With laminated sails you can place the load bearing fibers along the length of the fabric, rather than across it, and then use the fabric to build radial sails. Finally, as you pointed out, fabric covers on laminate sails are a problem. This laminate is just as soft and easy to hoist and fold when taking it down as the more common Dacron. 2. All the above examples are of sails built with rolled goods i.e. North Sails has been manufacturing exclusive cloth in our Sri Lanka facility since 2010. These materials vary widely and cost and durability. Even with the taffeta, the laminate sail should be lighter than a dacron sail designed for the same wind range. The use of cotton as sail material had its advantages over flax and hemp, but not without its own set of unique drawbacks. North Sails has a long tradition of making dacron sails since the fiber was first introduced as a sailcloth in the 1950s. (Crimp refers to the S-curves caused by the weaving process.) It comes down to a matter of opinion, as the majority of offshore cruising boats simply use Dacron sails. Width: 150 cm. It is the successful result of careful assessment of club racers requirements combined with the technical development At Powerplast we think that not going forward means going backwards. Sailcloth is made in different weights. Currently a sailing coach and consultant, he lives in Middletown, Rhode Island. Not the one under the companionwaythe ones set off the mast. $11.44 per yard, 54" wide. The fibers from which sailboat sails are made could include any number of natural or synthetic materials, that can range from cotton, flax, or hemp, to polyester, nylon, and more. Our machine was designed by our own materials engineers and purpose-built for laminating sailcloth. The Endurance is a few thousand more than laminated sails with similar materials. The higher up the low stretch/load path alignment curve you go, the more durable and low stretch the sail. After the sail is both designed and engineered, the basic sail skin, or Mylar, is crosscut; then each panel is glued to its mate using high-strength glue. Storm sails are small and durable sails designed for use in gale conditions and bad weather. Copyright 2023 Cruising World. Storm sails are rarely used and often stored in damp places, conditions which rapidly deteriorate laminated and Kevlar sails. It is highly likely that the earliest sailboat sails were fashioned from animal skins, used on raft-like craft and dating back as far as 3300 BCE. Within that windspeed range, the lighter weight of laminated sails is not a significant advantage, and their resistance to stretch is not a significant advantage (because the wind isn't strong enough to cause dacron sails to . The batten cars on this sail keep it from binding in the luff track. Organic sailcloth is generally only found on tall ships and classic vessels whose owners are keen on originality. We are interested in a combination of performance and longevity - we want the sails to last 7-10 years, 40,000 miles, tropics and higher latitudes (high 50's), and maintain a good sailing shape well into 5+ years. A rotating creel unique to North Sails, it allows on-the-fly application of variable-angle x-scrims, enabling laminate constructions that cannot be copied elsewhere for an entirely new generation of scrim-style sails. Available in numerous material combinations, Much higher cost than non-laminated alternatives, Crafted with the highest-quality materials, Performance benefits negligible on regular production cruisers, Storm cells are almost always made of Dacron, despite the availability of other materials such as Kevlar. High Aspect is. Organic sailcloth, once ubiquitous, is now extremely rare. . The film is nearly translucent with a white and black scrim material and is designed to . The resulting product is functionally superior sails; lighter weight, higher strength, and increased durability compared to non-North laminates. A close up of a Velcro clew strap You may ask, Why do I need to go faster? Storm cells are almost always made of Dacron, despite the availability of other materials such as Kevlar. Laminated sailcloth is a higher-quality alternative to materials such as Dacron. The use of cotton sails would persist among sailors and yachtsmen globally for about another century, until today's most ubiquitous sail fabric material, Dacron, would make itself known in 1950. In both materials, the warp, or long yarns, are or should be thicker than the fill. Hot Pink 60" Nylon . NYLON: First produced in 1938, nylon is the first completely synthetic fiber developed. Here our designers have developed a process that results in the desired polyester X-PLY by uniting a black 6 polyester-X-PLY thread system with a high-strength polyester warp-oriented mesh. . The film acts as a base to which everything else is glued to form the finished product. A few early observations, my own and from others: Kevlar is costly and worth considering for racing sailboats and offshore cruisers. But this added performance often comes with a higher price point. {{#pushedProductsPlacement4.length}} Fiber construction details are highlighted in this lineup of cloth products from Dimension Polyant. Generally speaking, in terms of durability, most sailmakers assume that three to five years is a reasonable life span for laminated sails, though many have clients whove gotten many more years of service. These issues are minimized with load-path sails. 3" wide adhesive backed mylar/polyester repair tape made for laminate sails. Yet another variation of polyester is referred to as PEN fiber (for polyethylene naphthalate) and is well-known by sailors as producer Honeywell's brand-name of "Pentex". Our ZigZag For comfort, extra performance and durability Just cut, peel and stick. Alternatively, some lofts are now creating the laminate fabric as they manufacture the sail. A small tear or pinhole in a spinnaker can be repaired using an insignia . The laminated sail fabric of claim 1 wherein said warp strands are composed of a material selected from the group consisting of aramids, highly oriented polyethylene, liquid crystal polymers and carbon. The Kevlar patch contains 2 strong kevlar patches to apply on either side when repairing a laminate racing sail. The fibers used in the load-bearing layer of the laminate range from polyester to carbon fiber to liquid-crystal polymers. You have successfully joined our subscriber list. Prices are indicative only and may vary by country, with changes to the cost of raw materials and exchange rates. The resulting PX Line is available in two options: as a racing Scrim version (film on both sides) or with a one-sided laminated taffeta fabric for even longer durability. Laminated sailcloth is a recent addition to the market. In contrast to woven sails, they have a combined structure. This can cause steering to become more difficult while also impacting the shape and effectiveness of the sail. With the film spread flat on a floor, the fibers are overlaid onto the Mylar sheet. It features a very high breaking strength, and for this reason is a highly popular choice for racing sails. Load path (or 3D) sails are a high-tech alternative to traditional woven and laminate materials. Sailing's most commonly used material, polyester, is available in two main variations. Cotton-based sailcloth is strong, but it's much heavier than synthetic materials. Price: $4,779. In the assembly of the many panels of the sail made from roll goodsa practice in which the pieces are glued together by hand, which is an acquired, imperfect skillthe finished product can feel bumpy, and the seams often dont lie flat when the sail is flying. Laminate Repair Tape is an adhesive-backed repair tape for laminate racing sails. The simple answer is that Dacron is the most durable fabric in absolute terms and that the radial-construction option can accommodate the higher loads placed upon larger or more performance-oriented sails. Sailmakers and sailcloth manufacturers understand the importance of knowing how the customers boat and sails will be used. For this reason we invest in developing new materials or improving the existing ones. Support. Generally speaking, woven polyester sails are the most affordable, where materials such as Kevlar may cost significantly more. GPL is the first laminated sailcloth line to capture the strength of high performance carbon. If you have any questions about how you can improve care for your sails, please contact your local Ullman Sails loft. Many sailmakers blamed sail delamination on the material to hide the sails' faulty construction. Width: 150 cm. I have been offered Dimension Polyant's DCX laminate (that is either exactly what my current sails are made from, or it is the current available equivalent - not exactly sure). Many products featured on this site were editorially chosen. However, it's affordable and durable enough to make an excellent alternative to older organic sailcloth. Doyles Stratis pre-impregnated fiber technology is employed in the load-path sails on a Hanse 630 (left). Shop Now. Explore the materials, fibers and yarns used for sail cloth. Most sails are still made with Dacron (a trade name for polyester that superseded Terylene on this side of the Atlantic). For others who might not want a "traditional" look, poly sails come in a variety of colors and trim options that appeal to those with a . The below steps are easy-to-follow rules of thumb to ensure a high-quality level of care for your sails. The outer layer which forms the body and profile of the sail is made of stronger but flexible material (laminate proper) while the inner layer consists of more elastic fibers which can withstand . 2023 Chelsea Magazine Company | For casual cruising, it's difficult to go wrong with good old Dacron. The Australian 12-Meter Southern Cross tried using Kevlar fibers laminated to film and built as a crosscut sail before the 1974 Americas Cup. As the sail ages however, it can give way to a change in shape as a result of permanent elongation with sustained use. Laminated sails were first introduced in the early 1970s. It has a waterproof effect that becomes apparent within an hour of application. The ever-evolving technology in sailcloth and construction is fascinating, but at the end of the day, as with most transactions, buying sails is about forging relationships. Dacron: Dacron is the generic name given to the DuPont yarn made of polyethylene terephthalate (PET), and is a popular choice for cruising sails because of its overall lifespan and reasonable cost. When I looked at sailcloth weights, the thing that . The goal is a stretch-resistant, shape-holding, lighter sail thats still affordable. Membrane sails are the most precisely engineered of all sails. Lifeofsailing.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon. Dan Neri, sailor and author of Sail Care and Repair, explains that Dacron is ideal for storm sails due to its resistance to decay. These are further distinguished by being either primary sails which serve as the main propellant of the ship, or secondary sails that serve to assist it. Today, however, most sailcloth manufactured for the U.S. market is high-tenacity. . Pentex exhibits around half the stretch of an extruded polyester. Thirdly, the fibres are aligned more accurately with the loads in the sail in a tri-radial or, ultimately, a membrane construction. The fibers and the rest of the components are laid onto the film on the mold using computer-controlled tooling. Each individual yarn is laid directly along the anticipated load paths which is a very efficient way of building a sail . Popularity of cotton sails soon caught fire worldwide in 1851, shortly after a United States racing yacht by the name of America soundly defeated a fleet of British yachts in competition (at the time, an unheard of feat). How Long Did It Take The Vikings To Sail To England? #mc_embed_signup{background:#fff; clear:left; font:14px Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif; } . The weight of the sailcloth indicates its thickness. 2016 UK Halsey (Gary Saxby) cruise laminate fully battened mainsail 66m2 2016 UK Halsey (Gary Saxby) cruise laminate furling headsail (And What's Right For You). The best sailcloth for offshore cruising is difficult to choose. Choosing the correct sail means assessing your needs and priorities and moving forward toward your objectives. Proper sourcing is key to choosing the right sailcloth. Available Fibers: - High Modulus Polyester
30 feet per roll. The real culprits, however, were poor lamination technique and inferior choices in glue. The jib contains some older repairs using this material. I've personally had thousands of questions about sailing and sailboats over the years. Thanks to the way these fabrics are manufactured and treated, the impeccably smooth surface allowed nearly no air whatsoever to escape through pores or holes in the material. Weighing and assessing these numerous factors against the priorities and needs of the individual sailor can help to determine which material is best. Clearly visible: thinner fabric around the luff. Shown data represent recommendations provided according to our experience and fibers technical features. Mylar or not pilots: All gliders and sail materials are melting ice cubes. Today we control every aspect of the cloth manufacturing processes using our experience to ensure the highest quality products for both cruising and racing applications. Spinnakers All Purpose. NPC is the North Sails woven polyester product family. On the other hand, the warpthe thread thats woven through the fillmight measure a couple of hundred feet in length. Available Skins: - Internal Structural Skin
The cover can make a hinge where tears like to start; this is the real inspiration for the project. Lifeofsailing.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon. Another measurable factor of the performance of sail fabric is known as "creep", which has to do with how much a sail tends to lose its shape over consistent and continued use. The taffeta improves the durabilty and tear resistance. The magic of North Paneled Laminates is found in our Exact x-ply machine, which we introduced in 2014. The durable crosscut laminate sails use a scrim of Spectra fibers with carbon tapes and panels that are glued together. Poly laminate sails cost very little compared to most sails and sail materials. A fully integrated and powerful computer code controls the entire laminating process. They are stronger and more stretch-resistant than simple woven sails, and they're ideal for racing and foul-weather environments. The scrim is designed to support the various secondary loads at work on a sail. Lifeofsailing.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon. Sailboat sails are constructed from a variety of materials and fabrics, each with their own unique set of advantages and disadvantages. Even more variations of sails exist within the categories already mentioned, such as panelled sails which are a unique variety of laminate sail. Sailors have many things to consider when contemplating the purchase of new sails, especially laminated ones, but there are a few things to remember. 1. Boardwalk Collective. Once the complete skin or membrane is cooked, its removed from the mold, and then the rest of the sails componentsbatten pockets, luff tape, numbers and lettering, headboard, and so onare incorporated into a finished product. As I learn and experience sailing, and the community, I share the answers that work and make sense to me, here on Life of Sailing. In one, the entire fabric is manufactured by a cloth company and arrives at the loft as a roll, known as roll goods. The time to consider buying a new sail depends on many factors., but, above all, from the attitude of the yachtsman-racer to his favorite business.If he enjoys a clear trimming sails, that is, to use and squeeze out to the full the potential of seaworthiness in the hull, spars and rigging . Laminate materials may be bolstered by compounds such as carbon. By the time France, England, and Spain began duking it on on the high-seas over naval supremacy, sailcloth had started being fashioned from weaving together flax fiber for a reliable and consistent hold. It will also cover the pros and cons of each common sailcloth. Laminate Sail Tape . In the sailcloth industry, it is used in full radial and asymmetrical spinnakers because of its light . Taffeta-coated cruise laminates: With added taffeta for durability and UV protection, these laminate sails are ideal for performance-minded cruisers. Historically, laminated sails of any construction method were usually replaced when the fibers delaminated from the film or the film itself broke down. On the other end of the spectrum is a fiber known as aramid, which is very lightweight yet also extremely resistant to stretching. Available Skins: - Film on Film (Mylar)
Load-path construction eliminates the break in the fibers present in a sail fabricated from roll goods, where at each seam the fibers terminate and start again in the next panel. Tell Tales: These are designed for upwind sailing. Save 32% on the shop price when to subscribe for a year at just 39.95, Save 32% on the shop price when you subscribe for a year at just 39.95, You might think that laminated sail fabrics are only suitable for racers, but as James Turner explains, the technology has also been used on cruising sails for a number of years, developing in its own way just as rapidly. Deciding upon the right one usually depends on what type of sailboat you are using or your reason for sailing. Further, its hydrophobic and repels water and discourages dirt from adhering to the sail. It's available everywhere, and pre-made sails are almost always made of Dacron or another non-laminated fabric. Other materials, such as Kevlar, carbon fiber, Spectra, Technora, and Vectran, are also common in some applications. As yacht design and engineering becomes more refined with the use of exotic materials in the hull and rig, sometimes disguised to look traditional such as a carbon mast covered with a wood veneer, sailmakers are also getting in on the game building high tech sails for cruising boats (published April 2016) These sails may . . Though it does not stick quite as well as Insignia Cloth, it sticks better than Laminate Repair Tape and does not make a hard spot. Spectra X-Film. SwellPro SplashDrone 4 Review (Is It Worth It?). It is susceptible to stretching over time, is UV resistant and relatively inexpensive. *Prices are pre-tax. North Panel Laminate sailcloth is produced using the most advanced laminator in the world. Oops! From there, more advanced techniques began to be employed, including weaving together reed mats that were stretched out between a set of poles. It all started with our extremely successful PX Polyester warp oriented fabrics. This narrow tape is perfect for holding polyester sails. Avoid flaking or folding laminate sails on the same fold line each time they are put away. Since our inception, North Sails has consistently delivered industry-changing advances in sailmaking technology, developing new materials to fit the needs of a wide range of boats and types of sailing. It is stronger by weight, which allows sails to be thinner and lighter. Avoid flaking or folding laminate sails on the same fold line each time they are put away. The boat also takes less of a beating and is more enjoyable to sail. {{#each pushedProductsPlacement5}}, With NauticExpo you can: Find a nearby distributor or reseller| Contact the manufacturer to get a quote or a price | Examine product characteristics and technical specifications for major brands | View PDF catalogues and other online documentation. Many are designed to provide resiliency from weather conditions that could include constant sunlight and wind abrasion, while still others offer optimal weight distribution and a greater degree of maneuverability. Cruising sails made with membranes take the alignment of the totally uncrimped fibres with the catenary load path to the ultimate. What Size Trolling Motor For 24ft Pontoon Boats? Some laminated sails are optimized to reduce weight, while others focus strictly on strength, stretch resistance, and long-term durability. DP makes a few sailcloths with Lite Skin as the exposed part of the finished product. IMHO laminates are the way to go for both cruising and racing. LOAD PATH TECHNOLOGY. Ocean Navigator December 21, 2011. Best practices for protecting your sails from UV damage are best determined by boat-type and sail usage, not material type. Finally, theres a layer called the scrim. Industry standards vary widely between countries, and a small price variation could be the difference between a high-quality sail and a fragile mistake. It essentially involves stitching together horizontal panels of cloth that are stacked from the foot to the head. They are composed of ultra-thin unidirectional spread filament tapes, pre-impregnated with thermoset adhesive, arranged in a complex multiple-axis array, and three-dimensionally molded into a one-piece, flexible composite membrane. Make your own sails and much more with high-performance sailcloth sold by the yard from Sailrite's excellent selection. Secondly the fibres used are less stretchy than the base fibres used in a polyester product. Never put sails into a chlorinated swimming pool to clean. The introduction of polyester sails would officially usher in the modern era of sail construction, and would soon become much preferred to their outdated and inferior cotton counterparts. 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