} I sometimes see the hardships of being a Black man highlighted but I do not see the same courtesy given to Miss Holiday. var popupTrigger = jQuery("#captainformForm772605EmbedPopup63c877fb83722"); Line: 192 Theres a lingering sense that Kuehl understood something deeper, but Billie never seems all that curious to find out what that might be. var wrapper = jQuery('#captainformForm772605EmbedPopup63c877fb82c45'); There are great archival photos of East Baltimore and of the reform school and the jail she was sent to. Although she was a heavy user of marijuana, alcohol and cocaine, Holiday was most associated with her use of heroin and other opiates. Holidays light brown skin contrasts dramaticallywith her dark dresses, and smooth-straightened glossy dark hair and the white gardenias (or lily or orchid.) She sang in clubs in Harlem and. It turned me on., Although Holiday had several male and female lovers, only one woman is mentioned in the documentary as being one of her paramours: actress Tallulah Bankhead. It is maintained is rich with photos, videos, book information, quotes, and, of course, music.Plan to spend some time there. Before completing her work, Kuehl died suddenly in February 1978. It seems amazing that most writers have speculated on the reason Billie Holiday left both the Basie Band and the Shaw Band without getting the testimony of Basie and Shaw themselves. The audio recordings in Billie come from the archives of New York City-based journalist Linda Lipnack Kuehl, who died by falling from a hotel in Washington, D.C., on February 4, 1978. On 6 February 1978, journalist Linda Lipnack Kuehl fell from the balcony of a Washington DC hotel. formId: '772605' Jones insists: She didnt leave the band. And by the age of 14, Holiday was singing professionally in nightclubs. It also brings up a few necessary, if rarely confronted questions. [3] In 1978 she was found dead on a Washington, D.C. sidewalk,[3][8][10] after attending a Count Basie concert. id: "captainform_js_global_vars", jQuery(wrapper).find('a').removeAttr('href'); This documentary offers viewers the rare opportunity to see Billie Holiday through the eyes of those who knew her best. The Official Billie Holiday website maintained by the Estate of Billie Holiday and hosted by Concord Jazz. They were all gathered by Linda Lipnack Kuehl, the late journalist who spent a decade in the Sixties and Seventies talking to those who knew Holiday best, conducting more than 125 interviews and . Eleanoras parents got married when she was 3 years old, and she was raised primarily in Baltimore. "[9] However, Kuehl did not complete the book. captainformCustomVars['772605'] = ''; Is it possible to tell someone elses story without, invariably, telling our own? } The official cause of death was ruled a suicide, but her younger sister Myra Luftman (who is not interviewed on camera) says in the documentary that Kuehl probably died from foul play because of the research that Keuhl was doing for the book. Her cousin John says, During them times, she had to survive. An epilogue at the end of the documentary mentions that because of the destruction of police records, investigations into Lindas death made during the film proved inconclusive., In the documentary, Luftman explains why her sister wanted to write a Billie Holiday biography: Even thought they came from totally different backgrounds, I think she really identified with Billie. Oddly enough, the just-released documentary Billie is an intertwining tragic tale of two women. popupTrigger.click(function(){ These incredible testimonies reveal Holiday's . textContent: 'var frmRef=""; try { frmRef=window.top.location.href; } catch(err) {}; var captainform_servicedomain="app.captainform.com";var cfJsHost = "https://";', Over the next decade, she tracked down and tape-recorded interviews with the extraordinary characters that populated the iconic singer's short, tumultuous life. Review: Billie (2020), an oral history of Billie Holidays life. popupTrigger.click(function(){ Kuehl had. Over 8 years, she tracked down and tape-recorded over 200 hours of interviews with the extraordinary characters that populated the iconic singer's short, tumultuous life. [2] Various other writers' biographies on Holiday have drawn upon Kuehl's material, as did the film Billie (2019), which is narrated by Kuehl's recorded interviews. }, 10); The documentary includes archival news video footage of Joan Allen, a correctional officer who worked at the federal rehabilitation facility in Alderston, West Virginia, where Holiday served her prison time. However, Linda's book was never finished and the tapes never heard . Holidays time with Basie and his band ended on a sour note when she left. elementType: "script", Pulled out of school at 11, she worked in a brothel at age 12, and by age 14 she was in Harlem singing at the Hot Cha Club. }; }, true); Sign up for a chance to win prizes (such as free gift cards) and get priority alerts or invitations to the hottest lifestyle/culture news, discounts and promotions. resize77260563c877fb83722(wrapper); In 1971, she began plans for a biography: Holiday had died aged 44 in 1959 and, 11 years on, Kuehl wanted to speak to those who were there throughout her life. type: "text/javascript", Allen shows the cell where Holiday stayed and describes Holiday as quiet and certainly no trouble ever. Jazz singer Billie Holidays rich, sensuous voice had been steeped in a lifetime of pain. "[9] However, Kuehl did not complete the book. And the only way to save her was to have her knocked out by the government. George H. White, who was a narcotics agent at the time, says Holidays lavish lifestyle also made her a target for the FBI and other law enforcement: Billie flaunted her way of living.. [3], Interviews that Kuehl conducted with writers were published in The Paris Review in 1972 and 1978. Because McKay was still legally married to Holiday when she died, he inherited Holidays estate and future earnings. In 1971, journalist Linda Lipnack Kuehl set out to write the definitive biography of Billie Holiday. But the interviews are by numerous people who knew her best who wouldnt be able to be interviewed today, because almost everyone is now deceased. (Photo by George Rinhart). ("elementType"in e))return!1;var n=null;if(n=e.following?e.following.parentElement:e.inside?e.inside:e.replacing?e.replacing.parentElement:"script"==e.elementType?document.head:document.body,null==n)return!1;var l=document.createElement(e.elementType);delete e.elementType,l=jQuery.extend(l,e),e.replacing?n.replaceChild(l,e.replacing):n.appendChild(l)}; Intending to write a biography of Billie Holiday, she interviewed friends, fellow performers, and key figures in Holiday's life, but died before its completion. In 1928, Holiday and her mother moved to New York Citys Harlem neighborhood. Funeral services Friday February 10th, 11 A.M. Parkside Chapel, 170th St . The description of Holiday as fast would no longer be an appropriate description of a prepubescent girl who had been raped at age 10 and sent to reform school because of it. There were reports that McKay was very controlling and unscrupulous when it came to Holidays finances. The problems became too much for her, and she quit working with Artie Shaw and His Orchestra. function resize77260563c877fb82c45(wrapper){ [2] Elle recueille 200 heures de tmoignages incroyables : Charles . For the biography, Kuehl set out to interview hundreds of people, ranging from band members and pimps (Holiday . There never was a black critic in swing music. UNSUNG HEROES THROUGH THE NIGHT- Special Free Screening Thursday, Jan. 19, NEW YEARS CHEER- A Nostalgic Look at Past New Years Through Images, Movies and Music, They Were Calling It the Twentieth Century, THE ART OF EATING: THE LIFE OF M.F.K. Did Kuehl jump, or was she pushed? She was a highly talented and unique star, but she also complicated and deeply troubled. Kuehl was white, born in the Bronx and relatively prosperous. On 6 February 1978, journalist Linda Lipnack Kuehl fell from the balcony of a Washington DC hotel. Kuehl had dedicated the last eight years of her life to a biography of jazz singer Billie Holiday, whose rich, sensuous voice had been steeped in a lifetime of pain. Cafe Society owner Barney Josephson says that it wasnt unusual for white customers to walk out of the club and complain if Holiday performed the song. type: "text/javascript", Then, in the late 1960s journalist Linda Lipnack Kuehl set out to write the definitive biography of Billie. In the late-1960s - some 10 years after the performer's death - journalist Linda Lipnack Kuehl set out to write the definitive biography of Billie Holiday (below). A snippet plays in the new documentary Billie, a . Function: _error_handler, File: /home/ah0ejbmyowku/public_html/application/views/page/index.php Milt Hilton, a bass player who worked with Holiday during her last music recording sessions, remembers: She was in pretty bad shape. He took many of the widely published photos of her during these last sessions. She lost her cabaret license to perform in New York City nightclubs, thereby limiting her income options. The insightful documentary Billie (directed by James Erskine) is a highly unusual non-fiction film because most of it is based on previously unreleased audio interviews that were conducted in the 1970s. jQuery(wrapper).find('a').removeAttr('href'); And it seems that Holiday didnt want to settle down with anyone who was considered nice or normal., Irene Kitchen, one of Holidays friends, mentions musician Sonny White, who was briefly Holidays fianc, as nice, quiet, a very good musician Her mother and I hoped that she would marry him. BILLIE, directed by James Erskine, is a portrait of legendary singer Billie Holiday based on more than 200 audio interviews conducted by journalist Linda Lipnack Kuehl in the 1970s.A compelling look at the jazz legend who should never be forgotten. setTimeout(function () { Her drug problems led to her multiple arrests at the height of her fame. } The documentary will thread her story through the eyes of one of her most enamored fans, Linda Lipnack Kuehl, who, in 1971, set out to write a definitive biography. She was a perfectionist, according to her sister, which is why it took so long for Kuehl to work on the uncompleted book. (Courtesy of the Kuehl family) Kuehl left behind a trove of notes, transcripts and some 200 hours of interviews on cassette tapesmostly in shoeboxes, some labeled, some not. Holidays boxer dog was used as a way to transport drugs underneath the dogs collar. Kuehl had even grown close to some of her interview subjects, including Holidays former bandleader Count Basie. She was fired by John Hammond. Jones says that Hammond fired Holiday because she refused Hammonds demands to sing blues music. var wrapper = jQuery('#captainformForm772606EmbedPopup63c877fb834ac'); Elle fut la premire icne de la protestation contre le racisme ce qui lui a valu de puissants ennemis. Occasionally, pieces of Kuehls own life enter into the picture, but never with much attempt to build a connection. } } jQuery(wrapper).css('top', jQuery(window).height() * 0.4 - wrapper.outerHeight()); Her highs, lows and everything in between are detailed in the film, but theres still a sense of mystery about Holiday that remains to this day. resize77260663c877fb834ac(wrapper); Watching the footage of her face singing with no sound could reduce the watcher to tears alone without hearing a single note. Several people in the documentary say that New York City doormen (especially on 52nd Street) would regularly supply her with drugs. It is similar to how the documentary The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill is as much about Mark Bittner as the parrots. Considering the documentary is made almost exclusively of one persons previously unheard interviews, I cannot agree. } Find Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and TikTok profiles, images and more on IDCrawl - free people search website. MTT invited her to sing a program of Gershwin with the San Francisco Symphony and she subsequently became a Rounder Records recording artist and went on a worldwide tour gracing concert halls from Moscow to Lincoln Center and festivals from Umbria Jazz to Monterey Jazz garnering effusiveinternational press and many awards. else if ('' == 'right') var popupParams = { var wrapper = jQuery('#captainformForm772605EmbedPopup63c877fb82c45'); function resize77260663c877fb829bf(wrapper){ }, 50); (document.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",d),window.removeEventListener("load",d)):(document.detachEvent("onreadystatechange",d),window.detachEvent("onload",d))},d=function(){t||!document.addEventListener&&"load"!==event.type&&"complete"!==document.readyState||(t=!0,n(),e())};if("complete"===document.readyState)e();else if(document.addEventListener)document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",d),window.addEventListener("load",d);else{document.attachEvent("onreadystatechange",d),window.attachEvent("onload",d);var o=!1;try{o=null==window.frameElement&&document.documentElement}catch(a){}o&&o.doScroll&&!function c(){if(!t){try{o.doScroll("left")}catch(d){return setTimeout(c,50)}t=!0,n(),e()}}()}}; ("elementType"in e))return!1;var n=null;if(n=e.following?e.following.parentElement:e.inside?e.inside:e.replacing?e.replacing.parentElement:"script"==e.elementType?document.head:document.body,null==n)return!1;var l=document.createElement(e.elementType);delete e.elementType,l=jQuery.extend(l,e),e.replacing?n.replaceChild(l,e.replacing):n.appendChild(l)}; Kuehl died in what was deemed. The book was never completed, but the tapes have been . Function: view, File: /home/ah0ejbmyowku/public_html/application/controllers/Main.php }, true); var captainformCustomVars = {}; } John Levy became her manager and lover, even though he was married at the time. Theres plenty of performance footage, too, some of it needlessly colourised. This unusual, ambitious doc doubles down on the challenge, adding an extra frame to the portrait: the obsession that drove journalist Linda Lipnack Kuehl to toil for years on an epic biography of . Eleanors favorite curse words were motherfucker and cocksucker., By all accounts, Eleanor started working as a housecleaner/maid before she was a teenager. var captainformDomReady = captainformDomReady || function(e){var t=!1,n=function(){document.addEventListener? Whatever the real reasons for Holidays exit from the Count Basie Orchestra, her next career opportunity was one that was groundbreaking but controversial at the time. [1], Last edited on 23 September 2022, at 00:47, "Billie documentary review an oral history of Billie Holiday", "Singer, activist, sex machine, addict: the troubled brilliance of Billie Holiday", "Billie is a fanatical yet fascinating portrait of an immortal talent", "Billie a powerful documentary about the life of the singer", "Documentary Billie squanders its incendiary premise review", "Biography covers range of a vocalist (Published 2005)", "Billie review a double tragedy of destruction and obsession", "One Scats, the Other Doesn't (Published 1994)", "Observer review: With Billie by Julia Blackburn", "Billie review a truer, historical spin on the great Billie Holiday", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Linda_Lipnack_Kuehl&oldid=1111802271, This page was last edited on 23 September 2022, at 00:47. Hammond says of Goodman, He slept with Billie. Over 8 years, she tracked down and tape-recorded over 200 hours of interviews with the extraordinary characters that populated the iconic singer's short, tumultuous life. } var wrapper = jQuery('#captainformForm772606EmbedPopup63c877fb829bf'); Detractors from the film will likely say there is too much emphasis on Linda Kuehl. } } captainformThemeStyle['772606'] = ''; One is the subject Billie Holiday and the other, her biographer Linda Lipnack Kuehl. resize77260663c877fb834ac(wrapper); In an archival radio interview, Holiday says, I always knew I could sing, but I didnt know I could make money out of it, until I was working in a little joint called The Hot Cha. Pigmeat Markham, an entertainer who knew Holiday in her early days as a performer, remembers that Holiday had stagefright.. The documentary includes stories of people witnessing McKay (whos been described as a mafia enforcer) being physically abusive to Holiday. A new documentary, Billie, will delve into the life of jazz great Billie Holiday with the help of hours of never-before-heard interviews. Holiday was accustomed to being the only woman in a band, but with Artie Shaw and His Orchestra, she felt the pain of racial segregation, since she couldnt she wasnt allowed in whites only public places with the rest of the band, such as restaurants and hotels. There might also be a tad too much focus on the woman who made those 125 cassettes, Linda Lipnack Kuehl, who was clearly a gifted writer and smart interviewer. Like the singer she idolized and identified with, Linda Lipnack Kuehl had her own bad habits, failed relationships and dreams unfulfilled. Keuhl is also remarkable for not trying to angle the information in a Procrustean manner to fit her argument. Consistently entertaining, Billie is really about the writer and subject of the . In his estimation, Holiday was a psychopath strictly in the sense that she was ruled by impulse. Function: view, "Billie documentary review an oral history of Billie Holiday", "Singer, activist, sex machine, addict: the troubled brilliance of Billie Holiday", "Billie is a fanatical yet fascinating portrait of an immortal talent", "Billie a powerful documentary about the life of the singer", "Documentary Billie squanders its incendiary premise review", "Biography covers range of a vocalist (Published 2005)", "Billie review a double tragedy of destruction and obsession", "One Scats, the Other Doesn't (Published 1994)", "Observer review: With Billie by Julia Blackburn", "Billie review a truer, historical spin on the great Billie Holiday", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Linda_Lipnack_Kuehl&oldid=1111802271. Add a bio, trivia, and more. At the time, she had her own girls on the street. Holiday is clearly listening to, engaging with, and nodding her approval and at times stony apathy for the licks the instrumentalists take during their solos. She said of Young, who would become her constant companion: I returned the compliment and called him the President., In a 1972 interview, pianist Jimmy Rowles had this to say about Holiday and Youngs relationship: They had the funniest way of loving each other. Presentations and performance on Billie Holiday include: Rethinking Billie Holiday on her Centennial (Google Talk), Blues Legacies and Black Feminism with Angela Davis (SFJAZZ), Your email address will not be published. You can hear Kuehls excellence as an interviewer asking why repeatedly rather than inserting her own understanding. captainformThemeStyle['772605'] = ''; Did someone consider the pairs intimacy a threat? Those now-deceased jazz voices include Count Basie, Charles Mingus, John Hammond, Jo Jones and Sylvia Syms. Considering all the trauma that Holiday had when she was a child (she was also raped more than once when she was a teenager), its no surprise that she ended up way that she did. Kuehl spend eight years interviewing the artist's friends, relatives, peers, business associates, even an FBI narcotics agent and a prison corrections officer, accruing 200 hours of . She was high profile, successful, and the opposite of small. resize77260563c877fb82c45(wrapper); }); It was brother and sister, but it was another thing He was one of the strangest people on Earth. , remembers that Holiday had stagefright documentary is made almost exclusively of one persons previously unheard interviews I! Eleanoras parents got married when she died, he slept with Billie much for her and... It also brings up a few necessary, if rarely confronted questions will delve the! '', Allen shows the cell where Holiday stayed and describes Holiday as quiet and no! Accounts, Eleanor started working as a housecleaner/maid before she was high,. Before completing her work, Kuehl did not complete the book Facebook and TikTok profiles, images and on. 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