proved to be inappropriate to collect liquid water in general and clean samples in particular[66] and results were unreported. 8 Followers, 79 Following, 4 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Lake Vostok (@organism.46b) Russian geographer, Andrey Kapitsa is arguably the first person to suggest that such an environment [2] may exist under the thick sheets of ice during visits to Vostok Station (which the lake is named after) in the early-1960s. I was reading about Organism 46b, and as stupid as it sounds, it's definitely plausible. Antarctica is a place of mystery and conspiracy. [58] They found that the basal ice contained an almost completely different community of organisms compared to those found in the lake accretion ice, indicating that they signified two completely different ecosystems. Using it as a guardian to some other McGuffin would force the characters to venture to Lake Vostok and to encounter it on its home turf, and other potential alien lifeforms in the lake and beyond. As they rested that night to recover from the ordeal, the vengeful tentacle slithered onto the icy bank and strangled Dr. Kalashnik in her sleep. These arms have been known to continue to move and act in the creatures interest even after being severed from the main body. And what's more, it can do so from 150-feet away. Antarctic glacial ice covers the lake, roughly 4,000 meters thick. We publish books on both Kindle and paperback. Journalists attempting to verify the story have been unable to locate Dr. Padalka. However, the programs director immediately ordered the hole plugged. Russian and French scientists have been carrying out molecular DNA studies of the water from Lake Vostok that was frozen in the borehole, by constructing numerous DNA libraries,[13] which are collections of fragments of DNA that allow scientists to identify which species of bacteria they may belong to. Even taken as is, Norman Osborn would likely have great interest in the story and would be out to get his own genetic samples. The station after which the lake is named commemorates the Vostok (), the 900-ton sloop-of-war ship sailed by one of the discoverers of Antarctica, Russian explorer Admiral Fabian von Bellingshausen. For the most part these stats have been based on the octopus and giant squid stats in the Animals article. later the arm returned to strangle the reasercher in her sleep.After this Dr Anton decided he had to capture the creature and that it would be one of the most important discoveries in human history and Apparently he did just that. Particularly when part of those claims revolves around weaponized DNA, from a shapeshifting aquatic entity no less. This seems unlikely given the pressure caused by the ice. It could be a guardian to the entrance of some undersea subterranean realm, a guard to some other unknown secret, or simply brute labor run amok. Upon learning of the authoritys plans to use this discovery for military purposes, Padalka would seek sanctuary in Switzerland. Ice samples from cores drilled close to the top of the lake have been assessed to be as old as 420,000years. Dr. Anton Padalka was part of the 8-person team sent to explore and catalog the lifeforms in Lake Vostok. Sealed Systems is the Free Diving package, but represents an octopus (and in this case the tentacles) ability to climb out of the water. Example 2: The second casualty was tricked by an image of a human diver in scuba gear. And while it is the fifth largest continent on the planet and largely inhospitable in the long-term sense, visitation to the region is at an absolute need to be there basis. The Fraser Island Humanoid Encounter Contact On The Beach! Description Organism 46-B was an enormous 33ft (10m) long, 14-tentacled squid-like creature which lived in Lake Vostok, a subglacial lake located under two miles of ice beneath Vostok Station in the Antarctic. He tread water wearing a blissful smile as the organism approached him. Removal of the drill would lower the pressure beneath it, drawing water into the hole to be left to freeze, creating a plug of ice in the bottom of the hole. It is also able to paralyze prey from a distance of up to 150 feet by releasing its venom into the water. Not least due to the apparent reasons for the confiscation of the strange creature. This was made up by the fiction author C. Michael Forsyth [1]. [47] Instead of drilling all the way into the water, they said they would stop just above it when a sensor on the thermal drill detected free water. Water blast requires water be available for the Organisms siphon to squirt. Elements of this report suggest that this was something of a hoax. [12][13][14] A new borehole was drilled and an allegedly pristine water sample was obtained in January 2015. Indeed, as we know from the published experiments at Lake Vostok, there most certainly is water below under the ice. What makes this lake so special is that it has . The animal could release a toxin into the water to immobilise its prey from a distance of up to 150 feet, displayed an astonishing degree of shapeshifting, it's limbs were animate and aggressive even after amputation, and it showed a considerable degree of both hostility and intelligence. Someone, Or Something, Has Summoned The Worlds Leaders!,,,, Operation Sea Find The Search For A Crashed UFO In Lake Backjson, The Baker Family UFO Encounter Over Lake Erie. As we have mentioned Antarctica is a subject of conspiracies of wide-reaching variety. It was as if it had hypnotised him telepathically., Still later, 46-B stalked the group, displaying its shapeshifting ability. It closed in on him as he simply smiled and then dismembered and devoured him. Underneath Antarctica's miles of ice, you'll find approximately 400 subglacial lakes. Each of its arms is covered with equally powerful suckers. These certainly are strange-looking animals. There wasnt even mention of use of exotic gas mixes which technical divers use at depth (nitrogen becomes akin to laughing gas, and oxygen becomes toxic under pressure unless mixed with other gases, like helium). Tragically my colleague and lifelong friend was killed this way. The Russian military seized the discovery on the orders of Putin, himself. Real or Fake is the show where I, Tyler Pankhurst Explain an interesting conspiracy theory in detail and you the viewer decides if it is Real or Fake?? We will come back to this later. This must have occurred sometime between then and the 30th November 2016 (when the story first broke), although exact dates have so far proven impossible to track down. For example, not only is it extremely far fetched, but ice core drilling typically produces a passage only a few inches in diameter, certainly not large enough to transport a person through two miles of ice, never mind a tank capable of containing a 33-foot long aquatic creature. [25] Later research by Robin Bell and Michael Studinger from the LamontDoherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University suggested that the water of the lake is continually freezing and being carried away by the motion of the Antarctic ice sheet, while being replaced by water melting from other parts of the ice sheet in these high pressure conditions. Russian scientist claim team battled creature under Antarctic ice. The incident at Lake Vostok isnt the first time Russian scientists and military have encountered underwater extraterrestrial life. One that hosts an ancient civilization unknown to the modern world. The creature designated Organism 46-B was an aquatic beast allegedly captured by a Russian scientific team near the research outpost Vostok Station. Perhaps Organism 46-B is actually the Kraken of legend. In his own words, it was a strange and terrifying monster known as Organism 46-B. [40] The lake is under complete darkness, under 355bar (5,150psi) of pressure, and expected to be rich in oxygen, so there is speculation that any organisms inhabiting the lake could have evolved in a manner unique to this environment. According to official accounts, the Russians did reach the water level with a core sample hole drilled into Lake Vostok in 2012, however it was not big enough to accommodate a person. "[4], Lukin claims that hot-water drilling is much more dangerous for the microbiotic fauna, as it would boil the living species, and disturb the entire structure of water layers of the lake. [74] Though the Russians claim to have improved their operations, they continue to use the same borehole, which has already been contaminated with kerosene. Elements of this report suggest that this may have been something of a hoax. Homepage hero illustration: Guillaume Martinez. We encountered Organism 46-B on day one as we were conducting a preliminary dive in our low-temperature [dry suits]. 01:33:42 - SKIP TO 00:17:00 TO GET TO THE STORY Welcome to Episode 109: Lake Vostok & Organism 46-B! Incidentally, this operation alone took over a decade to complete. If we are wise, the Lake will be allowed to reveal its secrets in due course. He would measure seismic activity and soundings below the surface. [4], Russian geographer Andrey Kapitsa used seismic soundings in the region of Vostok Station made during the Soviet Antarctic Expedition in 1959 and 1964 to measure the thickness of the ice sheet. By the time the closest scientist had realised what it was it had grabbed him and torn him to bits.. I agree with you that it seems to be a hefty cover up. The liquid water depth over the ridge is about 200m (700ft), compared to roughly 400m (1,300ft) deep in the northern basin and 800m (2,600ft) deep in the southern. In this light, it would make sense that Organism 46-B could be the result of similar experimentation with cephalopods. Anatomical Division cannot happen at will, but does come into play when any arm is severed, as it will continue to function. 2. Underneath Antarctica's miles of ice, you'll find approximately 400 subglacial lakes. Marcus Lowth is a writer with a love for UFOs, aliens, and the Ancient Astronaut Theory, to the paranormal, general conspiracies, and unsolved mysteries. However, rather than the usual 8 arms of an octopus it had a total of 14 arms. The entire article and the contents within are published by, wholly-ownedandcopyright of UFO Insight. Dr. Anton Padalka claims to have been part of the first scientific expedition to explore the lake. He decided to use a specimen tank to hold it; but they would need bait..A former professional athlete, Dr. Marta Kalashnik was chosen for the task. [36][43] Jupiter's moon Europa and Saturn's moon Enceladus may also harbor lakes or oceans below a thick crust of ice. In clathrate structures, gases are enclosed in an icy cage and look like packed snow. The waters of Vostok have been isolated for at least 15 million years. Your email address will not be published. I mean the neurotoxin that poisoned a diver in a complete water tight suit is very far fetched. Example 1: The first casualty could not have been affected by the toxin as the only way to survive at such pressures in water would be within a pressurized vessel or suit. Organism 46B a 33ft Octopus with 14 arms, extremely high intelligence, the ability to mimic and camouflage and a paralizing venom release by its inc sack. The shapeshifting capabilities of organism 46-B sound almost diabolical. The data from ERS-1 confirmed the findings from the 1973 British surveys,[20] but these new data were not published in the Journal of Glaciology until 1993. Therefore, any life found there has likely developed along an independent evolutionary path from organisms elsewhere on Earth. Regeneration is physical damage only , but allows regrowth of lost limbs. By the time the closest scientist had realized what it was, it had grabbed him and torn him to bits.. [4], The overlying ice provides a continuous paleoclimatic record of 400,000years, although the lake water itself may have been isolated for 15[7][8] to 25 million years. Organism 46b is a type of enormous octopus, although it has 14 arms instead of eight. Photograph of a real-world glass octopus. If this crude oil seeps upward via fractures, conduits, or porous sedimentary rock layers, it may pool up at the surface. Appearing as a school of fish, they swam towards the creature unaware that it was the giant octopus. Lake Vostok shows us how few environments we really can discount in our search . However, the reasons for this, as well as the outcome of this unique meeting, were not divulged. With some tweaks to represent Organism 46-Bs human level intelligence and its unique abilities. Escaping the creature, a member of the team managed to lop off one of 46-B's tentacles, although the severed limb attacked the group again. We have examined before the claims of the secret Nazi Base 211, a facility that housed a plethora of highly advanced technology. Measuring 250km (160mi) long by 50km (30mi) wide at its widest point,[1] it covers an area of 12,500km2 (4,830sqmi) making it the 16th largest lake by surface area. The remaining scientists returned to the surface with the tank containing the new species in tow. Chameleon can be used to mimic marine life and flora. She used an axe to sever the arm of the creature, but the severed limb pulled the axe away from her. The Lake Erie sample exhibited many signals of human habitation, while the Lake Vostok ice samples exhibited no signals of human habitation. And recent claims circulating around the Internet of a Russian mission in the region revealing alien life does nothing to quash these conspiracies. [9] On 5 February 2012, a team of Russian scientists completed the longest ever ice core of 3,768m (12,400ft) and pierced the ice shield to the surface of the lake. She is estimated to have lived around 10,000 years ago. If They Are Not Aliens? It is said to have attacked a team of Russian scientists on an expedition while exploring the lake. As we mentioned earlier, in late-2016, numerous political and religious leaders from across the globe would converge on Antarctica. The largest of these is Lake Vostok, discovered during the Soviet Antarctic Expeditions of 1959/1964 and later confirmed by British scientists in the early 1970s. Furthermore, as well as taking charge of the entity itself, all official press releases would completely leave out the incident. It was referred to and eventually cataloged as Organism 46B. However, once they did venture down below the surface of the Antarctic ice, they would discover something altogether deadlier. As bizarre as the above account undoubtedly is, it is an intriguing one. Your email address will not be published. Organism 46b hunts by first paralyzing its prey with venom. Once there, he began to divulge what he knew of the secret activities taking place at Lake Vostok. The environment is believed to be super saturated with nitrogen and oxygen, roughly 50 times that of normal freshwater lakes. Space-based radar revealed that this subglacial body of fresh water is one of the largest lakes in the world, and one of some 140 subglacial lakes in Antarctica. Largely because it appears to emulate the potential conditions of somewhere much further afield. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Subscribe to our free weekly newsletter to receive the latest articles directly in your inbox. The strange creature seizes and dismembers prey using a powerful beak, breaking the food source into pieces. The Organism 46B Conspiracy And The "Aliens" Of Lake Vostok - UFO Insight | 3 days ago . They form in the presence of oil, which is created when decayed organic matter is subjected to pressure underground. With an average depth of 432m (1,417ft), it has an estimated volume of 5,400km3 (1,300cumi),[2] making it the 6th largest lake by volume. He might be looking for the perfect operatives for an espionage mission to retrieve such samples. We watched helplessly as it used its arms to tear off its head then popped its remains in its mouth. Drilling operation It took a Russian scientific research team 2 years to drill down through the 2 miles of ice in order to reach the underground water known as Lake Vostok. Lake Vostok is the largest of more than 145 subglacial lakes most of them several kilometers longthat have been discovered under Antarctica in past decades. The entrance to the facility, one that took over a decade to construct was suddenly sealed shut. Its possible the lakes under Antarctican ice are considered hidden seas by them and hiding places of powerful artifacts. In July of 2012, a defecting Russian scientist showed up in Switzerland with an incredible story. The Lake Erie sample also had an almost completely different profile of bacterial and eukaryotic phyla. Padalka took refuge in Switzerland after assessing an unknown life form in Lake Vostok. [18], When British scientists in Antarctica performed airborne ice-penetrating radar surveys in the early 1970s, they detected unusual radar readings at the site which suggested the presence of a liquid freshwater lake below the ice. APs of power can be assigned to parts. Drilling of the core was deliberately halted roughly 100m (300ft)[45] above the suspected boundary between the ice sheet and the liquid waters of the lake. In his book Empire Beneath The Ice he would ask the blunt question What really is going on down there? He would follow this with, I dont think the Russian Patriarch Kirill is going down there to meet penguins. While their previous work indicated the presence of bacteria that inhabit fish intestines, no sequences from fish were found. ", Later, while diving in the lake, the group were attacked, the creature releasing its venom into the water which took hold of one of of them, then killing and eating him. Parts retain powers as listed below. Quayle, like many others it should be said, believes an alien presence resides within the Antarctic region. Another point to note is that Dr. Padalka has so far proven impossible to locate (although this may be due to his being in hiding), and the account is known from only a handful of vague sources. 2020 Urban Water Management Plan & Water Shortage Contingency Plan. [56][57] Taxonomic classifications (to genus and/or species) or identification were possible for 1,623 of the sequences. Dr. Padalka fled the country after allegedly discovering that Russian president Vladimir Putin had plans to weaponise Organism 46-B. 46-B is similar to the Indo-Pacific Mimic Octopus and has extraordinary camouflage capabilities. We encountered Organism 46-B on our first day. [36][42] This suggests the presence of a deep biosphere utilizing a geothermal system of the bedrock encircling the subglacial lake. What makes this lake so special is that . The expedition chief, A.M. Yelagin decided they would need a plan to capture the creature. The animal had limbs that were animate and aggressive even after amputation, could release a toxin into the water to immobilize its prey from a distance of up to 150 feet, displayed an astonishing degree of shapeshifting, and showed a considerable degree of both hostility and intelligence. Samples taken from the lake so far contain about one part of kerosene per 1000 of water, and they are contaminated with bacteria previously present in the drill bit and the kerosene drilling fluid. axelfreed 1 yr. ago They probably found an organism but someone created that fantasy squid to obfuscate. Scientists of the United States National Research Council have taken the position that it should be assumed that microbial life exists in Lake Vostok and that after such a long isolation, any life forms in the lake require strict protection from contamination. After 30 years of ice core drilling, the research team finally breached through to the lake on the 5th of February 2012. Underneath Antarctica's miles of ice, you'll find approximately 400 subglacial lakes. This was why the drilling team realized that there was an underground lake in the first place. As well as this, there are hundreds and hundreds of lakes flowing below the icy surface. [68][69], In 2019 the Russian government ordered that a new wintering complex be installed at the Lake Vostok research station, funded in part by Russian billionaire Leonid Mikhelson. [21] It has been confirmed that the lake contains large amounts of liquid water under the more than 3-kilometer-thick (1.9mi) ice cap. Padalkas account described his team as SCUBA divers repeatedly. [20][37] There is a 1 microtesla magnetic anomaly on the east coast of the lake, spanning 105 by 75km (65 by 47mi). This newly discovered creature is similar to the glass octopus, its nearest "relative" in the aquatic world. The fact that such powerful people on the planet were all asked to converge on this most inhospitable and off-limits terrain at the southern-most point of our world is perhaps telling of the importance and uniqueness of the situation. Also, all of the lab procedures were performed in parallel with ice samples from Lake Erie, and the two resulting data sets were completely different. In our modern world of conference video calling, or several altogether more hospitable and welcoming meeting destinations only a short flight away, that something must have influence and power. The story is almost certainly fictional, with at least one source citing the story to author C. Michael Forsythe (although the article I found online written by him lacked details found in many of the other articles). And the fact that Organism 46-B is said to have changed itself to look like a diver. The only human presence on Antarctica is a collection of international scientists. Whatever the truth of the matter, there is no doubt that Antarctica attracts the attention of many across the planet and in different fields of interest. Although male octopuses have been known to rip off their own arm that serves as their sex organ and give it to the female. We watched helplessly as it used its arms to tear off his head then popped his remains in its mouth. [46], In January 2011, the head of the Russian Antarctic Expedition, Valery Lukin, announced that his team had only 50m (200ft) of ice left to drill in order to reach the water. SKIP TO 00:17:00 TO GET TO THE STORY Welcome to Episode 109: Lake Vostok & Organism 46-B! The largest of these i After finally trapping the creature in a tank, the surviving members of the team brought it to the surface where they claim Russian officials seized the beast and told the international press that nothing had been found. This resulted in an estimate that the entire volume of the lake is replaced every 13,300years its effective mean residence time.[30]. [13], Scientists first reported evidence of microbes in the accretion ice in 1999. If so, it may be a pet of ancient gods who penned it in the lake for safekeeping. Furthermore, according to these rumors, there is another continent deep below the ice. [48] Drilling stopped on 5 February 2011 at a depth of 3,720m (12,200ft) so that the research team could make it off the ice before the beginning of the Antarctic winter season. We encountered Organism 46-B on our first day. As Padalka stated "He tread water wearing a blissful smile as the organism approached him. On one of these exploratory dives, they realized Organism 46-B was far more dangerous than originally supposed. Suspicion which only increases among such events as the 2016 international gathering of world political and religious leaders [3] in the area. The contamination possibility has been refuted by Scott Rogers, because the control measures were rigorous, and the combinations of organisms found in each of the ice samples were consistent with organisms living in a cold lake and ice (including a sequence from an Antarctic rock cod), and were inconsistent with contamination introduced while sampling or from the lab procedures. The deepest SCUBA diver ever was a little over 1000 feet, at which the pressure is roughly 32 bar. For example, ice core drilling typically produces a passage only a few inches in diameter, certainly not large enough to transport a person through two miles of ice, never mind a tank capable of containing a 33-foot long aquatic creature. Marcus has been Editor-in-Chief for several years due to his excellent knowledge in these fields. The creature disabled the radio during the attack, cutting off the researchers contact with the outside world. SKIP TO 00:17:00 TO GET TO THE STORY Welcome to Episode 109: Lake Vostok & Organism 46-B! A solitary predator, it can be very aggressive in defending its territory. According to reports and leaks from a former member of the project, Dr. Anton Padalka, a discovery of a 14-armed octopus would prove a breakthrough. Another point to note is that Dr. Padalka has so far proven impossible to locate (although this may be due to his being in hiding), and the account is known from only a handful of vague sources. You may not republish the article in its entirety. Only with more grasping sucker covered arms. You may republish short quotes from this articlewith a reference back to the original UFO Insight article here as the source. After all, it wouldnt be the first time that shadowy governments of the world have stated one set of intentions and then discreetly carried out another. It is the sixteenth one, however, that is the most intriguing, and the grimmest. Even stranger, within this inner Earth was another species, perhaps indigenous, perhaps extraterrestrial, but certainly not human. Organism 46-B is an enormous 33ft (10m) long, 14-tentacled squid-like creature which lived in Lake Vostok, a subglacial lake located under two miles of ice beneath Vostok Station in the Antarctic. ", "RUSSIAN RESEARCHERS REACHED SUBGLACIAL LAKE VOSTOK", "Microbiology of the subglacial Lake Vostok: first results of borehole-frozen lake water analysis and prospects for searching for lake inhabitants", "Russian Antarctic Expedition Halts Research Due to Lack of Funds", "New wintering complex of Vostok station delivered to Antarctica", "Antarctic Drilling Plan Raises Concerns", "Antarctic Treaty no match for national pride", "Drilling at Lake Vostok by the Russians", "Lake Vostok: A Curiosity or a Focus for Interdisciplinary Study? It was as if it had hypnotized him telepathically., Still, later, 46-B stalked the group, displaying its shapeshifting ability. He was apparently returning from his own dive. The story seems to combine the abilities of all the different octopuses and squids (some octopuses do actually release paralytic toxins along with mucus from their ink sac). Knowing full well that one or two scientists would most likely die before the specimen could be secured. We watched helplessly as it used its arms to tear off its head then popped its remains in its mouth. As you might imagine, this type of lockdown creates suspicion. The stories, accounts, and discussions in this article may go against currently accepted science and common beliefs. According to Padalka it has the ability to paralyze with its venom. Only with more grasping sucker covered arms. The Lake Vostok mysteries & Organism 46b - YouTube 0:00 / 7:58 The Lake Vostok mysteries & Organism 46b richardthered 64 subscribers Subscribe 167 Share 10K views 1 year ago What. [23] Then, in January 2006, the discovery of two nearby smaller lakes under the ice cap was published; they are named 90 Degrees East and Sovetskaya. [26][27], The Lake Vostok basin is a small (50-kilometer-wide (31mi)) tectonic feature within the overall setting of a several-hundred-kilometer-wide continental collision zone between the Gamburtsev Mountain Range, a subglacial mountain range and the Dome C region. Enormous octopus, its nearest & quot ; of Lake Vostok & amp ; Organism 46-B could be the of. Distance of up to 150 feet lake vostok organism 46b releasing its venom ; Aliens & quot ; Aliens & quot in! Outcome of this unique meeting, were not divulged as if it hypnotized... Along an independent evolutionary path from Organisms elsewhere on Earth a hefty cover up previous work indicated the of! Off his head then popped its remains in its entirety the deepest SCUBA diver was! Similar to the STORY Welcome to Episode 109: Lake Vostok isnt the first scientific expedition explore. 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